However, this problem is not insurmountable.

Therefore, the establishment of a ninja village is almost a certainty.

After Li Zhenwu and Bai briefly explained what happened in the Ninja Village, the three of them could see the excitement again.

Shiro even joins Acacia Red Bean, trying to figure out what name the Ninja Village should be called.

"The name..." Li Zhenwu pondered, thinking seriously.

In Naruto World, the trend of naming ninja villages probably started from Konoha, after all Konoha was the first ninja village.

And Konoha was directly named after the 'Mudun' that the first Hokage was best at at that time.

The names of other similar ninja villages are mostly related to their ninja skills.

Even the sound ninja village created by the Orochimaru Club and some ninjas trained are good at attacking with sound.

Therefore, with such a name idea, Li Zhenwu began to think about the ninja village he wanted to create, and what the ninjas would be best at.

"Probably the best at..." Li Zhenwu pondered, "Xueji boundary? After all, there are several people who can be identified now, all of them have blood boundary, but it's too high-profile to use the name of blood, and it can't get any good names. ."

Li Zhenwu thought of an idea, but he ruled it out in a blink of an eye, and then continued to think.

"In addition to the bloody fairyland... the ninjas of the ninja village will be the best at..." Li Zhenwu thought about it, and suddenly thought of something.

"By the way, the best thing, in addition to their own blood, the best thing is definitely physical art!"

Li Zhenwu's eyes lit up and thought of this.

If it is physical art, then it is not very accurate, because until now, Li Zhenwu has only used the training method of 'Turtle Immortal Flow' to train Bai and the others.

But Li Zhenwu learned the 'Konoha-style' body 913 technique from Kai, but he did not rashly hand it over to a few people.

But even so... the power of the Turtle Immortal Stream has already begun to manifest.

The so-called Konoha flow is a kind of physical technique, but it is also a technique that increases the chakra through the body.

The Guixian Liu, however, is a martial art that thoroughly taps the potential of the body. It can even reach a very powerful level without the need for chakra.

Bai, who was the first to receive Li Zhenwu's teaching and training, has been training in the way of the Turtle Immortal for a long time. Now even if he does not rely on his own Bing Dun's blood to follow the boundary, relying on his fists and feet alone, his power is not bad.

"In this way, what they are best at in the future, except for the blood and the boundary, should be pure physical skills!" Li Zhenwu wanted to understand this, and said to himself: "Then, the name of the ninja village... It's better to call it' Body Ninja Village 'Okay!"

Li Zhenwu, who had figured out the question of the name himself, gave this answer when Baihe Hongdou Acacia asked again.

"The name of our ninja village is called body ninja village!"

(The third thing is to ask for automatic subscription! Seriously, I have never asked for any flowers or rewards, just ask for automatic subscription!)

Chapter [-] Body Ninja Village! (fourth more)

Building a ninja village is more than just talking.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu's continued travel plan was completely bankrupt, and he temporarily devoted himself to the establishment of a ninja village.

Although the tour was changed to the establishment of a ninja village, Li Zhenwu's practice did not fall behind.

Because building a ninja village really doesn't mean building it.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu often runs around outside.

The stars move, and the autumn and winter alternate.

Time has entered Konoha 54 years.

When the intelligence system established by Li Zhenwu received information that Konoha's Uchiha Itachi had passed the Chunin exam and became a Chunin, Li Zhenwu realized that time passed so quickly.

It has been more than a year since he left Konoha.

In the first half of the year, he traveled in the country of water, and finally got itchy hands Shiro, Ranmaru, and Junmalu, and then took them to the country of red beans to temporarily live in the lower half, just for the sake of I worked hard to create a 'Ninja Village'.

To this day, he has built the framework of the Ninja Village, and with the help of the power of the Red Bean Country, he has created his own intelligence system, using the advanced intelligence concepts of his previous life.

In addition to the intelligence system, Li Zhenwu also gathered a lot of talents.

But so far, he has not officially established a village.

The previous efforts were all for building the village and perfecting the ninja village.

The next thing to do is to officially create a ninja village.

But before that, Li Zhenwu still lacked something, so he was going to return to Konoha.

This is the second time he has returned to the village outside of the village. The last time was the first time he had the idea to create a ninja village. He quietly went back and asked his parents and asked them to move to the country of red beans not far away, but Both refused.

And this time back, Li Zhenwu is still preparing to enter the village quietly.

And entering the village, Li Zhenwu also has full confidence and will not be discovered.

After preparing to return to Konoha, Li Zhenwu flew over directly.

The current Li Zhenwu's qi has reached a level that can support him to fly for a long time, and the speed of flight is also faster.

Flying to the place close to Konoha, Li Zhenwu used a skill in order to prevent being seen.

One he also got by lottery, but a very magical skill.


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