"Bai, come on." Bai's mother cheered for her son on the side.

Since he decided to follow Li Zhenwu to settle in the country of red beans, Bai began to accept Li Zhenwu's teaching, whether it was ninjutsu or the so-called 'Turtle Immortal Style' training.

While they were on the road, Li Zhenwu kept letting Bai Xiu practice.

And Bai himself also enjoys the feeling of this kind of cultivation. To be precise, he can still get praise and needs from Li Zhenwu, which makes him full of motivation.

Because of Bai and Bai's mother, Li Zhenwu's speed was much slower, and the three of them slowly prepared to leave the country of water and go to the country of red beans.

Li Zhenwu is about to go to the country of red beans and go to the red bean lovesick who has become the queen.

It's just that there's still a long way to go between here.

Because of the addition of Bai Hebai's mother, Li Zhenwu couldn't think of himself as before, he could go to uninhabited places at will, and he could fly directly over the sea.

Instead, you need to follow the road obediently, and you also need to be 21 hours across the ocean, and you need to take a boat honestly.

In this way, although the speed is full, there is also a different kind of scenery.

Li Zhenwu's practice was not delayed due to the change of schedule, but he also had a 'little tail'.

In his spare time, Li Zhenwu would teach Bai.

And under the guidance of Li Zhenwu, coupled with his own talent, Bai's progress was not slow at all.

Two months have passed, and Bai has been able to create several ice picks that he can control with a wave of his hand.

And they are also about to leave the country of water.

One day, they came to a village.

The three of them together at the moment are much less conspicuous than Li Zhenwu himself before, after all, there are adults and children in the team.

So they entered the village without causing a stir at all.

And Li Zhenwu went to someone to find out where to take the boat, so he could officially leave the country of water.

But when Li Zhenwu and Bai and Bai's mother reunited, Bai grabbed Li Zhenwu and whispered to him quietly but solemnly:

"Master Zhenwu, I heard someone in the village say that there is also a 'monster' child in their village?"

"Monster?" Li Zhenwu reacted after a while, this is the country of water, and people here call those who have the bloodline boundary that they hate as monsters.

"Also, this monster is paralyzed in the lower limbs, otherwise it would not have survived until now." Bai added.

"Then let's go and have a look." Li Zhenwu pondered for a while and decided to go over and take a look.

Bai nodded heavily: "Well, I already know where it is!"

Then, Bai couldn't wait to take Li Zhenwu to the most remote part of the village.

In the most remote and inconspicuous part of the village, there is a dilapidated house.

"It's in here!" Bai said, pointing to the sword house.

"Go in and have a look." Li Zhenwu could vaguely sense a faint aura, which was very weak, which made him feel a little strange and decided to go in and have a look.

Pushing the door in, it was dark inside, even in the daytime, it was still dark inside.

In the dim light, a young child can be seen lying on a worn wooden board.

This is a real child. At first glance, he is only four years old, but at the moment, he is looking at the two with wide eyes.

"Huh." Li Zhenwu discovered the peculiarities of this young child.

In this darkness, the child's eyes dimly flickered with red light.

"Hi, what's your name?" Bai was a little lively and couldn't help asking when he saw the toddler.

"Ranmaru, my name is Lanmaru." The child lying on the wooden board was only paralyzed, but he didn't lose his ability to speak, but he spoke softly and answered Bai's question.

"Master Zhenwu, his name is Lan Wan!"

"I heard." Li Zhenwu nodded, and then found that Lan Wan and Bai were a bit similar... Both of them were handsome in appearance, and their hair was a little long, so that their appearances were a bit neutral.

Moreover, Li Zhenwu also remembered the origin of the child Lanmaru in front of him.

In the previous life, there was no Ranmaru in the comics, but in the anime, there was a character named Ranmaru, who possessed the 'red eyes' of the Xueji limit, and could be called the natural enemy of white eyes!

Li Zhenwu looked at Lan Wan, who was paralyzed on the wooden board, and thought deeply.

In the original book, Ranmaru will meet the black hoe Leiya on a certain day, which is somewhat similar to the experience of Bai in the original book, but the difference is that after the black hoe Leiya died, Ranmaru also passed the curry of Sanjiao Granny. regained health.

But now, the black hoe Leiya has been killed by Li Zhenwu, so if he waits until he dies, maybe Lan Wan will be paralyzed forever, maybe one day, he will starve to death directly.

The seven members of the so-called Ninja Blade of Mist seem to have adopted children a bit.Li 410 Zhenwu said in his heart.

Then he also made a decision.

"Ranmaru, are you willing to go with me? From now on, no one will discriminate against you, no one will call you a monster, and you will be able to stand up again."

Li Zhenwu said so.

"Can I... stand up?"

In the vast ocean, a big ship is crossing the ocean.

Li Zhenwu was sitting on the deck blowing the sea breeze. Compared with flying across the sea from the sky, the quiet sailing on a boat had a different flavor.

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