Opening the door of the villa, a cold wind blows in, making people's heart tremble.

"It's so strange, the atmosphere here really doesn't look like someone who has lived here before." Qin Yaoxiu frowned and said in surprise.

"Could it be that there really are ghosts in this world?" Chen Shuangshuang shrank, his face full of horror.

Rao is that they are cultivators, and they are all afraid, not to mention Su Xiaoli, who has long been next to Li Zhenwu, and dare not let the air out.

The living room of the villa was pitch black, and I could not see my fingers.

"Don't be afraid, that thing hasn't come yet, everyone try to relax, there may be a fierce battle later."

Li Zhenwu stepped forward to the mirror in the living room, turned his head and smiled at everyone.

"You have seen this mirror in the morning. Is there anything special about it?" Su Xiaoli asked.

Hearing this, everyone was full of curiosity.

Everyone present, except Su Xiaoli, are all cultivators. They have keen senses and can see things at night.

But looking in the mirror in front of me, I couldn't feel anything strange.

"You have to know that this world is even more exciting than you think." Li Zhenwu stretched out his hand to touch the mirror, and explained lightly: "A cultivator, who cultivates is the Tao, but there are three thousand avenues, and all of them can become immortals... "

"After a person dies, the three souls and seven souls will leave the body, and will eventually be attracted to hell. But there are exceptions. Some people have deep grievances, and because of their obsession, they will stay in the world for a short time."

"But don't worry, the importance of yang in the world is not for the soul to stay for a long time, so some resentful ghosts will also be wiped out over time."

"So, despite the fact that people die every day, there are not many ghosts in the world at all."

Li Zhenwu looked serious, his eyes became more and more bright, and a holy blue light rose from his pupils.

"So that's it, what does that have to do with the mirror in front of you?" Qin Yao asked in confusion.

Not only her, but everyone's curiosity was aroused.

"Hehe, this mirror is actually just an ordinary mirror. However, after the murderer, the murderer did some tricks on the mirror. As a result, the souls of Gao Wenliang's family cannot stay in the world, nor enter hell." Li Zhenwu laughed.

As soon as these words came out, everyone took a few steps back.

They looked at the mirror in front of them and felt extremely uncomfortable.

"As I said, the real murderer is not a human being, but an evil puppet that has been refined by someone to absorb the souls of strangers to strengthen himself." Li Zhenwu smiled lightly.

Immediately, he reached out and wiped it on the mirror, and a blue light appeared.


On the dark mirror surface, three figures gradually emerged, it was Gao Wenliang's family of three.

They were translucent, tragically dead, and their empty eyes were full of despair, as if blood was constantly flowing out of their bodies.

so horrible!

There was a breath of cold air in the arena.

This suddenness made them unprepared, and they were all taken aback.

"Don't worry, after the death of ordinary people, the soul has no memory, it is just a special energy. Only after seven days in the human world will the memory of the life be briefly awakened, and then will be taken away from the world by the underworld."

"These spirits are not terrifying because they have come."

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, the corner of his mouth raised a hint of playfulness, he turned around slowly, and stared at the darkness ahead.

Chapter [-] Specter!

It has come!

Hearing this, I watched Li Zhenwu turn around and stared into the darkness.

For a moment, everyone's face turned pale, and a touch of fear appeared in their hearts.

Needless to say, Su Xiaoli, she is a girl and an ordinary person, and her fear is purely a fear of the unknown.

But Qin Yao and others were really scared.

Because they are cultivators, their senses are very keen, but at this time, they did not realize that what Li Zhenwu said came.

How terrible is this fact?

"Brother Zhenwu, who is it?" Ye Tian's face was full of bitterness, and his hands and feet trembled unconsciously.


Hu Ming and Chen Shuangshuang both felt their hearts hang in the air and looked terrified.

I only felt that there was a gloomy wind blowing behind them, as if in the darkness, there were a pair of indifferent eyes staring at them.

This is not an illusion, it is really scary!

"It doesn't matter, you can turn around and look at 14 to find out." Li Zhenwu raised his finger and pointed behind the crowd, and said with a smile: "It seems that I was wrong, it is not a puppet, but a ghost."

When the voice fell, everyone turned around suddenly, took a few steps back in unison, and leaned tightly beside Li Zhenwu.

I saw a pair of scarlet pupils on the dark ceiling, emitting a strange light, staring straight at it.


Suddenly, there was a slight noise in the villa, and the lights in the lobby suddenly turned on.

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