Transformation is a magical skill in the world of Dragon Ball, the source is in the 'Southern Transformation Kindergarten'.

The transformation technique can allow the user to change what he wants to change, but the actual power is actually still so much.

But the complete transformation technique is still somewhat convenient.

For example, Li Zhenwu at this moment has transformed into a bird.

The bird Li Zhenwu transformed into flapped its wings, flew into the Konoha from above, and then stopped on top of a tree, watching quietly.

He saw many acquaintances, and also saw his parents, and then he fluttered his wings and flew to other places.

This time, he flew to his home.

At this moment, he has no parents at home, but he has his goal this time.

That is the Ninjutsu Daquan that he hid at home and got from Sarutobi or collected statistics.

Among these ninjutsu, except for some special and unique ones, others can be regarded as the most fundamental resources after the establishment of his 'Ninjutsu Village'.

When he left home, he left a letter on the table that his parents could read as soon as they got home.

Then Li Zhenwu had no nostalgia and left with confidence.

But he didn't go far, because he still wanted to find out where Shimura Danzo was.

But it is very strange that he flew a full circle around the village, but found no trace of Shimura Danzo.

"Is it already dead? But I didn't get such information." Li Zhenwu was surprised.

She originally wanted to take this opportunity to send Shimura Danzo to the west, but she didn't expect to find any trace of Shimura Danzo.

In desperation, Li Zhenwu could only return without success.

A distance after the transformed bird flew out of Konoha, Li Zhenwu shook his body and turned back into his original appearance.

"It's still comfortable to change back to the original appearance." Li Zhenwu breathed a sigh of relief.

The transformation technique he obtained is amazing, it can be ever-changing, but the inner part cannot be changed, and even if he becomes a bird, then his strength will not be able to display much, it may not be limited all the time.

However, if he transforms into a human-like appearance, he can still display his strength without hindrance, but it is a little inconvenient.

Li Zhenwu turned around and glanced at Konoha, and then the air he was in suddenly exploded, and he had already flown back to the country of red beans like a rocket.

Returning to the country of red beans, a remote and peaceful place outside the capital was chosen as the resident of the body ninja village.

After more than half a year of construction, there have been many facilities here, and a lot of anger has quietly increased. There are orphans collected from the country, and there are refugees from other places, all of which are taking root here at this moment.

Li Zhenwu returned to the village, and then informed Hongdou Acacia, and his three 'disciples', Bai, Lanmaru, Junmalu, and some collected during this time, the vitality of the village in the future.

After gathering together, Hongdou Xiangsi couldn't help but ask, "Zhenwu, what's wrong with gathering everyone this time?"

She asked this because Li Zhenwu was acting very solemnly and brought everyone together.

Li Zhenwu's eyes looked around the room, swept over everyone's faces, some sighs, some emotions, and finally turned into one sentence:

"Our 'Ninja Village' has been officially established from today!"


"Finally officially established."

The whole room was filled with excitement.

It has been brewing and accumulating for more than half a year, and I have worked hard to prepare for so long.

The Ninja Village has finally been officially established!

The [-]st chapter Uchiha extermination (fifth more)

The country of red beans is small, and there are many small countries nearby.

But just unknowingly, these small countries have discovered something in each other.

That is their neighboring country, the country of red beans has quietly added a ninja village called 'Tin Ninja Village'.

Slowly, they began to recruit ninjas from the country of red beans, and when they had difficulties, they would also seek the help of ninjas in the ninja village.

In addition, the country of red beans has repeatedly promoted its own country's ninja village during its diplomacy, so that with the addition of a ninja village, the country of red beans, the national strength has also been improved and improved.

Gradually, the reputation of the Ninja Village spread in the surrounding countries, and the reputation of the Ninja Village was also spreading further afield.

Before I knew it, another two years had passed.

In the past two years, the reputation of the ninja village has begun to spread among the small countries nearby.

Of course, some tasks were handled by Li Zhenwu after he had changed them himself, and some of them could already be handed over to his three 'disciples'.

In addition to them, Li Zhenwu also recruited some wandering ninjas, making the body ninja village enough to exist as a small ninja village.

Moreover, within the ninja village, there is already a ninja school to cultivate living strength.

However, the opening time of this ninja school is not fixed. The main aspects of ninjutsu and taijutsu require Li Zhenwu to start classes at the ninja school when he has time. He personally serves as the teacher...

Time has entered the 56th year of Konoha, and Li Zhenwu has been very fulfilling in the 'Tin Ninth Village' he founded.

His practice has never fallen, and almost every day he makes a little bit of progress.

The potential of the Saiyans is showing little by little, and there is no such thing as a 'strength bottleneck' in Li Zhenwu.

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