Feeling the changes in everyone's emotions, Li Zhenwu spoke again and patiently explained to everyone.

Dao cultivators are always going against the sky. If they don't have a firm Dao heart, sooner or later they will be annihilated in all sentient beings.

Only those arrogant geniuses can become immortals and dominate the world.

"Ah... Eastern cultivators, don't be complacent, I still have the means to make life worse for all of you."

At this moment, the evil cultivator was full of madness, and the black mist on his body was venting, as if a black hole was terrifying.

He was arrogant and could not bear the contempt of his enemies.

However, Li Zhenwu frowned and said proudly: "I wanted to play with you, but you touched the bottom line of the human race, then go to die!"

The last sentence shot, he slowly raised his hand and flicked his fingers.


With the fingers popping out, an invisible force, like a ten thousand mountains, suddenly fell on Xie Xiu's body.

The next moment, Xie Xiu's face changed drastically and his whole body trembled.


The cement cracked, the ground couldn't bear the force, was pierced by the mountain-like force, and fell directly.

Immediately afterwards, there was an incessant sound.

The entire building shook violently, as if it would collapse at any time.

One-finger suppression!

The sturdy cement was shattered and the steel was crushed. How terrifying was that power?

At this moment, everyone was in awe.

If that power falls on ordinary people, I am afraid it will be shattered in an instant.


After an unknown period of time, a dull sound came from the bottom of Daxia, and everything was quiet.


Suddenly, there was a slight moving sound in the field...

Everyone followed the sound and saw the ghost of Liang Jianhui in disguise, shrinking in the corner, trembling all over.


Li Zhenwu spoke lightly, and then walked away.

On the spot, everyone looked at each other, Su Xiaoli and Qin Yao chased after them.

However, Ye Tian and the others stayed behind, exuberant blood energy burst out from their bodies, and they stared at the ghosts, with cold and stern smiles on everyone's faces.

This is a kind of tempering, for this team, it can experience all kinds of emergencies.


The elevator door opened.

Li Zhenwu walked in, and behind him, Su Xiaoli and Qin Yao quickly followed.

The elevator door closed, and the atmosphere fell silent in the narrow space.

Two beauties are around, the fragrant fragrance fills the air, making people intoxicated.

"I said, why are you following me?"

After being silent for a long time, Li Zhenwu helplessly spread his hands, and his face was speechless.

"I'm sorry, I misunderstood you at the beginning." Su Xiaoli took a deep breath, and finally summoned up the courage to apologize sincerely.

"We are old friends, even if there is no such thing, you will know sooner or later." Li Zhenwu said.

This sentence left them speechless.

Always talk about old friends, mysterious and tight, but not suspicious.

"Forget it if you don't believe it. One day, you will remember everything 3.0." Li Zhenwu laughed.

Indeed, they were reincarnated and followed, and their memories were sealed, for fear that the secret would leak and be known to some people.

Even if they don't meet, when they break free from this life, their memories will naturally be restored.

However, Li Zhenwu was more curious, and he had a hunch in his heart that there must be more than two people who followed him from the previous life.

"Ah...you have to die!"

At this moment, a shrill curse came from the roof, and then all the movement disappeared.

When they walked out of the big summer, the morning sun was rising, and the golden clouds filled the sky, splendid and dazzling.

Jingle Bell……

Suddenly, the phone rang.

Su Xiaoli picked up the phone and looked at it, her expression stiffened slightly, and her beautiful eyes contained a hint of surprise.

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