Beside him, Li Zhenwu saw this, his eyes lifted, and fell on the dark man in front of him.

His tone was cold and severe, and his heart was also extremely cold.

Before the shot, the killing intent was so strong that it almost turned into substance, and even the air was frozen.

"Gaga, many people want to kill me, but for decades, no one can do it."

The evil cultivator sneered, his eyes turned blood red, and said slowly and slowly.


The voice fell, and the black mist was like a sea, sweeping over the sky and covering the sky, and the face that floated in the pitch-black mist, the voices became sharp.

Howling, completely submerging Li Zhenwu.

At the same time, Xie Xiu's body was like a ghost, he flashed forward, leaped up, and smashed Li Zhenwu's Tianling cover with a punch.

The wind whistled, and this fist swept the sea of ​​black mist, setting off a stormy sea.

"This is……"

Next to them, everyone exclaimed, all feeling the horror.

In that black fog, this evil cultivator was unpredictable, and his momentum was straight and powerful, almost reaching the limit of the innate peak.

"That's because you didn't meet me."

Li Zhenwu kept walking, and the corner of his mouth raised an evil smile.

The next moment, there was arrogance on his body, like a raging fire, bursting out of his body, and the fire suddenly shot into the sky.

The black fog that swept over was instantly dissipated, and the hall regained its clarity.


Li Zhenwu's body was glowing, and the flames were soaring to the sky, and everything was burned to the ground wherever he passed.

The air was distorted, and the darkness was dispelled, as dazzling as the bright moon in the eternal night.

Chapter [-] Killing with a snap of your fingers!

It’s amazing!

The entire sky is full of flowers and gardens, filled with haze, and firelight rises in it, emitting a dazzling light.

This picture is magnificent.

People were overwhelmed, and suddenly stopped, and looked over without moving.

I saw Li Zhenwu's body radiating light, his arrogance soaring, and the vast aura emanating from it, like a god of war between heaven and earth, full of endless majesty.

It was the first time that everyone saw such a vision, and they were immediately stunned.

"Brother Zhenwu is transforming?" Ye Tian exclaimed, his heart beating violently, and he felt that the momentum was still rising.


At this moment, everything in the world will be eclipsed in front of Li Zhenwu.

"What's the matter?" At this time, the evil cultivator was shocked. The black mist, who had always been omnipotent, actually avoided this young man?

Simply unheard of!

You must know that the black mist is the foundation of evil cultivation, and those soulful faces are his cultivation.

However, facing Li Zhenwu now, the energy he cultivated was as if he was in great fear, and he didn't dare to approach it at all.

In the dark fog, he is invincible.

But without the black fog, the evil cultivator would be half useless, unable to exert half of his strength at all.

"Damn, what the hell is going on?" Xie Xiu shouted, shocked and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"The black mist is evil, but if the blood energy of the human body is strong enough to prevent the evil from invading, your methods are useless to me." Li Zhenwu explained.

But everyone was even more shocked.

This is not academic, how can a person's blood be so powerful?

Qin Yao opened her mouth and was completely stunned, she couldn't imagine how powerful it was to create such a miraculous scene.

Beside him, although Su Xiaoli didn't understand what it meant, he also felt a masculine aura, like a raging wave, rushing towards him.

"Uh, true martial brother..." Ye Tian's tone changed.

He dared to go crazy, never imagined that a person's strength could be so powerful.

"This is the real cultivator. In front of Brother Zhenwu, we just crossed the threshold." Hu Ming's whole body trembled with excitement, his fists clenched, and his eyes flashed.

Hearing his words, everyone suddenly realized.

Yes, even Su Xiaoli, the concept of cultivators at the beginning was only superhuman.

But at this moment, their cognition was overturned.

In Li Zhenwu, the cultivator is not only a superhuman, but a symbol of invincibility.

"Yes, cultivators, they are fighting against the sky. If they are as weak as you, how can they act against the sky?"

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