It has to be said that when they started to take action, they cooperated seamlessly, with both offense and defense, but they were also indistinguishable from fighting with Specter.

In the distance, Su Xiaoli leaned against Li Zhenwu, dazzled.

She never imagined that she could see with her own eyes that the legendary cultivator made a move.

The power beyond nature is so powerful that I am afraid that ordinary people will be killed immediately when faced with it.

Chapter [-] Punish the Evil!

In the past, although I heard countless legends of cultivators, there were also various almost miraculous behaviors about Li Zhenwu.

However, I didn't see it with my own eyes, and I couldn't form a concept in my mind.

"Is this a cultivator?" Su Xiaoli muttered to himself, his eyes blurred.

The lobby of the villa is full of hundreds of square meters, and the space is very large, so that Qin Yao and others can easily dodge the attack of the ghost.

There is a lot of movement here, and after the loud noise erupts, I am afraid it can be transmitted far away.

Immediately, the entire community fell into panic.

When people looked at the direction of the explosion and found out that it was here, everyone was shocked.

The next moment, the policeman on duty was also alerted.


The piercing siren resounded through the sky.

Dozens of heavily armed police officers on duty, armed with hot weapons, rushed in quickly from a distance.

Inside the villa, the battle continued.

The dust rolled, the walls were blown up, the dust rustled, and the huge crystal chandelier in the center turned into glass slag and sprinkled all over the ground.

"There is trouble outside, go out and explain!" Li Zhenwu said nonchalantly, hugging Su Xiaoli's waist.

"Ah...then how do you get out?"

Feeling the touch from her waist, Su Xiaoli's pretty face turned red, her delicate skin like white porcelain was slightly red, like a ripe apple.

For some reason, being hugged by Li Zhenwu, instead of being angry, she enjoyed it very much.

"I'll take you out, follow my footsteps, don't be afraid." Li Zhenwu said gently with a slight smile.

While speaking, the two walked side by side from the edge of the battle range.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian and others felt speechless, especially Qin Yao, a tinge of jealousy appeared in their hearts.

However, what shocked them was that the Specter seemed to ignore the two of them completely, whizzing past them as if they were transparent.

The door of the villa opened, and Li Zhenwu and Su Xiaoli came out.

"Well, I think you should be able to handle it, I'll go back and fix that thing first!" Li Zhenwu let go of his arms around his waist and smiled lightly.

"Okay, be careful!"

Su Xiaoli stared at Li Zhenwu's immature facial features with a hint of loss in his heart, then turned and left.

When they returned to the villa lobby, the battle was fierce.

I have to say that Li Gui has at least the strength of a congenital cultivator, and there is no pain.

In the face of the stormy attack, he was able to fight back occasionally, almost putting the four in danger.

"You guys are good, then I won't waste time, this Specter is just a test, there are real ghost monks behind!"

Walking back from the front of the villa, Li Zhenwu opened his mouth and clenched his fists.

When he walked into Li Gui, his clenched fists shone brightly, like a sun, and suddenly bombarded out.


Li Gui was alert and tried to escape with all four limbs, but Li Zhenwu's punch was too fast.

The streamer flashed suddenly, and the fist mark hit.

Immediately, the majestic power fell like a meteor, and Li Gui's copper skin and iron bones fell apart in an instant, turned into dust in the sky, and rolled out backwards.


The fist wind was so strong that wherever he passed, the doors and windows of the villa collapsed, and a vacuum was created.

This picture is so shocking!

So that when Li Gui disappeared, a group of people were stunned and stunned in place.

"What? Do you still want to play?" Looking at the crowd, Li Zhenwu raised his eyebrows and made a rare mockery.

"Brother Zhenwu... worthy of being my Ye Tian's idol, he is so fierce as soon as he shoots!" Ye Tian reacted, screamed, and even changed his tone.

"Vacuum fist mark, how much power does it take to hit it?" Hu Ming was also stunned.

If the punch just now hit someone, I'm afraid he would be beaten into a cloud of blood.

Until this time, everyone felt how powerful it was to solve more than a dozen people with hot weapons with bare hands.

During their last trip to Zijin Mountain, they saw a shocking picture of the human body breaking through the speed of sound.

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