Chapter [-] The old friend of the beauties!

"Mr. Li, let's go in!" Chu Tianjun stretched his hand out of the way, with a very respectful attitude.

The scene of the murder was heavily guarded, with SWAT officers armed with live ammunition standing guard around.

There are also high-level leaders of Jiangnan City, who command from the periphery.


Li Zhenwu nodded, Chu Tianjun was leading the way, and no one dared to stop him wherever he went.

Not only that, but some leaders responded with flattering smiles.

"Brother Tianjun, is the old man asking you to come here?"

"That's right. The impact of these cases is too bad. It's right for the old man to be worried."

"You please!"

Seeing Chu Tianjun, the leaders of Jiangnan City all respectfully greeted them.

The high status of the Su family in the south of the Yangtze River is evident from this.

As for Li Zhenwu, everyone's eyesight is not shallow, they have already seen Chu Tianjun's attitude, and they dare not stop it.

Just the shock in my heart, like a stormy sea.

Who is this boy?

Being able to lead the students of Su Laozi in Jiangnan, even with a humble attitude, absolutely subverts everyone's worldview.

In fact, many people speculated that the boy might be a high-level executive from Yanjing.

No matter what kind, a group of 437 people did not dare to express it directly, and they could not see it, but looking at Li Zhenwu's back, there was an incredible shock.

Entering the villa, the decoration is luxurious. A huge crystal chandelier hangs in the main hall. The retro European-style decoration is luxurious to the extreme.

When Li Zhenwu and others came in, they saw ugly expressions on their faces.

Some people, with pale faces, rushed out of the villa and vomited on the lawn at the door.

"It's so cruel, you can't see the whole body at all."

Rao is the person in charge who has experienced a hundred battles, and he feels disgusting and nauseated, and the cruelty of his methods is simply outrageous.

Li Zhenwu carried his hands on his back, and his temperament was incompatible with the people around him.

"What a monk of the devil's way. He divided his corpse and killed it. Is this trying to devour his soul to make a magic weapon?"

Just looking at it, Li Zhenwu had an idea.

"Mr. Li, what do you mean by devouring the soul?" Chu Tianjun was humble and didn't feel ashamed to ask.

"Look around, the windows of the villa are open, the weather is sunny outside, why can't Yangguan come in? Also, the weather in October is now, so many people gather in the main hall, there is no feeling of heat at all, on the contrary, it is as cold as a cave. "Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, pointed to the layout of the villa, and talked eloquently.

Hearing this, Chu Tianjun immediately noticed this, and he couldn't help feeling chills down his spine.

When they came in, no one noticed this, but now after being reminded, they all felt the hairs all over their bodies.

Looking outside the window, the sun was shining brightly, but the sunlight that should have come in fell on the windowsill, as if it was blocked by a transparent wall, which was very strange.

"But what does this have to do with swallowing souls?" Chu Tianjun asked in a low voice, emboldened.

At this moment, he simply admired Li Zhenwu.

Even these feng shui metaphysics can be said casually, definitely an expert!

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, just as he was about to answer, suddenly a beautiful figure hurried down from the second floor.

This is a tall and slender woman, wearing a police uniform, with a heroic spirit, delicate and charming facial features, long and slender eyebrows, and her beautiful eyes are shining brightly.

I have to say that when this woman appeared, she immediately became the protagonist in the field.

Everyone came forward to greet him, and even Chu Tianjun felt uncomfortable.

"Team Su!"

"Miss Su!"

Different professions have different names for this woman.

But no matter how they were called, the expressions of a group of people were full of awe, yes, it was awe.

"Mr. Li, this is Mr. Su's granddaughter Su Xiaoli." Chu Tianjun lowered his voice, his tone unnatural.

You must know that at the beginning, Su Quan prohibited his granddaughter from participating in messy things, but he turned his head and appeared here.

Su Xiaoli has slender legs and a graceful figure in a police uniform. Her graceful curves cannot be concealed at all.

"Xiaojun, what are you doing here?"

Soon, Su Xiaoli saw Chu Tianjun, her pretty face tightened, and she asked in a cold voice.

She was born a proud daughter of heaven, but she did not have the exaggeration of rich children. On the contrary, she was calm and independent. With her own strength, she soon had a seat in the system.

Just look at the look in the eyes of those colleagues looking at her.

"Little...Miss, ha, let me introduce to you, this is Mr. Li, the old man invited by the old man." Chu Tianjun was very guilty, his eyes flickered, and he could only look at Li Zhenwu for help. .

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