so horrible!

This scene is like a myth, making these black-clothed men unable to react at all.


The Divine Sword fell, and a dull loud sound erupted, and the sound traveled ten miles.

The entire cement-polished road was cut off by a sword, and dozens of big men were turned into fly ash under the endless pressure.

The earth shook and dust rose into the sky.

In the billowing smoke, Li Zhenwu slowly descended from the sky, his clothes were spotless, his hands on his back, and he continued to walk forward.

Hundreds of meters behind, those who fled in panic were stunned.

Even, someone took out their mobile phone early and took a picture of that shocking scene.

"My God, the person who flew in the sky just now was Mr. Li, right?" Hetian Mitsui trembled, his hands and feet couldn't help shaking.

At this moment, his scalp felt numb.

For the first time in my life, I have come into contact with the power beyond nature.

When he came back to his senses, Hetian Sanjing was heartbroken and did not dare to stay. He immediately hid his identity and left here.

He has already decided that he does not dare to stay in the island country for a while, and just wants to return to China as soon as possible.

This is absolutely earth-shattering, it can be said that it can be called piercing the sky.

In less than half an hour, everything that happens here will spread to the whole world.

Under Mount Fuji, not in the courtyard.

The loud noise that erupted in the distance was faintly transmitted here.

Yamamoto's closed eyes suddenly opened, and he turned to look at the subordinate who was waiting beside him.

"Master, it should be Chord and the others who made the move. Maybe the comers are powerful and need to use weapons of mass destruction." The stern young man bowed his head and said respectfully.

However, his explanation not only failed to calm Yamamoto's heart.

"Go and deal with it, it seems that the Chinese man is incredible, but it doesn't matter, as long as he is in Japan, even a dragon has to be coiled."

Yamamoto said kindly and stood up slowly.

"Yes!" The cold and stern youth led the way.

The courtyard is quiet.

Yamamoto and Shan frowned, with an ominous premonition in his heart.

"The army hasn't arrived yet. Just in case, it's better to invite Lord Shikigami to come out." He whispered to himself, holding the wooden sword on the ground tightly with his steady right hand.

At this time, the courtyard was very deserted.

Basically, most of the subordinates have already gone out, and they want to ambush Li Zhenwu who is here.

The path is winding, and Yamamoto came to the mountain forest behind the courtyard, where the trees are lush, the exotic flowers and grasses are in full bloom, and the fragrance is blowing on the face.

In the depths of the mountain forest, a dilapidated log cabin came into view.

Yamamoto Kazuo clenched the wooden sword in his hands and stepped forward, and the aura on his body gradually changed.

At this moment, his whole body exudes exuberant anger, like the rising sun, full of vitality.


With the arrival of Yamamoto's kindness, the broken cabin lit up with a colorful light.

"Sir God!"

When Yamamoto saw this, he stopped, stood in front of the wooden house, and bowed in salute.

"Why disturb this king's sleep?"

At this moment, a deep voice came from the cabin.

At the same time, an awe-inspiring aura rose, as if a beast was revived, and the surrounding trees and leaves fluttered.

"There is a Chinese cultivator here. In order to prevent this from happening, I implore Lord God to take action." Yamamoto Kazuhan straightened his waist and said calmly and slowly.

"Gaga, Huaxia cultivator? You should know the price of asking me to take action." The gods in the wooden house exuded a cold murderous aura.

"Of course I know. When the matter is settled, I will bring [-] boys and girls with me."

When Yamamoto said this sentence, there was no turbulence, as if it was just a trivial matter.

Chapter [-] Killing Mount Fuji

The mountain road leading to Mount Fuji.

At this moment, the smoke of gunpowder filled the air, the smell of blood wafted, and the severed limbs and stumps covered the ground.


all dead!

Those men in black who rushed down from the mountain were wiped out by Li Zhenwu, and no one survived.

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