"Master Zhenwu, are we ninjas now?" Bai Geng asked Li Zhenwu.

"Uh, it should be counted, and it shouldn't be counted." Li Zhenwu thought for a while and said: "Some of your strengths can barely be regarded as a ninja, but, you are also rootless, belong to wandering ninjas, really The major countries in the world may not necessarily recognize your ninja status."

Hearing this, Bai was a little disappointed, and then asked, "How can I become a ninja recognized by them?"

"Well..." Li Zhenwu pondered, and then said: "Generally speaking, they are ninjas from the ninja village. They are more orthodox, and you are not included."

"Just like you, Lord Zhenwu, you can be considered an orthodox origin."

"Yes." "Li Zhenwu nodded, "I am a ninja from Konoha..."

"Konoha." After hearing Li Zhenwu's words, Bai's eyes couldn't help but show some fascination.

"If Konoha can produce such a powerful ninja as Lord Zhenwu, then this village must be very powerful." Bai secretly fascinated in his heart.

The conversation with Bai made Li Zhenwu suddenly think of something.

That is, if he returns to Konoha in the future, how will Bai and Junmalu deal with themselves?

You must know that Konoha has already formed a self-circulation and talent training system, and a steady stream of talents has made them less accepting of wandering ninjas.

As for the three of them, Bai and Ranmaru and Junmalu, their future identities will inevitably be a little embarrassing.

"If it wasn't for me, the fate of the three of them would be completely different." Li Zhenwu thought to himself, "If nothing has changed, Bai should have been adopted by Zai Bujian and become his assistant. Lan Wan was taken by the black hoe and thunder. Tooth adopted, also wandered with him and became his partner. But both of them are also considered wandering ninjas."

"Only Junmalu was adopted by Orochimaru, but Orochimaru established a sound ninja village, so he can be considered a ninja from the sound ninja village."

Li Zhenwu thought to himself, "Could it be that in the future 4.2 will let them be a wandering ninja?"

Li Zhenwu's troubles did not last long, because they had already followed the caravan on the road, but after they set off, they found that a person had quietly sneaked in in the team.

"Red, Bean, Xiangsi, Si." Li Zhenwu looked at Hongdou Xiangsi, who had camouflaged himself with a dark face: "Why did you follow me?"

"I'm bored in the country of red beans, and I'm like coming out to relax." Acacia red beans giggled: "Follow you, and experience the life of a ninja."

"You are a king, and you still yearn for the life of a ninja." Li Zhenwu shook his head. Red Bean Acacia is obviously the master of a country, but he is not restful.

Suddenly, Li Zhenwu looked at Hongdou Acacia, and suddenly remembered something.

Chapter [-] Self-created ninja village! (third more)

The caravan was still on its way, and Hongdou Acacia finally got his wish in the team.

At this time, Li Zhenwu took his three-person team, while carrying out the escort mission, while also teaching them other various knowledge as a ninja.

During this process, Red Bean Acacia often came to Li Zhenwu's side to discuss with Li Zhenwu excitedly.

"What's the name of the ninja village?"

"Where do you think the Ninja Village is best?"

"Ninja Village can..."

Red Bean Acacia chattered happily and discussed with Li Zhenwu, and other Bai and others inevitably heard some.

"Ninja Village?" The three of them came over, and Bai asked curiously, "What Ninja Village?"

Red Bean Acacia showed off and said: "Our country of red beans, we must have our own ninja village!"

"What do you mean?" Hearing this, Bai and the other three looked at Li Zhenwu.

"This big mouth..." Li Zhenwu helplessly looked at Hongdou Xiang 21 Si's proud look.

However, Li Zhenwu still explained it to the three.

Last time, when Li Zhenwu was looking at the identity of Baihe Lanmaru and Junma Lu in the future, he saw Hongdou Acacia again, and suddenly a note appeared.

And this idea has something to do with Orochimaru. It can be said that Orochimaru inspired him.

"Orochimaru can build a music ninja village... Why can't I build a ninja village?" Li Zhenwu had such an idea at the time.

Then, he thought about it for a while, and then the more he thought about it, the more he felt that his idea was possible!

And, now there is this condition!

They are now in the country of red beans, because of their relationship with red beans, so if they really want to build a ninja village, then it will be a lot more convenient!

What's more... Li Zhenwu and Hongdou Xiangsi just mentioned this idea, and Hongdou Xiangsi immediately expressed that he would strongly support it!

There is no way, for the public and private, for Acacia red beans, the country has a ninja village, which is a great improvement to the national strength of the country!

In the past, her small country, the Land of Red Beans, would not necessarily be able to build a ninja village, even with the strength of the whole country.

But now, as long as you provide support, you can get one more ninja village in the country.

Even Red Bean Acacia is still urging Li Zhenwu to establish a ninja village quickly, and she does not hesitate to help the whole country.

In this case, Li Zhenwu's establishment of a ninja village seems to be a foregone conclusion.

However, there is still a problem with the establishment of a ninja village.

That's Li Zhenwu's identity!

His identity is still a traveling ninja of Konoha, and he is also a disciple of Hokage, not a betrayal.

In other words, he still has a 'hukou'.

Therefore, if a ninja village is really to be established, then it is not so convenient for him to show up in a big way.

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