"Mr. Li is very powerful. With his means, it should not be difficult to know the person behind him."

There was a lot of discussion, and the emotions were intense. Most people were afraid that 5.0 was the ultimate.

But when the last sentence appeared, the forum suddenly quieted down.

Then, someone sent a message: "Do you think that if Mr. Li is tracked down, the forces behind the website can be found out?"

As soon as these words came out, countless thoughts surged up.

Then, when someone wanted to reply, they suddenly found that the website was closed.


The next moment, the underground world was shocked, and everyone couldn't believe it.

Since its establishment, a force that does not even care about national deterrence has shut down its website at this time?

"Haha, Mr. Li said at the beginning that he asked the website to revoke his parents' reward, or else the consequences would be at your own risk."

At this time, all the talents sounded, and a wild talk that was thought at that time, did not expect it to come true now.

Chapter [-] The Sword Slashes Mount Fuji!

Once, in the face of pressure from Europe, the dark web never gave in.

Once, in the face of warnings from the great power of China, the forces behind the dark web simply ignored them.

Once, in the face of the condemnation of the United Nations, the power of the website was even more arrogant, killing the person who offered the reward.

But now, in the face of Li Zhenwu's godlike appearance, he silently shuts down the website, the meaning of which is self-evident.

"What did I see? The dark web has softened?"

The underground world is shocked, crazy, this is a historic moment.

Even the forces of all parties were unbelievable when they heard the news, but they were relieved when they thought about it.

After all, one person descends like a myth, powerful and invincible.

The forces behind the website, even if they can escape the eyes and ears of the world, are still afraid of being targeted by such a terrifying existence.

It can be said that this day has attracted the attention of the whole world and shocked the billions of people on the earth.

Under Mount Fuji, the tank troops retreated, and the dust was rolling.


When the last helicopter was blown up, the field became quiet, and tens of thousands of soldiers were all terrified.

However, they did not dare to stay, for fear of being targeted.


Li Zhenwu raised his eyebrows lightly, and a trace of mockery flashed in his eyes.

Such a fragile enemy is really vulnerable.

The Great Emperor Zhenwu was naturally proud, and he did not even have the courage to fight against him.

However, since it has humiliated the power of the emperor, it is necessary to punish this country.


The sound of Jin Ge rang out, echoed in the sky, and the sound traveled hundreds of miles.

Even in Tokyo, it can be heard clearly, covering up all the voices in the world.

"This is……"

All the people in Shizuoka Prefecture couldn't help but follow the voice.

Even the retreating tank troops and the soldiers fleeing on the road couldn't help but turn their heads.

The next moment, in the countless horrified eyes, they saw a picture that shocked their hearts and gave birth to worship.

I saw above the sky, where the blue light skyrocketed, like a raging flame rising into the sky.

The azure light and flames were extremely splendid, turning into a divine sword, thousands of zhang long and [-] zhang wide, like a standing pillar, supporting the entire sky.

The sword's body was glowing with the color of colored glass, and the terrifying aura filled the air, and countless ripples appeared in the surrounding space.

This scene, like a fairy tale, is shocking.

The space seems to be frozen, all the sounds in the world have stopped, and even the blue sky and white clouds have lost their former colors.

This divine sword is like the center of heaven and earth, and everything in the world will be eclipsed in front of it.

"What method is this, is it the magical power in Chinese legends?"

"My God, tell me now, it's not true!"

"What are you trying to do, do you want to destroy these soldiers with one sword?"

"My God, this is horrible!"

People who saw this picture were all speechless, and the fear of Li Zhenwu in their hearts came spontaneously.


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