Unexpectedly, in order to kill Li Zhenwu, Liang Jianhui was so determined, and all kinds of resentment, I am afraid that Jiutian Xinghe could not be extinguished.


Li Zhenwu flickered, came to the ghost shadow, raised his legs and kicked it.

boom!Like a ball, the ghost figure was kicked out and smashed off the wall, causing the dust to rustle down, obscuring the sight.

"Damn, you still dare to shoot, I want you to die." Ghost Ying shouted furiously, and immediately flew over, carrying the cold Yin wind.

However, Li Zhenwu sneered and kicked it away with one kick, a kick that contained the power of true martial arts, and the painful ghost came to life.

"Let me tell you, I can kill you with a flip of my hand." Li Zhenwu was expressionless, extremely strong, he shot again and punched him.


At this moment, in the corner of the hall, a thick pitch black rolled up, like an ocean wave, slapped towards Li Zhenwu.


The two collided, a loud noise erupted, and the entire sky garden shook.

"Hmph, come out, I'll deal with it together."

Li Zhenwu stepped back, the corners of his mouth raised coldness, his eyes were fixed on the corner, and he spoke lightly.

Infinite black fog emerged there, filling the entire hall, containing a cold and evil energy, as if it could devour people's anger.

The black mist filled the air, and there were countless faces, old and young, innumerable.

"I've worked so hard, save me..." An old man's face, with blood and tears flowing from his empty pupils, begged everyone for mercy.

"Wuwu, I was raped and then killed, and I can't live in peace after death. When will it end?" A woman screamed with fangs on her face.

"Mom and Dad, I'm so scared..." A child's face was crying silently.

Countless voices are intertwined in the black mist, and faces are numb, begging, painful, and desperate.

Each face represents a dead person.

At this moment, there are thousands of faces in the black mist. They still have memories, but they will never be able to escape from the sea of ​​suffering.

"It's so vicious. Every time you kill one person, your soul will be used for cultivation. This is to use the lives of ten thousand people to achieve your own body of ten thousand ghosts."

Seeing this scene, Li Zhenwu's face was ashen, and his tone was extremely cold.

Hearing this, everyone came to understand, and their faces changed dramatically, and a nameless anger was brewing in the abdomen, as if it would erupt at any time.

"What, there are so many faces here, are they all killed by spellcasters?" Su Xiaoli's voice trembled, her face was pale, her pink fists clenched tightly, and her beautiful eyes contained strong killing intent.

Not only her, but even Qin Yao and the others are not afraid at this moment.

Yes, it is the anger that can burn the sky!

"Gaga, you are going to die, do you still feel sorry for others?"

In the thick black mist, a man with a short stature and thin like a dry tree slowly stood up.

He is dark-skinned, with long, slender eyes, with distinct Southeast Asian features.

At this moment, there are countless dark mists around him, rolling constantly, exuding an extremely evil aura.

"Haha, the master killed them, especially Li Zhenwu, he must be killed."

The ghost next to him was screaming, his voice resentful and cold.

"My good disciple, after I help you get revenge, I will let you live here forever, forever and ever." The short dark man smiled.

This pair of masters and apprentices seemed reckless and arrogant.

The terrifyingly strong attitude came directly, threatening to kill everyone present, refining everyone's souls into themselves.

"That idiot is handed over to you. As long as you stimulate your own blood, you can hurt him."

Li Zhenwu spoke lightly, and immediately stepped forward, not retreating but advancing, and greeted the other party.

Hearing his words, Qin Yao and the others, their hearts moved slightly, they shot in an instant, and one by one, a shocking situation broke out.

"Kill you all!" Ye Tian shouted, the veins on his forehead throbbing, and a cluster of flames rose in his pupils.


He is very strong, the first shot, the blood is soaring, like a prison, fierce to the extreme.

Almost [-] cm tall, golden light glowed like a bull, slamming into the ghost shadow fiercely.

"You have to die."

Chen Shuangshuang's face turned pale, but it was not because of fear, but because of excitement.

When I learned the truth, the fear in my heart disappeared, and it was replaced by anger that could not be extinguished.


The ghost figure was sent flying, it was painful, and it appeared transparent, which made it even more illusory.

The screams sounded, everyone was full of blood, the abyss was vast, and they raised their hands and feet, making the ghosts terrified.

"Now it is your turn."

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