"Yes, the venerable archangel, as the people of God, everything obeys the orders of the angels." Pope Schiller was extremely respectful.

A group of people stood up, but they just lowered their heads, not daring to look up at the dazzling sight of the void.

"I ask you, whether the prophecy of the Bible has already appeared?" Archangel Gabriel said warmly, her voice was as clear as the sound of nature, without the slightest impurities, it can calm people's souls.

The Pope and the others below only felt calm in their hearts, and their souls were constantly sublimating at 0.6 every moment.

"Respected Angel, that's exactly what happened. God's prophecy, the name of true martial arts has appeared, and the silver knight Jess, who was left in the world, also died in the hands of that person." Pope Schiller replied respectfully.

"Where is he?"

Archangel Gabriel spoke, but this time, there was a trace of killing intent.

"In Huaxia!"

The voice fell, and the void suddenly dimmed.

But Pope Schiller and the others waited for a long time, and finally couldn't bear to look up, only to find that there were other angels there.

"Rush to countries immediately and get them ready."

After a while, after confirming that Gabriel had left, Pope Schiller said indifferently.

Chapter [-] Undercurrents are turbulent!

At the same time, Mount Olympus.

The mountain peaks shone brightly, gusts of wind swept through the sky, and thunder roared.

The vision here is even more terrifying.

The oppressive breath permeated out, making the surrounding countries clearly feel it.

The old man who guarded the sacred mountain at the beginning, bowed at this moment, and issued a strange rhythm note to the sacred mountain.

The radius of hundreds of miles has been emptied by state agencies.

In order to show respect for the gods, everyone is not allowed to enter, so no one has discovered the vision here.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the sky, and thunder and lightning fell from the sky, exuding terrifying power.

I saw the top of Olympus, and the sound of the horn sounded, sharp and agitated, causing the space to ripple and wrinkle, like water waves spreading.

"Welcome to the gods!"

When the old man saw this, his eyes were wet, and he fell to the ground, trembling all over.

The sound of the horn was getting louder and louder, as if it was ringing in the ear, it was rapid and agitated, making people's blood boil.

The next moment, 14 had the sound of thousands of troops trampling the ground, the cries of fighting, and the screams of dying. The top of the mountain seemed to be caught in an ancient war.

I don't know how long it took, when all the sounds dissipated, the world became quiet.

A cold voice came from the top of the mountain.

"Where is that man?"

"In the East!"

The old man was trembling all over, feeling the invisible pressure, and his soul trembled.

Then, there is no then!

The vision here is still there, but the owner of the voice on the mountain seems to have disappeared.

Europe, Alpis Mountains, in a pristine jungle.

This place is far away from the outside world, almost isolated from the world, gloomy and terrifying, and a bloody smell wafts out of it.

In the depths of the jungle, there is an ancient castle, and the walls are covered with vines, full of traces of time.

In a certain room of the old castle, the lights were dim, and the walls had red awns flowing, like blood, very coquettish.


Suddenly, in the corner of the room, countless black shadows the size of palms flew out, twisting in the void, and finally condensed into a pale middle-aged man.

"I didn't expect that Zeus and Yahweh both took action. It seems that the curse on the family should also be lifted."

The middle-aged man has deep facial features, bright red pupils, and when he opens his mouth, two fangs are exposed.

The blood race, from the formation of the world, has been handed down to the present, and has an almost infinite long-term vitality.


The middle-aged man suddenly spoke, his voice echoing in the castle, deep and cold.

Not long after, the sound of running sounded outside the room, and for a moment, a white-haired old man dressed in a formal dress, elegant and graceful, respectfully saluted the middle-aged man.

"Dear Prince Dracula, do you have any orders?"

"Where's that kid Mox?" Dracula asked, grinning in confusion.

"Your Majesty, Duke Mox left the castle ten years ago. According to the news sent last time, Mox met a real warrior in China, so he wanted to keep lurking." Billy's housekeeper was not in a hurry. He didn't answer, his attitude was still humble.

"True martial artist? Since Mox has gone, let him protect the true martial artist and avoid any accidents." Dracula said.

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