"Don't be too happy, I'm not Li Zhenwu's opponent in terms of strength."

A word, like cold water, quenched the enthusiasm of the senior executives of the Lin family.

The Grand Duke of the Lin family looked indifferent, and continued: "However, in this world, I am not only an immortal, not to mention the Western abilities, even the Vatican has masters that you can't imagine."

"That kid is too dangerous. I think all the forces on the earth will be restless. I will only wait for them to take action, and when the two sides consume most of it, I will be sure to kill that kid."

"So, the family is not suitable for a high profile right now. Don't worry, the island country's affairs are like a wake-up call to the major powers. I don't believe that other countries will have no opinion."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was thoughtful.

In fact, the imagination knows it.

On earth, the country is still the leader, and the appearance of Li Zhenwu has broken the balance of the world.

This makes all countries in the world feel uneasy and will definitely take action.


Island country, Tokyo.

From the Yasukuni Shrine, blood gushed out, like a red glow covering the sky, and the whole of Tokyo was burning, and even the volcanic ash was dyed red.

An invisible breath gradually spread out, making people in this city feel shocked.

That is the coercion from the soul!

Hundreds of fighter planes flew in the sky, and more helicopters circled, and the focus of the whole world was gathered here.

The image of the Yasukuni Shrine was broadcast to the world, causing a great uproar.


Suddenly, a dull loud noise came from the depths of the ground.

The ground shook, and the tall buildings swayed, as if an earthquake had occurred, causing everyone to turn pale.

"What's going on? Could it be that the eruption of Mount Fuji has spread to this place?"

Many people were puzzled, but quickly denied it.

The distance of a hundred miles is just a volcanic eruption, not an earthquake. How could it have affected this place.

The only explanation is that the anomaly came from the Yasukuni Shrine.

The cracks on the ground of the Yasukuni Shrine gradually became larger, almost as thick as an arm, and spread to the surrounding area. The mausoleum and buildings inside kept collapsing.

"Almost there, Chi You's sorcerer body should be able to reach the level of a normal sorcerer."

Li Zhenwu stood in the sky, looking down at the scene below, and muttered to himself.

The physique of the Wu clan is extremely famous in the Great Wilderness, and it is invincible under the same rank.

At this moment, in the depths of the ground, the sea of ​​​​blood space has shrunk sharply.

The monstrous sea of ​​blood swept through and roared, and the white-boned soul, suppressed by the power of heaven and earth, kept flying towards Chi You's body, and was instantly refined into a part of himself.

"Is this the body?"

Chi You stood in it, nine feet tall, like a giant standing in the sky, full of surprise.

After constantly reshaping his body, he is also evolving and growing, almost breaking through the shackles of this space.


With a loud bang, the sea of ​​​​blood exploded, turning into a mist of blood that penetrated into Chi You's body.

The underground blood sea space completely disappeared, replaced by a giant nine feet tall.

The black hair is scattered, the muscles are as strong as the coiled dragon, full of explosive power, a pair of blood-red eyes, the light is blazing, exuding a coquettish evil spirit.

The soul of the Patriarch of Demon Dao made Chi You's aura even more violent and strange.

"Get out quickly!"

Li Zhenwu shouted loudly, stomped the ground, and with a bang, the crack that had spread before collapsed with a bang, and dust rose into the sky.

At this moment, the entire Yasukuni Shrine was instantly reduced to ruins.


The earth and rocks exploded, and a giant as black as ink and engraved with coquettish red lines on his skin rose into the sky.


Chi You roared, feeling that his whole body had inexhaustible power.

Landed on the ground, knelt down on one knee, and saluted respectfully: "Master!"

The memory was erased, and there was only pure instinct, for Li Zhenwu, the trembling from the soul.

"Congratulations, the witch god has merged, and you are now considered a real creature." Li Zhenwu took a look, clicked, and was very satisfied.

"It's all a gift from the master, Chi You doesn't dare to take credit!" Chi You said in a deep voice, his attitude was extremely humble.

In front of Li Zhenwu, he felt that he was as small as dust.

After all, the power of true martial arts is the foundation of the body's remodeling. At this moment, if you use it a little, you will feel the vast power.

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