Chu Tianjun's expression changed, and his heart became curious, but he didn't dare to ask more, nodded and walked towards the parking lot.

Just as they opened the door, they were about to get in.

"Stop, who the hell are you?" Su Xiaoli was wearing a police uniform and walked upright: "I remember, you are Li Zhenwu. I investigated you, but I didn't expect that he would appear in front of me."

Just now, Li Zhenwu's words disturbed her mind, but when she thought of it, she immediately chased after him.

Obviously, the person who Su Quan reprimanded her for not letting her investigate was probably the young man in front of her.

She was very curious as to who could make her grandfather so fearful.

"Why can't I be here?" Li Zhenwu turned around and looked at Su Xiaoli with clear eyes.

His eyes are as deep as the night sky, his facial features are tender and green, like a boy next door, but his temperament, if mature and prudent, is very magical.

"Is the death of Xie Kun in Hanhe City related to you?" Su Xiaoli was not afraid, and his eyes were firm: "And Liang Jianhui and his son, don't think I don't know, it seems that you are the legendary cultivator."

While speaking, she looked solemn, slowly raised her hand, and touched the pistol on her waist.

However, Li Zhenwu was indifferent, smiled and said, "Guess!"

After he finished speaking, he opened the car door and got into the passenger seat. He didn't even bother to care about her like that.

When Chu Tianjun next to him saw this, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, thinking that the young lady's temper had not changed.

"Miss, Mr. Li is an honored guest of the old man. There are some things in this case that mortals like us can't see through." Chu Tianjun said with a guilty conscience, biting his head.

Su Xiaoli glared at him, so scared that Chu Tianjun suddenly shut up, obviously afraid of this young lady.

"Since what you said is serious, let me ask you." Su Xiaoli paused for a while and said solemnly, "Who is the murderer?"

When she said this, she stared at Li Zhenwu, because this young man was too suspicious.

The relationship between Han and the city and even Liang Jianhui, as well as the two murders today, the methods and the degree of damage are too similar.

Moreover, the victims all had a holiday with Li Zhenwu!

"I won't say it. If I want to know, I will come here in the early morning tonight, but I have a warm reminder. If you are timid, don't come here."

Sitting in the passenger seat, Li Zhenwu leaned back, his eyes raised, and he stared at the beautiful woman blocking the door.

I have to say that Su Xiaoli has picturesque eyebrows, rosy lips, a straight nose, and a beautiful face. Compared with those female stars, she has more temperament and appearance.

"The police are handling the case. I suspect that your purpose is not pure. From this moment on, you cannot leave my sight."

However, Su Xiaoli seemed to be on the fence with Li Zhenwu, waved Chu Tianjun away, and sat directly in the driver's seat.

Her jade hands were as white as snow, holding the steering wheel, turning her head to stare at Li Zhenwu, a hint of cunning flashed in her eyes.

Chapter [-] This is unscientific

On the spot, Chu Tianjun looked stunned, looking at the taillights of the car that was passing away, his whole person was sluggish, and he couldn't react at all.

This is not scientific!

You know, just now, he was still aggressive and questioning, and in the blink of an eye, he was as tender as water.

He couldn't guess the woman's mind.

Suddenly, thinking of Su Xiaoli's eyes before he left, Chu Tianjun shuddered.

"Impossible, the lady has always been arrogant, and definitely doesn't mean anything to Mr. Li!" He exclaimed.

There is only one possibility, and that is to really suspect Li Zhenwu.

After all, even though Su Xiaoli was born in an aristocratic family, he was not spoiled by the children of the aristocratic family.

In order to solve the case, he went deep into the enemy's position and almost died there.

It is conceivable that this woman's tenacity is absolutely beyond imagination.

Of course, Li Zhenwu naturally knew that the Su Xiaoli in this life was not a beauty, but an upright female police officer and the nemesis of evil.

"I said, miss, although we were old friends in the past life, it's really boring for you to be like this!"

Sitting in the passenger seat, Li Zhenwu glanced at each other slightly, and found that Su Xiaoli's face was tense and his expression was very solemn.

"Don't think that cultivators can be lawless, but your methods are too low-level. Regardless of the scene or the cause and effect, it seems to be related to you. It is a big joke to say that you did not do it."

At this moment, she seemed to be a messenger of justice, berating Li Zhenwu.

However, after all, the evidence is insufficient, so there is no way to immediately arrest.

"Then why are you here? I want Xiaojun to be the driver!" Li Zhenwu said with a smile on his face.

This light-hearted attitude made Su Xiaoli angry, but Xiaojun?That old-fashioned look, she really wanted to beat her a few times.

As for why she got into the car, she didn't even know.

I just couldn't get used to Li Zhenwu's attitude, but now that I think about it carefully, I feel embarrassed in my heart.

"Ha! According to the cause and effect of the case, your suspicion is the greatest." Su Xiaoli's heart moved slightly, and he said solemnly: "You just said that there is someone else. I'm afraid that you abscond in fear of crime. Isn't this monitoring you?"

She didn't believe what Li Zhenwu said at all, but it was just to resolve the embarrassment.

"Let me correct one more thing, that thing is not human, it is beyond the scope of human beings." Li Zhenwu said seriously.

Not human yet?

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