Naruto Uzumaki turned his face in dissatisfaction, but the whole class was laughing again.

Iruka was already facing the whole class and shouted, "What are you laughing at! Today's topic is the review test of 'Transfiguration'! Those who have passed will also stand in line for me to retake the test!"

"Alas..." The entire class suddenly sighed.

It didn't take long for the students in the class to line up.

Haruno Sakura came on and made a pass.

Uchiha Sasuke came on stage, and the perfect transformation technique made Iruka speechless.

"Pass!" Iruka said loudly.

"Hmph, what's so amazing." Uzumaki Naruto snorted in dissatisfaction when he saw this, and then he went on stage and decisively used his own 'art of lust and seduction'.

Naruto Uzumaki had not passed the last revision test before the graduation exam. Not only that, but at noon, under the scorching sun, he was also escorted to personally clean up the graffiti on several generations of Hokage statues.

"Damn... Damn..." Uzumaki Naruto muttered fiercely while wiping his graffiti.

"I won't let you go until you're done washing."

Iruka, who was working on the side, said in advance.

"It doesn't matter!" Uzumaki Naruto raised his face and said heavily: "Anyway, since Zhenwu left, I have always been alone!"

After speaking, Uzumaki Ming was sulking, and continued to wipe his graffiti again.

Darui, who was standing on the side, was a little touched. After hesitating for a while, he still said, "Naruto."

"What happened this time!" Naruto raised his head.

"How do you say that?" Iruka said after pretending to think: "After you have cleaned up, I will treat you to ramen."

The voice fell, and after a second, Naruto Uzumaki cheered!

After the sky darkened, Konoha, Ichiro Ramen.

Naruto Uzumaki and Iruka came here.

"Naruto is here!" The owner of Yile Ramen, who has become an uncle, greeted with a smile.

"Well, Iruka-sensei has a treat today!" Naruto nodded heavily: "Two bowls of ramen!"

After the ramen came, the two sat down and Darui asked, "Naruto, why are you graffiti on the Naruto statue? You should know who Naruto is..."

Naruto ate the noodles in the bowl in one go, and then put down the empty bowl before raising his head and said, "The one with the name of Hokage is the strongest ninja in the village!"

"Then why..." Iruka asked strangely.

"Because one day, I will inherit the name of Hokage, and what's more!" Naruto Uzumaki put on a heavy pose, sonorous and energetic: "I will surpass the Hokage of all dynasties! Moreover, I will also surpass Zhenwu. That's why I want the people in the village to recognize my power!"

Iruka finished the ramen in one mouthful, and before he spoke, Naruto continued: "But, Iruka shit, I have a request."

Iruka was taken aback and looked at Naruto's empty bowl: "Do you want another bowl?"

"No." Naruto shook his head and said his true intentions, "Lend me the Konoha forehead guard to wear."

Saying that, Naruto folded his hands together and asked.

"You said that." Iruka smiled, stretched out his hand to support his ninja forehead, and then repeatedly said: "No, no, the forehead is a proof that a person can be independent after graduating from the ninja school."

While rejecting Naruto, Iruka said, "You, just wait until after graduation tomorrow..."

"Stingy!" Naruto shouted.

"Haha." I 4.6 Luka laughed twice, "No wonder you took off your goggles, so you want to wear a ninja forehead."

However, after Naruto shouted, his voice lowered, and the whole person was also a little low: "I just want to try the feeling of wearing the Konoha forehead guard, Zhenwu originally wore this when he was four years old!"

"Master Zhenwu..." Iruka was stunned for a moment, and after Naruto's words, he remembered that he had never spoken to himself.

Naruto has already adjusted himself, and shouted: "Boss, another bowl of ramen!"

Hee-hee's noisy day passed quickly.

The day when Konoha's ninja school students graduate again has come.

(Second, ask for automatic subscription!)

Chapter [-]: The Country of Waves Mission! (third more)

The day that Konoha Ninja School graduates.

Anyone who passes the exam will be able to graduate smoothly and get their own Konoha forehead protection.

But Naruto just changed into a soft half-assed avatar during the avatar exam, and that's why he failed.

After leaving the class, Naruto Uzumaki sat on the swing under the tree and stayed in a corner alone, looking at other people who became ninjas with some sadness, full of loss.

It was at this time that two women saw Naruto and spoke unabashedly: "This is the child."

"It seems that he is the only one who failed."

"Hmph, that's what he deserves."

"It would be bad if that kind of person became a ninja."

"After all, that kid is..."

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