The fist gleamed with azure light, dazzlingly dazzling, and bombarded Yamamoto Heshan's forehead fiercely.

A chaotic energy light group suddenly screamed and flew out, and instantly disappeared into the cabin in the distance.


Without the possession of the Shikigami, Yamamoto Heshan couldn't resist at all, and was instantly swept away by Qingmang, which cut off his limbs and fell to the ground.

He was terrified and couldn't believe it.

Even Lord Shikigami is not the opponent of this young man in front of him, what kind of terrifying existence is this?

Chapter [-] The Nine Guardians of Dongying!

"You can't kill me. Under my name, there are many killers lurking around the world. If I die, the world will be in chaos, including China."

Looking at Li Zhenwu who was walking step by step, at this moment, Kazuya Yamamoto was frightened, his limbs were chopped off, and he howled in pain.

However, Li Zhenwu sneered and said, "You think too much of yourself. If you die, those killers who are hiding in China will accompany you."

When the voice fell, he spread out his five fingers, and suddenly enveloped Yamamoto's kind Tianling cover.

Soul capture!

The powerful soul power shattered Yamamoto's kind soul in an instant, and extracted some memories from it.

The king of the mega-underworld, the list of killers he trained in his life, not a single one left, all of them were digested by Li Zhenwu.

As for other memories, they were shattered directly.

The soul was scattered, and Yamamoto Kazuya died to the point that he could not die any longer.

"Hehe, I really didn't expect these killers to be hidden so deeply, but unfortunately, from today, they will all disappear."

After doing all this, Li Zhenwu sneered at the corner of his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, he took out the communicator, pulled it out on the spot, and sent out the list and everything he knew.

Yamamoto has been in business for decades, with killers all over the world.

In the Huaxia region alone, there are [-] hidden people, and, in their positions, there are people who can become high-level government officials.

Of course, what Li Zhenwu sent out was only Huaxia's list.

As for other countries, he was too lazy to care.

It's not hard to imagine how shocked the Qin family would be when they received the news. The place where these killers hide is simply terrifying.

"It's your turn, without possession, you are just a mass of energy."

Li Zhenwu raised his head and looked at the cabin with a hint of coldness.

In his heart, this so-called guardian deity of Dongying has become the energy for his cultivation.

"Your Excellency the cultivator, you and I have no grievances and no grudges. I hope you don't kill them all. Whatever compensation you want, I will satisfy you." A pleading voice came from inside the wooden house.

Li Zhenwu's eyes flickered, he slowly stepped forward, and said lightly, "Tell me all the information about the Patronus you know."

A ghost cultivator already has the energy of a half-step human immortal. If all nine are swallowed up, it will be so enjoyable.

Of course, the way of true martial arts is about refining the essence, and it will definitely refine a lot of impurities, and the remaining energy will not be as much as imagined.

"Your Excellency the cultivator, I don't know the rest of the patron saints. I only know that they are enshrined in the major shrines in Dongying."

In the face of Li Zhenwu's question, this shikigami knew everything, and like a bean in a bamboo tube, he told everything he knew.

"Furthermore, I am the weakest of the nine guardian deities. It is said that there are other guardian deities, and I can use the thunder method without possessing myself at all."

"According to the information provided to me by Kazuyoshi Yamamoto, there are three patron saints enshrined in the Yasukuni Shrine."

"Each of them is much stronger than me."

At this moment, the shikigami in the cabin was so frightened that his voice changed.

I have to say that Li Zhenwu gave him the feeling that he was invincible at all, looking down on everything in the world like a real god.

In fact, this shikigami is also very careful.

He told other companions, hoping to get Li Zhenwu's attention, so he ignored himself.

But unfortunately, Li Zhenwu had long listed him as a mortal object.

"Then you can rest in peace."

After the shikigami finished speaking, Li Zhenwu nodded, opened his mouth and took a sharp breath.


The entire cabin shattered in an instant, a mass of human-shaped energy, blue-faced fangs, and a face full of horror, struggling and begging for mercy.

However, Li Zhenwu was unmoved, the power of Zhenwu revolved and swallowed it directly.

The energy enters the body, like boiling water, the power of true martial arts in the body burns completely.


Li Zhenwu's expression was shocked, and he immediately sat crossed, completely immersed in the practice.

Originally, his realm had reached a half-step human immortal.

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