"Holy knights are the guardians of God, the devil will not be better, and the world will usher in the coming of God."

Pope Schiller of the Vatican held a press conference in London, England, and at the same time made a tough voice.

Inside and outside the words, it is revealed that the Vatican will not end there.

As soon as this news came out, the Western world fell into an endless frenzy, and countless believers came from all over the world.

And, when the Pope made his voice, a holy light bloomed in the Vatican, completely submerging the place.

There, the holy light is transpiring, the fragrance is permeating, and the golden clouds are all over the sky, reflecting beautifully.

Such a scene, like the revival of a myth, shocked the West and even the whole world.

For a time, in addition to the attention of the island countries, countless eyes were focused on the Vatican, and the believers around the world were even more excited and unable to extricate themselves.

"The return of the gods, the civilization of mankind, will be rewritten."

On the Greek side, at the foot of Mount Olympus, an old man surrounded by holy light solemnly announced to the world.

At the same time, on the top of Olympus, a divine light appeared, visions appeared frequently, and thunder sounded from time to time.

This is the site of the ancient mythical creation god, with endless mysteries and legends. At this moment, the appearance of the vision has shocked the world.

Regardless of reality, or the Internet, all are boiling.

The change of civilization caused by a cultivator, followed by it, was overwhelming, and it was almost impossible to see.

Among them, ordinary people are most looking forward to it and want to be the beneficiaries of it.

Even, even the holy land of the three religions in Jerusalem, there are pictures.

There are frequent visions, and the aurora reflects the sky, splendid to the extreme.

The world has completely fallen into a frenzy, and governments of various countries cannot control it. Countless believers are flocking to religious gathering places. The grand occasion is unprecedented.

However, no matter how shocking the deeds were, none of the wars in the island country were as explosive as the war in the island country. It can be said that it has shaken the cognition of human civilization for hundreds of years.

Chapter [-] Back to Jiangnan!

After all, the monks who fought against the island nation's army were real, and their strength was so powerful that even the Holy Knights were killed.

And the visions in various places, except for the energy changes, there is no substantial change.

The gods did not come, causing all countries to be cautious in their communication with China.

At this time, Li Zhenwu, who was the center of the vortex, appeared at the Ryukyu Airport.

He was dressed in sports clothes, with a black shawl, and his face was immature and green. He looked harmless.

After the power of Zhenwu has been restrained, Li Zhenwu at this moment, like an ordinary person, shuttles through the registered people, and no one recognizes it at all.

You must know that the name of Zhenwu is only spread among the upper classes of various countries, and the people cannot know the secrets at all.

When it was shot, no one could see its true face because of the radiance all over it.

"Master, where are we going now?"

Beside Li Zhenwu, Chi You turned into a two-meter tall man, wearing a black suit, with long hair tied behind his head, his strong muscles bulging, as if a bodyguard was following a rich boy.

After his first birth, the Wu clan's temperament dictated that he was very belligerent, with a violent aura that was almost difficult to restrain.

"Back to Huaxia, this time out, the purpose is almost achieved."

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, and took Chi You to wait patiently in the waiting room.

Although the lineup of the two is conspicuous, in the chaotic airport, not many people pay attention.

At this moment, countless people who want to escape from the island country are paying attention to Tokyo, the existence that subverts science.

The body glows like a god descending, filling people with infinite fantasies.

Li Zhenwu glanced at Chi You, suddenly remembered something, and said lightly: "After returning to Huaxia, you will come to my parents' side to protect their safety. There will be many things to fight in the future."

Chi You naturally had no objection, bowed his head in reply, then fell silent, and looked around curiously, like a bodyguard monitoring the surrounding situation.

After all, there was a lot of noise, and the high-level officials of various countries almost knew that it was him.

The presence of such beings among the cultivators makes people fearful and at the same time very hostile.

Of course, knowing is one thing, but if you don't admit it, there is nothing that countries can do about Li Zhenwu.

Maybe, the minds of all countries do not want Li Zhenwu to admit it, so they can open one eye and close one eye, so that the balance of the world will not be destroyed!

Soon, the two passed the security check and boarded the passenger plane to Jiangnan.

For more than ten hours on the road, there was nothing to say, and on the passenger plane, it seemed that the influence from the island country could not be felt.

At the same time, China's government agencies were busy.

Qin Tiannan wanted to hide Li Zhenwu's identity in the country, but he couldn't do it anymore.

"Diplomats from various countries have gathered and hope that China will give an explanation. However, their attitude is not tough, but rather uneasy."

Jiangnan City, Lin Family Mansion.

Su Quan and the others hadn't left, and had not slept all night, all paying attention to the trends of the world.

"That's for sure. No one wants the balance of the countries to be destroyed. This matter can only be settled silently, rather than making a fuss about it." Qin Yao said with a wry smile.

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