Similarly, Li Zhenwu also turned his head to look over, and his heart throbbed.

Met an old friend again?

When he saw Su Xiaoli, Li Zhenwu's keen sense of spirit sensed a familiar soul breath.

There is no need to guess, the beautiful woman in front of her must be an old friend from a previous life.

"Is he an expert?" Su Xiaoli glanced at Li Zhenwu sideways, his eyes full of suspicion: "Grandpa is confused, can you be confused too? I look at the young man, should he still be in college?"

"No, Su Quan is very awake, you are the one who is confused!" Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, with a playful smile in his eyes, "If I'm not mistaken, you should have been insomnia a lot lately and have the same dream every time. When you wake up, everything is clear in the dream, but the person you are talking to is blurred, right?"


Hearing this, everyone was shocked, with absurd expressions on their faces.

Only Su Xiaoli was shocked and blurted out, "How did you know?"

"What's the matter, I also know that when you were born, the sky was full of red clouds, and the color of the sun was surprisingly red!" Li Zhenwu snapped his fingers and said casually.

Even know this, is it true?

As soon as these words came out, there was a commotion in the crowd, and everyone looked at Li Zhenwu with a strange look.

Even Chu Tianjun was shocked, wondering if it was the old man who said it, otherwise how could he even know these secret things.

"" Su Xiaoli clenched her teeth and pointed at Li Zhenwu, her delicate body trembling.

This time, it was not angry, but shocked, and there was even a touch of fear in my heart.

"Don't get excited, you are a natural beauty and disaster, and you are the source of disaster for the country and the people."

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, and as soon as the words came out, a feeling of horror was set off.

Chapter [-] Who is the Murderer!

Since ancient times, the beauty has a lot of life, and the most famous beauty in the disaster is the Daji of the Shang Dynasty.

And Li Zhenwu's previous life old friend, Daji, although he is a beauty, is not a disaster.

There is a big reason, because of his existence, he has changed the fate of many people and the direction of history.

For some reason, this little girl was reincarnated.

A strange feeling appeared in Li Zhenwu's heart.

"You... Who are you?" Su Xiaoli's beautiful eyes widened, her brows furrowed, and her delicate little face was full of shock.

"We are old friends, as for who you are, you will know sooner or later." Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, then looked around, his eyes fixed on a mirror, and said, "Of course, now is not the time to reminisce about the past, so let's take this one first. Let's settle it!"

While speaking, he carried his hands on his back and walked leisurely to the mirror.

This is a floor-to-ceiling mirror, three meters long and wide, which can reflect all the scenery in the main hall.

"Miss, this is an expert invited by the old man, er, to help Miss solve the case." Chu Tianjun didn't know how to explain it, so he could only talk nonsense about one reason.

When Su Xiaoli heard the words, her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, staring at Li Zhenwu's back with a strange brilliance.

You know, Li Zhenwu's remarks really shocked her.

But at this moment, thinking of the person Grandpa invited, he sneered in his heart, secretly thinking, "Could it be that Grandpa said it, it must be like this".

Thinking of this, Li Zhenwu's senses were extremely poor.

After all, Su Xiaoli was twenty-five years old, but she had never been in love. Obviously, she thought of the old man's purpose and thought that Li Zhenwu was one of those playboys.

"Hehe, master, right?" She stepped up, stood side by side with Li Zhenwu, glanced sideways, and said, "What did you see?"

The fragrant breath rushed towards the face, lingering on the tip of the nose, and could not dissipate for a long time.

It is worthy of being born with a face of disaster. If he was not born in such a giant as the Su family, he would definitely become a source of disaster for the country and the people.

Li Zhenwu turned his head to look at Su Xiaoli, and smiled lightly: "I see that the murderer is one, well, it's not a human!"


Su Xiaoli didn't believe the words that were close to magic at all. Isn't he a ghost?

For a moment, her sense of Li Zhenwu fell to the freezing point, thinking that Li Zhenwu was just a young talent favored by the old man.

Even the group of people present showed a look of contempt.

Only Chu Tianjun lowered his head slightly, as if thinking about something, his face became more and more solemn.

"Do you think it's bullshit?" Li Zhenwu glanced at Su Xiaoli with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

Hearing this, not to mention Su Xiaoli, everyone present was shouting in their hearts, isn't this nonsense?

"Then you say, what is not a person?"

"If you don't believe me, forget it. If you want to know, you'll know when you come here in the early morning." Li Zhenwu shook his head, too lazy to explain, and turned around and left the villa.

Seeing this, Chu Tianjun quickly chased after him a few steps, as if he was a guard, accompanying him.

This scene shocked everyone, and at the same time, they were all curious about the identity of this young man.

"I already know what's going on, come over tonight to solve this thing!" Li Zhenwu said casually.


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