
The sword light soared into the sky, and wherever it passed, the ground was cut off, and the trees collapsed.

A group of men in black rushing in front of them bore the brunt and could not bear the powerful pressure. Before the sword light approached, the powerful pressure collapsed.

Flesh and blood spilled, sticking to the ground, very terrifying.

"It's just ants, no matter how many you come, you will die."

Li Zhenwu walked slowly, his clothes were neat and spotless, and he continued to move forward in his spare time.

From beginning to end, he did not stop.

The speed is not rushed, as if enjoying the surrounding beauty, as if the tourists arrive, a leisurely look.

Li Zhenwu is in no hurry!

Now that he has taken action, he will use the Shura method to announce it to other organizations and forces. This is the consequence.

Even, he deliberately slowed down and let as many people come as possible.

Only in this way can we shock the entire underground world, and even shock all countries on the earth.

"Ah, this is the devil..."

In the distance, the man in black, who was rushing slowly, broke down and screamed.

It's terrible!

The entire road was stained red with blood, with severed limbs and stumps everywhere.

It's just hell on earth!

Rao is that these men in black are well-trained and unable to face them, they are afraid, and they turn around and run away almost madly.

"Run away, this is the devil."

Someone shouted, unable to bear the pressure, turned and ran away.

Immediately afterwards, more people, under the collapse of body and mind, feared to occupy their emotions, and they all wanted to escape.

"Who dares to take a step back!"

At this moment, an indifferent voice came from the end of the road.

The next moment, those fast black-clothed men who fled, suddenly their heads flew up, blood spurted out, and crashed to the ground.

There was a stern young man standing there, holding a long knife in both hands, waving it, the light of the knife bloomed, and the few people who fled in the front were immediately cut off.

This sudden change made the turbulent man in black quiet down.

From the eyes they looked at the stern youth, there was panic, it was a deep-rooted fear, even beyond the fear of Li Zhenwu's methods.

It's not hard to see that this is a tough character.

He is tall and straight, his eyes are indifferent, and he has the aura of looking down on the world, looking down at Li Zhenwu coldly from a high place.

"Are you Li Zhenwu?" The stern young man said, speaking in Chinese, a little stiff.The long knife in his hand, the cold light blooms, the blade is slender, shining with dazzling light.

There were only more than [-] men in black who survived.

At this moment, they couldn't help but move closer to the cold and stern youth, as if they could feel at ease as long as they were there.

"It's really noisy!"

Li Zhenwu kept his footsteps, and his clothes were automatic without wind, as if he were walking on the wind, his speed suddenly accelerated a lot.


The air vibrated violently, making a sharp whistling sound.

I saw the cold and stern young man backhand with a knife, the knife was like a rainbow, and it slashed across the sky, and it was a powerful mess.

You must know that he is the master of the contemporary island country, and his strength is unfathomable.

At this moment, the scene was terrifying, a deep pit was plowed out of the ground, and it flew towards Li Zhenwu at high speed.

But unfortunately, he just appeared, and he didn't see Li Zhenwu make a move.

"The strength is okay, but that's it." Li Zhenwu smiled lightly.

When the sword qi approached, he kept walking, slowly raised his hand, and flicked his fingers.


Fingers flicked on the knife gas, making the sound of Jin Ge.

Immediately, the knife energy that cut everything collapsed in an instant, turning into countless breezes and dissipating.

However, how powerful is Li Zhenwu.

Between the fingers, the sword qi collapsed, and a green light bloomed, like a dazzling beam of light, shot out directly.

The blue light drew a splendid light in the void, like a blue light avenue, extending to the end of the road, slamming into the cold young man.


There was a loud bang, and there was a direct collapse.

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