Moreover, along the way, Li Zhenwu is also constantly helping them to explore and improve their own bloodline boundaries.

This, so far, has had some effect.

Lan Wan's red eyes, white ice escape, and Junma Lu's corpse veins, the three magical uses of the blood continuum, were all mastered by them little by little.

They entered the country of red beans, this small and peaceful country.

Li Zhenwu first took them to find an inn to stay, and then Li Zhenwu went to see the queen red bean lovesick here.

The newly appointed Queen of the Red Bean Kingdom, who has been in office for less than a year, is bored watching butterflies in the back garden of her palace. She is extremely bored.

The country of red beans is too small. Compared with some big countries, it is only the size of several other cities, so there is nothing to do in daily life.

She was looking at butterflies, bored, and suddenly sighed, thinking of the Konoha ninjas who had rescued her.

"Their lives must be colorful." Hongdou Xiangsi sighed and couldn't help but imagine what kind of life Li Zhenwu's group would encounter, but after thinking about it, he felt that it would be more wonderful than his own queen. .

After sighing, Hongdou Xiangsi felt that it was boring to look at butterflies, so he raised his head.

But just looking up, she found something unusual in the sky.

Looking up carefully, Hongdou Xiangsi suddenly found that a person was flying towards him from a distance.


Just a moment later, the person flying in the sky landed in front of her.

"Little Acacia, long time no see."

The man who flew down from the sky grinned, showing a standard smile with eight teeth, bright and sunny, and told her like this.

"Li, Li, Li Zhenwu!"

Red Bean Acacia was stunned, and it took a while before she opened her mouth in shock, but it was also full of disbelief.

"It's me, long time no see." Li Zhenwu smiled slightly.

(Several chapters transition to daily life~)

Chapter [-] Wandering Ninja! (Second more)

After greeting the queen of red bean love, Li Zhenwu and a few people really settled in the country of red beans.

In other words, Li Zhenwu arranged a few of them here, especially after Bai's mother settled down, Li Zhenwu could set off to travel and practice without any worries.

However, when Li Zhenwu decided to do this, he was delayed because of one incident.

"True martial arts, true martial arts!"

Red Bean Acacia ran over yelling.

The place where they were located was a corner on the edge of the capital of the Red Bean Kingdom, which was very secluded and peaceful.

Li Zhenwu originally decided to continue to travel, but Hongdou Acacia shouted and wanted to come to him for help.

"What are you busy with?" Li Zhenwu asked.

Red Bean Acacia coughed twice, sorted out his thoughts, and then said: "Our country of red beans has formed a caravan to go out to trade, but we lack ninja guards, so..."

Red Bean Acacia hasn't finished speaking, but the implication is already obvious.

"I'm not the kind of ninja who does this kind of task all day." Li Zhenwu was dumbfounded, ready to refuse.

But Hongdou Acacia spoke in advance and pleaded: "There are some small countries around here, and the borders are very chaotic, and these countries do not have ninja villages, and it is too far to go to the land of fire for help, so I can only ask You helped."

"Can you help me?" Hongdou Xiangsi asked Li Zhenwu: "Even if you are not free, but I heard that your apprentices are very good!"

Red Bean Acacia said, their country is not big unless they come. Even the guards required by the scale of the caravan are only the ninja class. After all, the caravan may only face some bandits or robbers.

And bandits and robbers, generally speaking, facing ninjas, they are all food delivery materials.

"They?" Li Zhenwu knew who Hongdou Xiangsi said about his apprentices, namely Baihe Junmalu and Lan Wan, but he did not correct the mistakes in Hongdou Xiangsi's words, but thought about it.

Then Li Zhenwu found that this is really feasible.

Now Bai and Junmalu are the same age, both around seven years old, while Ranmaru is younger.

However, their original bloodline limit was comparable to that of general tolerance, not to mention that Li Zhenwu has been training for a few months now.

Li Zhenwu touched his chin and thought about it, feeling that he could agree to the request of Hongdou Acacia.

So Li Zhenwu nodded and sighed: "Okay, I'll help you this time."

Because of this, Li Zhenwu delayed his preparations to continue traveling.

Li Zhenwu was worried because Bai and Junmalu were only really acting as ninjas to protect the caravan, and Bai's mother was even less worried.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu also served as their team leader once.

One Bai, one Lan Wan, one Junma Lu, and one Li Zhenwu.Coincidentally, it is really the same size as Konoha's general squad.

Three apprentices, one leader teacher.

Moreover, the strength directions of the three people also cooperated well with each other.

Because of his bloodline limit, Junmalu is the strongest in melee combat.On the other hand, Bai's Bing Dun has the best talent in long-range and ninjutsu.As for Lan Wan, the youngest, she has a pair of red eyes with unparalleled insight!

To form a team together and be a 'ninja' to escort the caravan, several people are a little excited.

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