Unexpectedly, Li Zhenwu's solution was so crude and simple.

However, the forces behind the dark web sites in the underground world are obviously very powerful, and no one knows at all.

"Mr. Li, I'm afraid this is difficult. After all, they are in the dark, and no one in the whole world knows that it is the website established by that force." Su Quan was very embarrassed, thinking that this was a provocation by Chi Guoguo, which would definitely make the forces behind it. even crazier.

Even Qin Yao and Su Xiaoli felt angry and funny.

"Mr. Su is right. Someone once threatened the forces behind the website, but in the end, that person disappeared, and everyone around him also disappeared silently." Qin Yao said.

Obviously, they all believed that the solution Li Zhenwu came up with could not resolve the immediate crisis at all.

"Just do what you do, either withdraw my parents' reward list, or wait to be destroyed." Li Zhenwu's attitude was firm and unmoved.

Just kidding, he is about to break through the shackles and achieve the realm of immortals.

At that time, as long as you get back the things from Wudang Mountain, then 557, it is not difficult to deduce some cause and effect.

It can be said that in Li Zhenwu's heart, this is a chance for the other party.

But in the eyes of outsiders, it feels extremely crazy, this is absolutely crazy.

"I can keep my bounty. Within ten minutes, I hope to withdraw my parents' bounty, otherwise I will be responsible for the consequences."

In the end, everyone could only compromise and do as Li Zhenwu said.

But in terms of words, Su Quan and the others simply wanted to break their heads, and dared not express it according to the original words. In terms of tone, they seemed milder.

According to Li Zhenwu's original words?

Limit you to withdraw my parents' bounty list within ten minutes, or you will be wiped off the face of the earth.

If this sentence is really used, it will be hell if the other party is willing to withdraw.

After the message was sent, the response was quickly received.

The dark web of the underground world said that this is the rule of the world and cannot be undone.

Being rejected is also expected, and everyone did not hold out hope at the beginning.

But the news soon spread all over the world, and immediately set off a wave that swept through every corner of the earth.

"This is very strong, dare to confront the underground world website, I admire him."

"Haha, it's a pity that the website doesn't want to shoot, otherwise I'd like to see, how long can the tens of billions of dollars be on the bounty list?"

"My colleagues, I'm ready to start work, the first target is Xi'an."

"Haha, a billion dollars is ours."

Various forces and killers have been discussing on the website forum.

There are any arguments, but there is no doubt that they prefer the amount of one billion to the tens of billions of rewards.

Because tens of billions is too exaggerated, most people are cautious.

Jiangnan Su family, in the pavilion.

After Li Zhenwu learned of the website's response, he was not angry at all. He was very indifferent and asked Chu Tianjun to find a pen and paper.

"If that's the case, then if the Qin family can't guarantee the safety of my parents, I'll talk about it for the rest of my life."

Soon, the white paper was covered with vigorous handwriting. After drying, Li Zhenwu handed it to Qin Yao.

"This is a reward, and it is the beginning of a cultivation practice. If I am satisfied with what I have done, I will give it a complete one."

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly. He was very clear about his current situation. If there was no benefit, who would sacrifice his life for him?

Only by showing your own value can you get the attention of others.

"This is?" Qin Yao looked puzzled, and after taking the white paper, her eyes fell on the words on it.

Ten minutes later, there was a gasp of breath in the arena.

"Is this a practice method?" Qin Yao was shocked and couldn't believe it.

Moreover, she can clearly feel that this exercise is very clever, and it is several grades higher than the inheritance of the Qin family.

"Yes, this is to take care of my parents these days." Li Zhenwu smiled lightly.

Beside them, Su Quan and Chu Tianjun were already numb.

Just write an article about the practice exercises, except for Li Zhenwu, there is no other place in this world.

"Okay, let me tell the family." Qin Yao pondered for a moment, then bit her silver teeth. Without being pretentious, she directly put away this incomplete exercise.

You must know that the value of cultivating exercises is too important for cultivators.

Moreover, the exercises granted by Li Zhenwu were just the beginning, which made them several grades higher than the inheritance of the Qin family.

What if it was complete?

Qin Yao can't imagine that this temptation is too great, no one can refuse.

Xi'an, near a historic site.

The Qin family's house, a huge conference room.

At this time, due to the influence of the dark web site in the underground world, all the senior members of the Qin family were urgently summoned back for a meeting.

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