Of course, this is their wishful thinking.

This also indirectly proves how much the Western world is afraid of the appearance of an immortal in China.

However, the countries and forces did not dare to be open and aboveboard, but secretly investigated, mainly the remnants of the World War I in the island country were still there.

As for the official statement on the bright side, it was vague on the issue of the island country. Anyway, no country wanted to take the blame. The unfortunate nature is the island country, and the loss can only be borne by itself.


Here, no matter day or night, there is a holy light, gushing out from it, the glow is transpiring, and the sky reflected is beautiful.

Since Pope Schiller came back from his speech, the Vatican has been completely closed to the outside world.

At this time, Pope Schiller, wearing a large robe, led hundreds of red-clothed hierarchs, kneeling on the ground respectfully, and chanting the Bible constantly.

"Almighty Lord, please forgive your people..."

Hundreds of people chanted, making the vision in the Vatican even more dazzling, and the light was as dazzling as the sun.

In front of them, a quaint church, under the baptism of holy light, exudes a soft atmosphere.


At this moment, a crisp sound came from above the church.

Pope Schiller and hundreds of red-clothed archbishops were shocked and looked up, and saw a crack appeared in the void, extending from a height of [-] meters to the top of the church.

"This... is God coming?" The Pope was shocked, not expecting the prophecy to be true.

"Congratulations to the Pope, it seems that the prophecy is about to be fulfilled. The Bible outside is missing a page. I didn't expect that after the name appeared, the passage to the ancient world would automatically open."

"Haha, the cultivators in the East probably would never have imagined that our existence is not just to spread teachings."

"When God comes, the world will be able to return to heaven, where there will be no disasters, and everyone will live forever."

Hundreds of red-clothed archbishops had happy smiles on their faces, and their eyes were wet.

At this moment, as believers of God, their pride and faith in their hearts have become more pure.


The crack in the void suddenly expanded, turning into a deep crack hundreds of meters long and wide, and it was still expanding.

Immediately, a prehistoric aura surged out from it, like a nine-day galaxy, endless.

In an instant, this breath turned into a rich spiritual energy, sweeping the whole world.

"There is light in there."

Suddenly, a red-clothed sect leader screamed and pointed into the crack, unable to extricate himself from the excitement.

Everyone looked up and saw a tiny spot of light in the crack, which gradually turned into a dazzling light group as time passed.


The light group burned with a splendid holy light, like the sun, emitting a fiery temperature.

In just an instant, the light group galloped in the dark passage, and the speed was so fast that it seemed to pass by in the vast universe.


In the horrified eyes of the Pope and others, the light group rushed out of the crack, suspended in the void, and the holy light shot into the sky, splendid to the extreme.


Immediately afterwards, the holy light converged, revealing the deity of the light group.

It was a hundred-meter-high angel, with fluttering blond hair and golden hair, wearing snow-white armor, holding a hill-like epee, with eight pairs of wings on his back, snow-white feathers, and a holy brilliance.

Everyone present was stunned!

The snow-white armor wraps the whole body, exposing the hands and calves, the skin is as white as suet, delicate porcelain white, and there is also the flow of holy light.

The plumpness in front of the xiong outlines a curvy figure.

female angel?

In an instant, everyone present, including Pope Schiller, took a breath.

What a shocking picture this is.

If the facial features were not covered by the holy light, how amazing the world would be in this situation...

"Welcome, Lord Angel."

However, Pope Schiller and hundreds of red-clothed archbishops just glanced at them, then bowed their heads respectfully, and shouted in unison.

The eight-winged angel, in the records of the church, is definitely more terrifying than the golden knight.

"People of God, your thoughts, God has already known, rise up and speak, the sins of the devil will be punished by me, Gabriel."

The warm voice can baptize people's hearts, and make the Pope and others below listen to it with fascination.

Wait, Archangel?

The next moment, Pope Schiller woke up suddenly, his cheeks twitched a few times, and he was so shocked that he almost passed out.

There are twelve archangels by God's side, and Gabriel is the archangel who specially conveys the oracle.

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