"Shut up! Don't talk about it, discussion is forbidden next."

Naruto raised his hand silently and touched his goggles, feeling depressed, and suddenly missed someone.

"Zhenwu... If you were here, you wouldn't care about other people's gossip."

Suddenly, in front of Naruto, Mr. Mizuki, whom he had seen before, appeared.

Although there was an episode of Mizuki, Naruto got a blessing in disguise and finally graduated smoothly and became a ninja.

Then they were divided into classes, that is, here, Naruto was divided into a team with his lifelong enemy, Uchiha Sasuke.

Then, they passed Kakashi's test and officially became a ninja. After doing many trivial tasks, they finally received a C-level task to go to the country of waves.

"Wow, it's finally coming out!"

When their team just left the village, Naruto was extremely excited.

"Hmph, idiot." Sasuke looked at him disdainfully.

Naruto didn't care, he was always excited when he left the village for the first time, and the little people who had been so trivial before had almost become unbearable for him.

They all thought it was just a C-level mission, just escorting the bridge expert back to the country of waves.

But I didn't expect an accident to happen during the mission.

There were several unknown Chunin who attacked them in the middle. Although Naruto just let Naruto wait for him to solve it in the end, it also cast a shadow over this mission.

"Mr. Dazner, there is something you must ask before you get to the horse's head."

After they repelled a wave of Chunin, on the way to the country of waves by boat, Kakashi opened his mouth and asked Dazna: "The identities and reasons of those who attacked you, otherwise our mission will be It will end when Mr. Dazner comes ashore."

Dazna, a bridge expert from the Land of Waves, was silent for a long time, then raised his head: "It seems that I have to tell the truth, everyone listen to me."

"Mr. Kakashi is right. This work is indeed beyond the scope of your mission. In fact, there is a super terrifying person who wants my life."

"A super scary person?" Kakashi asked: "Who is it?"

"You should have heard of his name. He is the rich man of the shipping company, a man named Cardo."

"Kado? Could it be the Kado from the shipping group?"

Kakashi was surprised, he knew the name: "I heard that he is one of the richest people in the world,"

"That's right." Dazner closed his eyes slightly: "Although he is the owner of a shipping company on the surface, he uses the power of ninjas in private to conduct smuggling, drug and drug transactions, and even invite other people to fight. Enterprise or country! He is a man who can eat people without spitting bones!"

"About a year ago, that man..."

Dazner slowly told the Konoha team the truth of everything, and told the current plight of the country of waves and the darkness of Dazner as a person.

And why he, Dazna, found the Konoha team.

"I don't have the money to pay for high-priced missions above B-rank." Dazner said in a low voice: "So, if you stop this mission after you land, I will definitely die before I get home! But it's nothing, you don't need to care, even if I really It's only my lovely grandson who is almost eight years old who can cry and die."

Speaking, Dazna squeezed out some tears: "And then, and my grandson will hate Konoha ninjas and live alone."

Dazner's remarks, there was no way to stimulate the Konoha team.

In the end, Kakashi reluctantly spread his hands and compromised: "Then, there is no way, we will help protect you."

The three of Naruto Sasuke were also quietly relieved, because they had been moved by Dazna, and they were really worried that Kakashi would refuse cruelly.

But at this time, in the fog at sea, a voice suddenly came out.

"That's why! Old man, you obviously can't afford Konoha's exorbitant mission cost, but you still want to invite Konoha's ninjas. Isn't this a swollen face to pretend to be fat?"

"Someone!" Kakashi was shocked, but he didn't expect that someone had come to him, and he only found out when he spoke.

And in this case, if the other party makes a sneak attack... the consequences are simply unimaginable!

Kakashi couldn't help turning his head a little dignifiedly, and found that there was also a small boat on one side, but on the boat were two ninjas who were a little older than his students, and a smaller ninja.

"This is?" Kakashi was a little surprised, because he didn't know the forehead guards these ninjas were wearing.

At this moment, a gray-clothed white-haired ninja with two dots on his forehead said:

"It's not far from you, there is our body ninja village. The price of the task is cheaper than that of Konoha, and the quality of the task is not bad at all. But you old man, you want to make a swollen face and make a fat man, go and invite the ninja of Konoha. !"

"Physical Ninja Village?"

"Physical Ninja Village?"

Kakashi was surprised, and then found that Naruto Sakura was also surprised.

"Kakashi-sensei, where is the ninja village?"

(Two military articles are recommended, "The Rise of the Country of Special Forces" and "I Am Zhou Weiguo", if you like it, you can go and read it.)

Chapter [-] The Ninja Village Team! (fourth more)

"Kakashi-sensei, where is the ninja village?"

Naruto asked curiously, and he was also curiously looking at the three ninjas on the approaching boat.

They wear different clothes, but they all have the same logo, like a patchwork of matches, but with hands and feet.

Naruto looked around curiously, and found that of the three, two were probably bigger than him, but one seemed to be a little smaller than him.

One was wearing a blue-and-white kimono, with smooth hair and fair looks.

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