
Butler Billy led the way.

In the room, Dracula was the only one left. He looked at the dimmed lights, and his face instantly became solemn.

"I don't know, Lord Cain, what is the final result of the war with God?"

In the depths of his memory, a stunning back appeared, with blood-red long hair and a graceful figure, carrying a boundless sea of ​​blood, resisting the attack of God.

At that time, the universe collapsed, and the army of angels and the blood race led by Cain fought decisively in the depths of the starry sky.

And Dracula, because of the order of the Pope, was sent here by Cain after the war started.

When waking up, the previous cognition has changed.


It is night in the west, but it is day in the east.

Li Zhenwu took Qin Yao, followed by Chi You, and embarked on the journey to Wudang Mountain.

The Land Rover galloped at high speed, and the surrounding scenery passed by.

Chi You in the back seat had a curious expression on his face, and he felt infinite curiosity about everything.

"Wudang Mountain is now in charge of Lihuo Renren, and its strength is in the top ten in the Taoist Alliance. It is more than [-] years old."

Qin Yao explained to Li Zhenwu while driving: "It is said that the ancestor of Lihuo Renren is the relative of Yang Jian, the god of war in ancient myths and legends. Of course, this is all legend, but it is worth investigating."

"En!" Li Zhenwu replied, and there was no more.

"Why are you going to Wudang Mountain? Could it be that your inheritance came from there?" For a moment, Qin Yao couldn't help but ask.

"Inheritance? That is my inheritance, who knows now!"

Li Zhenwu was stunned for a moment, but soon recovered.

During the prehistoric period, Wudang Mountain was his gate. No matter the great supernatural powers or the 600 saints, they dared not underestimate it.

As for Wudang Mountain on Earth, although it has the same name, Li Zhenwu doesn't know the difference for the time being.

Qin Yao said that Yang Jian's descendants were a little bit believed, but all speculations could only be confirmed after that.


Suddenly, Li Zhenwu snorted in surprise, turned his head to look at the sky, his eyes flickered with blue light.

"What's wrong?" Beside, Qin Yao asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing, have you felt that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth seems to be rich." Li Zhenwu said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Hearing this, Qin Yao was stunned, if it wasn't for Li Zhenwu's reminder, she wouldn't be sure.

Feeling it carefully at this moment, I found that the spiritual energy was twice as strong, which was very magical.

"What's going on? Could it be..."

Qin Yao was shocked, and immediately widened her eyes, staring at Li Zhenwu in disbelief.

For a moment, she thought of a possibility, that is, the passage of the ancient world has opened.

In other words, there is a supreme being, descending from another world.

"Haha, it's possible, don't be nervous, as long as I'm here, whoever comes is the same."

Looking at the continuous mountains hidden in the sky, Li Zhenwu had a smile on his face, an unprecedented joy.

Finally, we are going to Wudang Mountain!

Chapter [-] Wudang Mountain!

Wudang Mountain, also known as Taihe Mountain, is similar to the holy place of religion in the hearts of Chinese cultivators.

The mountain road is winding, the ancient trees are green and the continuous buildings are scattered everywhere, and the momentum is magnificent and spectacular.

From a distance, you can feel its grandeur and grandeur.


When Li Zhenwu and his party got out of the car and were about to step forward, a blue light suddenly appeared in the void, and a rich fragrance erupted from the rock formation.

The azure light shrouded like a veil, looming in the mist, making this place full of endless mystery.

"This... what's going on?" Qin Yao looked up, her beautiful eyes widened, her face full of disbelief.

She has been to Wudang Mountain many times, but this is the first time she has seen the vision.

In the mountains, there are Chinese monks living in seclusion and devote themselves to cultivation.

"Could it be caused by the change of heaven and earth?" Qin Yao was stunned and muttered to herself.

You must know that the reason why Wudang Mountain has become a holy place for cultivators is that cultivating here has remarkable results.

Some cultivators with extraordinary talent feel even more obvious.


Countless sounds of breaking the sky sounded, and dozens of black shadows flew down from the top of the mountain.

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