Chapter [-]: The Underground World Dark Website!

"It's grandpa's phone number."

Su Xiaoli said, just as he was about to answer, the phone rang again in the field.

This time, it was Qin Yao's. She took out her phone and looked a little unnatural.

"It's my grandfather's phone."

Hearing this sentence, everyone's faces changed slightly, and an ominous premonition rose in their hearts.

The bell reverberated, and it was particularly harsh in the empty morning.

However, before the two answered, the phone rang again.

This time, it was Ye Tian and the three of them.

"It's my grandfather's phone."

"It's my dad's phone."

"Ah, it's my mother's phone."

The three exclaimed and looked at each other, seeing the shock in each other's eyes.

You must know that the family of the five of them is very powerful, and they can know some news at the first time.

But in Jiangnan City, the Su family has such strength.

The family of five people called at the same time, which proved that the matter was unexpected and serious.

It is not difficult to imagine that it must be related to Li Zhenwu.

"Look what happened!"

Li Zhenwu frowned, a strange feeling appeared in his heart.

The crowd was no less suspicious, so they answered the call in person. Soon, everyone's faces turned ashen.

It was as if he was hearing something very terrifying.

Su Xiaoli hung up the phone, did not speak, but looked at the others.

When everyone hung up, all of you looked at me, I looked at you, the information in their eyes was obviously very shocking.

"Assassination list." Qin Yao asked tentatively.

Immediately, everyone nodded in unison, and then turned to look at Li Zhenwu, with an extremely complicated expression.

"Li Zhenwu, you are in danger now."

Su Xiaoli was the first to speak, suppressing the shock in his heart.

"Yes, in the dark website of the underground world, you have just been offered a reward of [-] million US dollars." Qin Yao spoke with difficulty.

The dark web in the underground world is the website of some underground transactions all over the world.

There are various transactions in it, the most attractive of which is the reward list.

As long as you enter the bounty list, you will be included in the assassination list and will be hunted down by killers or forces around the world.

And a reward of $[-] million will definitely attract some of the world's top killers.

Not only that, but the identity of the killer is all kinds of strange, and everyone has it. As long as he accepts the task, the person who offers the reward will surely die.

Unless, the person who has been offered a reward will issue a counter reward for the tasker at ten times the price.

Only if the person who issued the task dies, then the pursuit will stop.

In other words, Li Zhenwu has been offered a reward, and all the forces or individuals in underground organizations around the world may be his enemies.

"What underground world?" Li Zhenwu asked, but there was not much panic in his tone.

"The underground world means that it is not bound by law. It is an organization that is tacitly accepted by various countries and forces. Since its birth, the number of members today has reached one million."

Qin Yao obviously understood it very well, and said, "There are people of all identities among those members, including some superpowers, some national dignitaries, or some rich people."

Of course, not all members are involved in assassinations, more are some forces, registered members just want to know the news of the underground world.

It is not difficult to imagine that after the [-] million reward quest was released, it would be endless assassinations.

"It is reported that no one has escaped from the people who have been offered a reward." Su Xiaoli knows this organization very well in the police system.

However, Li Zhenwu was still very puzzled, "If this is the case, then publish the assassination of the presidents of various countries, wouldn't the world be in chaos?"

"There is a default rule in the underground world. You can't publish the assassination of powerful politicians." Qin Yao said with a wry smile.

If anything can be assassinated, then the whole world will be in chaos.

"Yes, because a long time ago, before this website appeared, there was an assassination of the president of a powerful country. In the end, that force was almost uprooted." Su Xiaoli added.


Li Zhenwu nodded, needless to think to know, that must be a very famous president of the United States.

You know, the world was shaken at the beginning, and the influence swept the entire earth.

"Then can you know who is behind the bounty?" Li Zhenwu's eyes flashed.

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