The reason why there is no breakthrough is because the spiritual energy of the earth is too thin, and the absorption process is extremely slow.

But at this time, the energy of the half-step ghost immortal was tempered by the power of true martial arts...

In the end, only a fist-sized mass was left, and the golden light was splendid, like a sun, transpiring and burning in his body.

"The realm of immortals seems to be invincible to the whole world."

I don't know how long it took, Li Zhenwu opened his eyes, his eyes were deep, and there were times in his pupils.

The arrogance that pervaded his body had not yet dissipated, and it was burning like a raging flame.


At this moment, a dull loud noise sounded from a distance.

The next moment, the wind whistled, a dark cannonball landed in the courtyard, and the power of the explosion swept across a radius of [-] meters.

The entire courtyard was instantly destroyed and turned to the ground.


Seeing this, Li Zhenwu frowned, and walked in the air, walking directly in the direction where the shell was fired.

I saw under the mountain road, more than ten steel giants, lined up together.

Hundreds of soldiers, armed with various firearms, waited beside the armored vehicle.

In the sky, the engines roared, and the F-frame fighter jets flew around the vicinity.

"Quick, get ready, wait for the target to appear, and attack indiscriminately."

A commander, sitting in the armored vehicle, gave orders in a deep voice.


In the video released on the Internet, there are people flying in the sky.


Moreover, the dazzling azure sword is even more terrifying, cutting off the road and smashing the vehicle with one sword.

What kind of terrifying power is this?

Yamamoto was kind and after communicating with the cabinet, he had already dispatched some special forces.

But half a step, the Prime Minister of the Cabinet saw the video and immediately and decisively let those special forces evacuate.

After the final emergency discussion, the top executives of the island country agreed that Yamamoto and good luck were less fortunate.

Therefore, simply dispatch the most elite Self-Defense Forces.

"Ah...he appeared!"

At this moment, a sharp exclamation sounded from the scene, and the tone contained disbelief.

I saw thousands of soldiers, all pointing to the sky of Mount Fuji, their mouths open, and a ghostly expression.

Chapter [-]: Shaking the Modern Army!

Huaxia, the Qin family manor near a historic site.

In the meeting room!

At this moment, it was quiet and silent, the needle dropping could be heard, and only the heavy breathing of everyone sounded from time to time.

On the long table in the center, there is a document.

The cover is engraved with several large characters - the distribution of the Yamamoto family killers.

Yes, they got the information from Li Zhenwu, and they acted very quickly, and they quickly printed out the list.

"This is the information that Mr. Li brought back from Japan. I think everyone here knows the weight of it. Since that's the case, let's talk about what to do?"

Qin Tiannan sat on the head, tapped the table with his fingers, and said expressionlessly.

This list contains too much information.

Even, if those hidden killers act at the same time, it may cause a shock to the senior officials of Huaxia.

"It's unbelievable. I didn't expect these guys to be able to hide so deeply." An old man slapped the table and shouted angrily.

I have to say, the list inside is horrible.

The locations where those killers are distributed are very deadly.

It can be said that if the other party really acts, Huaxia may go back ten years, or even longer.

"I won't say anything extra. This time, our Qin family will take the lead and take action against these people. Do you have any opinions?"

Seeing that everyone did not speak, Qin Tiannan was not angry.

"No opinion, everything obeys the orders of the Patriarch!" A group of senior clan leaders answered in unison.

You must know that this matter has far-reaching consequences, and it must be Qin Tiannan's decision. Other people's words are not easy to use.

"Very good, it is so, then act!"

After he finished speaking, Qin Tiannan stood up, full of energy, without the slightest tiredness of an old man.

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