The lights were bright, instantly dispelling the boundless darkness.

Then, everyone saw a scene that they will never forget for a lifetime.

I saw a four-limbed humanoid creature lying on the ceiling, its eyes flashing bloodthirsty light.

This creature is three meters tall, with exposed bones, only a thin layer of human skin is wrapped, the head is highly rotten, and the corners of its mouth are cracked, revealing a large mouth of blood.

It hangs upside down from the ceiling, uses both hands and feet, and stares at everyone.

Even if the lights were on, the bloodthirsty aura did not change in the slightest.

This scene is so frightening, it makes people tremble.

If Li Zhenwu wasn't here, no matter if it was a girl or Ye Tian, ​​they would probably scream.

"This...this..." Ye Tian was tall, pointing at the ceiling at this moment, stammering, unable to say a word.

"Hehe, it seems that there are a lot of souls to eat, and they have grown to such a large size." Li Zhenwu took a step forward with his hands on his back, and explained: "This is a ghost, a ghost that can survive in the human world. They use resentful ghosts as food, Invulnerable to swords and guns, it is difficult for ordinary people to deal with it.”

The Specter in front of him is three meters tall and visually stunning.


The humanoid Specter's throat made a strange noise, with a big bloody mouth and a human face in his throat, staring at them resentfully.

"There are people who raise ghosts in this specter. It seems that the people behind them did not appear. They just controlled this specter from a distance to devour these resentful souls."

Seeing this scene, Li Zhenwu didn't understand the sound and tone, and explained it in a calm tone.

At this moment, if the picture wasn't too scary, everyone would have thought they were back in the classroom.

"Brother Zhenwu, how to deal with it?" Chen Shuangshuang's face turned pale, and his voice trembled.

That's right, this Specter has a terrifying aura all over his body. At first glance, he knows that he is not a kind, but he is probably very powerful.

Except for Li Zhenwu, even Qin Yao and the others were not sure to deal with them.

The most important thing is that this thing is so evil and disgusting that I can't bear to look directly at it.

However, Li Zhenwu slowly shook his head, stretched out his arms around Su Xiaoli beside him, and with a flash, he retreated to the other side of the hall.

"It's not me, but you have to deal with it, come on, don't be afraid, I'm watching!" Li Zhenwu laughed.

Informing them from the beginning, I wanted to practice it.

Now that he saw that it wasn't the black man behind him, just a ghost, he was very confident and relieved.

However, Ye Tian and the others trembled, their eyes widened, they couldn't believe it, Li Zhenwu sold them like this.

"Li Zhenwu, this is not a joke. I feel that this Specter is very strong, and we don't seem to be rivals." Qin Yao's face turned pale, and her beautiful eyes were full of horror.

Chen Shuangshuang was even more trembling, with tears in her eyes, almost crying.

This is a Specter, a creature that has never been seen before. Judging from its ugly appearance, it must be very evil.

"Brother, are you sure we can deal with it?" Ye Tian was about to cry, his body stiffened and he didn't dare to move.

Because they found that after Li Zhenwu backed away, this Specter's eyes flashed with blood in an instant, as if he saw his beloved prey.

"Of course, if you can't even deal with this Specter, then don't call yourself a cultivator." Li Zhenwu said lightly.

You must know that this Specter seems to be powerful, but it is not a person who raises ghosts, and his strength is also limited.


The next moment, the ghost moved.

It crawled on all fours, turned into a black light, flew out from the ceiling, and bit Hu Ming directly with its big mouth.


Beside him, Ye Tian reacted quickly, kicked him sideways, hit Li Gui's head, and shifted the bloody mouth a bit.

But Hu Ming's clothes were still torn apart, and his fangs were sharp, like a sword.

"You use your true energy to stimulate your blood energy. The more vigorous the blood energy is in 623, to Li Gui, it is scorching yang energy, and he doesn't dare to take it lightly."

Li Zhenwu spoke lightly and pointed out the crowd.

When the war broke out, no matter how scared, everyone did not hesitate.

Because, the three-meter-tall Specter had already attacked again.


Li Gui climbed up like an animal, kicked on the ground with all four limbs, leaped up, and grabbed Chen Shuangshuang with a pair of sharp claws.

Among the people present, Chen Shuangshuang, who had the lowest cultivation base, was still a girl, and his mind was unstable for a while, and his body was the heaviest.


Seeing this, Ye Tian's expression turned cold, and his hands quickly formed a fingerprint, making a fingerprint.

Immediately, the golden light circulated, and the majestic True Qi burst out instantly after touching the Specter.


The loud noise shook, and the entire villa was shaking.

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