"Haha, the power should be good, try it out."

Li Zhenwu smiled, very satisfied with his masterpiece, he pointed out the surrounding army, and said lightly.

The sound is very light, but there are devices that capture the sound waves.

Immediately, the whole world was shocked, the commander of the island nation's Self-Defense Force was horrified, and everyone's faces suddenly turned pale.

Chapter [-] Experimental Strength!

Is this the reason for the war?

When what Li Zhenwu said was broadcast to the world, countless people were stunned.

After splitting Mount Fuji, this terrifying evil star still wants to shoot again?

The prime minister of the island nation was almost taken aback.

You know, they arranged the army around, and they have never done anything, just to be on guard.

Under the premise of no certainty, if you act rashly, I am afraid that this country will fall into a tragic situation that will never end.

But people never expected that after the Yasukuni Shrine rushed out of a giant-like monster, Li Zhenwu actually used the Self-Defense Force to test his strength?

Not to mention the high-level officials of the island country, even other countries feel ugly.

This is ignoring the United Nations and has reached the point of undermining the balance of the world.

"Go ahead and try it out!"

Li Zhenwu lightly transmitted his voice, waved his hand, and ignored it.

"Yes, Master!" Chi You replied, standing up slowly.

The huge body up to nine feet, like a giant, looked down at the surrounding army with cold eyes.

In Chiyou's eyes, those steel tanks were like a stone.


The next moment, Chi You took a step, like a moving tall building, charging directly towards the nearest tank.

The footsteps fell, the earth shook, the concrete floor was dented, and some low-rise buildings, like paper paste, were instantly destroyed.

"What should I do?" A defense minister broke out in a cold sweat.

The prime minister and cabinet ministers all fled out of Jingdong, and when they saw the transmitted pictures, they all felt their scalps tingle.

What is this existence?

"Mr. Prime Minister, the President of the United States is calling."

At this moment, the prime minister of the island country woke up and answered the phone immediately.

No one knew what was said, but the Prime Minister's face changed from despair to excitement, and his eyes even flashed with excitement.

Finally, in a firm answer, the high-level call between the two countries ended.

Everyone's eyes looked over.

"Grant the Prime Minister's order and use all means to keep that Li Zhenwu."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the hall was shocked.

You know, if you can stay, you will have stayed long ago. Have you not seen the tragic situation of Mount Fuji?

However, the Prime Minister's words suddenly made everyone shut up.

"Everyone, rest assured, His Excellency the President of the United States will not deceive people. At this moment, all countries in the world have summoned countless experts and high-tech weapons." The Prime Minister's narrow eyes narrowed slightly, and he said: "Also, the god of the Vatican Knight, it will be here in ten minutes."

The previous words are not enough to convince people, but when it comes to the god knight, the high-level officials of the island country are all silent.

Even, in their eyes, there is a hint of excitement.



Following the command post's order, more than [-] Self-Defense Force soldiers, although fearful, were not cowardly.

After all, he is a soldier. When he is ordered, no matter what the consequences are, he must unconditionally execute it.

Moreover, if the fire is not fired, the giant will rush to the front.

dah dah dah...

The heavy machine gun that fired first was not considered a machine gun, and the bullets with thick arms were called small artillery shells.

As soon as the firepower opened, a defensive line was instantly intertwined, blocking Chi You's way.

The power of this kind of bullet can penetrate even a tank, and the power is so strong that the island country has also paid for it.

"What is this?"

However, Chi You frowned, and a layer of red light appeared on his body, covering his entire body like an energy shield.

Bang Bang Bang... The bullet that can penetrate the tank hits the red light, making a golden sound, and suddenly the energy shield trembles violently, causing countless ripples.

However, despite the impact of the bullet, the energy shield seems to be extremely tough, but it cannot be penetrated.

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