"A reward of [-] billion US dollars: Li Zhenwu of Huaxia Jiangnan College, there will be a billion dollar reward after the event is completed. 》

As soon as this reward came out, the whole world went crazy.

Only everyone in the Lin family was laughing wildly. What is money?

When the curse of the family is lifted, everyone in their family will be able to practice immortality, and at that time, the whole world will be theirs.

Moreover, they also offered a reward to Li Zhenwu's parents.

The bounty is also as high as one billion US dollars.

This news is so crazy, all the organizations in the underground world are shocked.

Not only that, but even some countries have begun to move.

Soon, as soon as the two bounties came out, as many as [-] people or forces took orders in an instant.

Only a few dozen people have accepted a reward of [-] billion dollars, but there are as many as [-] people for a billion dollars. This is extremely extreme.

Jiangnan, Su family.

Inside the gazebo!

"Mr. Li, that's the way it is. Your parents' safety may be in big trouble."

Su Quan's face was haggard, and he didn't forget to say to Qin Yao: "Of course, the Qin family is a thousand-year-old family, but there are many killers, and it is impossible to prevent them. It is really difficult to deal with."

"Mr. Su, I know the seriousness." Qin Yao nodded, her eyes were solemn, obviously the pressure was great.

You know, the number of orders received as high as [-] is a terrifying number.

If there are some extremely powerful forces among them, the level of trouble is absolutely beyond imagination.

I'm afraid, only by starting the state machine can we ensure the safety of those who offer bounties.

Also, there is no [-]% guarantee of that.

The Qin family is a thousand-year-old family, and in Xi'an it can be said to be an emperor-like existence.

But, they couldn't stand the sneak attack of the wolves.

You must know that there is a reason for preventing thieves the day before yesterday, and one accident can trigger unimaginable losses.

"Li Zhenwu, otherwise all of your family should avoid it. As long as the news is blocked and you take refuge in the old forest in the deep mountains for a while, the heat will drop." Su Xiaoli suggested with a worried expression on his face.

Li Zhenwu's situation now can be described as an enemy of the whole world.

How many countries have secretly sent killers to get the bounty amount.

However, Li Zhenwu was silent, his fingers tapped on the table, his eyes were calm, and there was no turbulence.

But everyone knows that Li Zhenwu at this moment is already on the verge of breaking out.

dong dong dong...

The knuckles tap the tabletop, making a crisp sound, the rhythm is slow, and is not affected by any factors.

Everyone fell silent, waiting for his words.

I don't know how long it took, it seemed like a century, the sound of the knocking stopped.

Immediately, Su Quan, Su Xiaoli, Chu Tianjun, and Qin Yao all looked over, their eyes full of worry and curiosity, wondering what he would do next.

"The reward of ten billion dollars seems to be very attractive, but there should not be too many people who dare to accept it." Li Zhenwu's brain was running and he said lightly.

The crowd nodded, indeed.

According to the information obtained, the tens of billions of rewards are only a few dozen orders.

"Not enough, the one billion reward is because I know that my parents are ordinary people, so the people who take orders will be beyond imagination." Li Zhenwu was calm, at least on the surface.

"If I'm not wrong, someone has already started."

While speaking, Li Zhenwu turned to look at Qin Yao, and smiled lightly: "Next, it depends on the strength of your family."

Before Qin Yao could speak, he interrupted by waving his hand, and his tone suddenly became cold.

"Is there a way to contact the forces behind the website?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

Su Quan reacted quickly, nodded and said, "Of course, the website has customer service staff who can communicate with the forces behind it."

"Very good, very good, then you can help me spread the word, limit him within ten minutes, and withdraw my parents' bounty list, otherwise, I will let them know what the anger of the emperor is."

The tone was unprecedentedly cold.

Inside the pavilion, the air dropped suddenly, and the surrounding frost fluttered, like a cold winter.

Chapter [-] Crazy World



Are you sure it's not a joke?

Everyone present was stunned.

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