The Divine Sword is dazzling, and the azure light fills the air, like a crystal emerald, condensing the supreme power, making the world lose its luster.

And Li Zhenwu is a part of Divine Sword. It is sacred and solemn, and when he glances at it, he has an aura that looks down on the world.

Immediately, he turned around slowly, and an unspeakable breath permeated from it.

"Wait, could it be... could it be..."

Right here, someone screamed with a look of horror on their face.

"Oh my God, is this going to attack Mount Fuji?" At this moment, everyone in Shizuoka Prefecture changed their expressions drastically.

Mount Fuji, representing the natural symbol of the island country.

Moreover, it is only a hundred miles away from Tokyo. If there is a problem, it will definitely affect the capital of the island country.

Now, Li Zhenwu is going to take action on Mount Fuji.

You must know that it is an active volcano, which has been silent for hundreds of years. If there is any vibration, it may not necessarily cause an eruption.

"Run away, this country may be destroyed."

In an instant, the residents near Mount Fuji and tourists from all over the world were all terrified.

It is not difficult to imagine that the terrifying existence in the sky obviously wants to take action on Mount Fuji.


At this moment, Li Zhenwu scolded and made a slashing motion with his right hand, slashing towards Mount Fuji fiercely.


With his palm falling.

The Azure Light Divine Sword also slashed down, the air was turbulent, it was cut open, and a sharp whistling sound erupted.

At this moment, time seemed to freeze.

The cameras of the major live broadcasts, focused there, spread all over the world, and billions of people watched at the same time.

So gorgeous!

The Qingguang Divine Sword blooms with glazed light, and the reflected world is colorful, like falling into a dream.

However, when the Divine Sword touched Mount Fuji, the power that erupted made people terrified.


A loud bang erupted from the top of the mountain.

Immediately afterwards, in the eyes of countless fears, Mount Fuji was cut from it, the boulders collapsed, and the dazzling light, like a laser, cut a deep pit five meters wide.

Like a moat, it separates the entire mountain from 580.

This power is too terrifying, if it falls on any fighter, it cannot be resisted.


For a moment, the whole world fell silent.

Not only the residents of the island country, but also people from all over the world watching the live broadcast, all fell silent.

Heart, beating violently, fear breeds, making people tremble all over.

This is absolutely beyond imagination, making life irresistible, that power is enough to make any country and force despair.


A loud bang erupted, Mount Fuji was blazing into the sky, and endless dust shot into the sky, covering the entire sky.

People were awakened, and residents and tourists near Shizuoka Prefecture fled for their lives.

Cries, curses, and curses are mixed together, fully revealing human nature.

In the face of catastrophe, everyone is at risk.

A sword fell, and the entire volcano was divided into two. Even, the divine sword kept breaking through the bottom shell and fell into the hot magma.

Suddenly, the still accumulated magma boiled at this moment and vented violently.

The volcano is about to erupt, the backlog of volcanic ash covers the world, the whole sky is gray and dark

Here, there is only the fiery light of fire, spewing from the top of the mountain, reflecting the sky and the earth in a bright red.

Chapter [-] The Five Great Ghost Cultivators!

From its formation to the present, Mount Fuji has erupted dozens of times according to tests.

The most recent one was in hundreds of years.

Now that it is quiet, although it is an active volcano, the bottom crust does not move vigorously, and it is almost difficult for it to erupt.

But this time it broke out.

And looking at the firelight that dyed the red sky, and the dust covering the sky for a hundred miles, I am afraid that the scale is absolutely the most rare in history.

After all, this time was not a natural phenomenon, but a man-made one.

The divine sword formed by infuriating qi penetrated the bottom shell and erupted in the endless accumulation of lava. The terrifying energy fluctuation was definitely more terrifying than throwing a few nuclear bombs into it.

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