In other words, at this time in China, Li Zhenwu could not be contacted at all.

As soon as this news came out, it stunned the high-level officials of all countries in the world.

Chapter [-] The mythical world recovers!

Disregarding modern hot weapons, they can easily cause large-scale damage. If such fierce people are not optimistic, they will definitely make the countries of the earth uneasy, for fear that the next one will suffer.

Mount Fuji erupted, the magma splashed and rose into the sky. The powerful explosive force formed a flaming beam of light that penetrated the thick volcanic ash cloud layer in the sky.

Shizuoka Prefecture is about to end, and the evacuated troops from Tokyo are evacuating residents around.

Even from nearby countries, rescue teams came.

The headquarters of the island nation's Self-Defense Forces, with all the strength of the whole country, surrounded the entire Tokyo.

"Baga, where's that Eastern cultivator? Where is he?"

The Minister of National Defense looked at the ruins in the picture, shocked beyond words, trembling all over.

The Yasukuni Shrine, with a radius of ten miles, was razed to the ground and turned into ruins.

The smoke filled the air, and most of the buildings were on fire, burning like a doomsday scene.

"God, that existence, where is it?"

In the scene 14, some soldiers braved the courage, started tanks, and went to my ruins.

However, there was still the figure of Li Zhenwu, and even the giant seemed to have disappeared.

The pictures here are still being broadcasted and transmitted to all parts of the world.

"Gone? Did he die with the Holy Knight?"

Inside the communicator, the soldier's exclamation came, which contained disbelief.

Hearing that, the headquarters was shocked and ordered the tank troops to enter the scene to search for the whereabouts of the monks.


Hundreds of tanks started, galloping away like a torrent of steel from the periphery.

Half an hour later, the torrent of tanks circled around the ruins, but nothing was gained, so it was reported immediately.

At the same time, these Self-Defense Force soldiers were also relieved, and everyone had an illusion of resurrection from the dead.

"The scouts go in to expand the search area and conduct a carpet search. They must find him. They want to see people in life, and corpses in death."

The Minister of Defense received the news and immediately issued an order.

Immediately, helicopter transport scouts came in, and a long search began for those destroyed buildings.

"How could it not be seen? Did he really die with the Holy Knights?"

However, he wasn't sure.

It is really too much movement just now. The collision between the two mythical figures has affected the Yasukuni Shrine for ten miles. The power is no less than the detonation of a nuclear bomb.

When the news was passed on to the prime minister, the top officials of the island country were stunned for a moment, then overjoyed.

"Baga, even if they didn't die together, the cultivator must have been seriously injured, and now he may be hiding in a corner to recuperate!" The Prime Minister said with certainty.

Just kidding, the strength of that holy knight is obvious to the world, and it is terrifying to the extreme.

Even if they were killed, in their eyes, the cultivator would definitely lose eight hundred.

However, no matter how they searched, they couldn't find Li Zhenwu's footprints in Tokyo.

In the end, the Self-Defense Force had no choice but to give up the search, but everyone felt an invisible pressure in their hearts.

The cultivators are gone. For them, it is a sword hanging over their heads, as if it will fall at any time, making people uneasy.

A large number of troops deployed by Tokyo were withdrawn, leaving a half empty city, declaring the end of the war

The death of the Holy Knight makes all countries desperate.

What a terrifying existence this is!

From today onwards, the mobilization of the armies of various countries is very frequent, and the atmosphere of fear and anxiety pervades the earth.

Even the Huaxia army has been mobilized, and it is also arranged in the border and coastal areas.

This is to guard against raids by other countries, not Li Zhenwu.

"A reward of [-] billion U.S. dollars, what kind of monster has it provoked?"

"Is this the maker of doomsday? Or the creator of civilization?"

"The world will wait and see and pay attention to the legend of Chinese Taoism, which may change the course of civilization."

"The myths of the West and the East collide, and the fierce sparks dazzle the world."

"The lost civilizations of ancient times will see the light again. Where will the earth go?"

There are countless media disputes and reports on the earth, with clear headlines, occupying the big front page.

The focus of the world is now all on Tokyo, and various emotions are emerging, which can be described as extremely complicated.

But at this moment...

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