The people present included Chu Tianjun, Su Quan, Su Xiaoli, Ye Tian and others.

When the news of the island country came, they were all shocked and did not expect it to turn into a war situation.

However, it was a man against a country, not a war between two countries.

Su Quan sighed with admiration on his face: "With Mr. Qin and the others, as long as they don't admit it, no other country can do anything, unless they want to anger Mr. Li."

Judging from the live broadcast, the figure was shrouded in light, and it was impossible to see who it was.

But everyone knew very well that this was Li Zhenwu, who was going to step down the Yamamoto family.

As for the island country being implicated, it can only be said that it deserves it!

Otherwise, the U.S. troops would not have withdrawn immediately, and they would have gone without hesitation.

There is no reason to provoke a god-like existence for the sake of a killer family in the island country. This is not in the interests of the United States, so it is very decisive.

"After the death of the Yamamoto family, killers appeared at the top of the world. It seems that the last counterattack of this killer family should begin." Ye Tian said in a deep voice.

"Hehe, that's not something we can control in Huaxia."

Qin Yao smiled coldly, then thought of the changes around the world, and said with great doubts: "However, the Holy Knight is from the Vatican, and there are visions in religious headquarters all over the world. Does it indicate anything?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent.

The appearance of the Holy Knights represents the glorious reappearance of Western mythology. If the mythology really recovers, China may not be better off.

You must know that in the past few hundred years, the cultivator has withered away, and even the ability users can't fight it.

Not to mention ancient myths, when the time comes, the first to suffer will definitely be the East.

"Not necessarily, I think that vision may be an illusion created by the Western world pretending to be mysterious, or else, with the characters of those robbers, wouldn't they be arrogant and domineering?"

However, Su Quan didn't care about waving, his face was full of disdain.

"The West has come to be strong. In this sensitive period, the illusion created by thinking is also for self-protection, and I am afraid that it is also to stabilize the hegemony of the West." As a soldier, Chu Tianjun understands things directly.

The words of the two are not without reason.

The appearance of Li Zhenwu announced that the monks will usher in a prosperous age. The last Holy Knight in the Vatican was killed, and the Western world must be terrified.

At this time, it makes sense for them to create illusions for the stability of the world and to appease the world.

"We don't need to worry about these things, those big figures in Yanjing will definitely take them into consideration." Su Quan smiled lightly.

After a few people said this, they were not so nervous about religious places like the Vatican.

Suddenly, a servant of the Su family came hurriedly from a distance.

"Master, there is someone outside asking to see you."

"Who?" Su Quan frowned.

"He said his name was Li Zhenwu, and there was a young man behind him. It seemed that something was wrong."

The servant looked panicked and said with lingering fears.

Chapter [-] That's true!

Everyone present was stunned for a moment, and then looked at each other in dismay, with some doubts in their hearts.

What about the young man?

Su Quan pondered for a moment, waved his hand, and said, "Come on, let's go out and have a look."

Suddenly, a group of people set off immediately and walked out in a mighty manner.

On the way, they questioned the subordinate and thought that he looked a little strange, as if something terrifying had happened to him.

"The man named Li Zhenwu is a young man, who should be the friend of the master. It's just the young man beside him. I feel uncomfortable when I look at him, and I feel scared in my heart. I can't tell what's going on."

The servant didn't hide it, and like a bean in a bamboo tube, he told his feelings.

Everyone is even more strange, and the pace has accelerated a lot.

Soon, when they walked out of the gate of the mansion, they saw the two people waiting in front of the door, their eyes fixed on Li Zhenwu, and there was a touch of excitement in their eyes.

But when he saw the young man behind Li Zizhengwu, he shuddered.

The seven-foot tall man had long hair tied behind his head, deep facial features, indifferent eyes, and a violent aura all over his body.

For a moment, everyone had an illusion in their hearts, as if they could see a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood behind the youth.

Li Zhenwu was still wearing sportswear, with a leisurely temperament like 553, and he couldn't help grinning when he saw the crowd.

"Are you all there?"

"Mr. Li, who is this?" Su Quan looked at Chi You and asked suspiciously.

It is not difficult to see that this seven-footed man is also a powerful being, and he is the most terrifying being that everyone has ever seen.

Just feeling the slightest breath is enough to make people terrified.

"This is Chi You!" Li Zhenwu introduced.

"I'm the master's servant." Chi You stood behind him and said lightly, ignoring everyone.

However, his words made everyone present in a mess.

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