There is also a light gray dress, but the hair is gray and gray, and there are two dots on the two brows on the forehead, and he looks a little handsome.

The one with the smallest dot is purple hair and big eyes, looking at them at the moment.

Seeing the three of them, Naruto was curious because he had never seen ninjas in the 'Ninja Village'.

"Xiao Sakura, do you know the Ninja Village?" Naruto turned to ask Haruno Sakura who was beside him. You must know that Haruno Sakura's written test and written grades can be said to be the best in their class.

"I don't know." Haruno Sakura shook her head. She didn't know anything about the Ninja Village in class.

On the other hand, Hatake Kakashi thought thoughtfully and said, "Tin Ninja Village, it is said to be from the Ninja Village of the Land of Red Beans. In recent years, it has been more active outside the five major countries."

After Hatake Kakashi finished speaking, he did not relax his vigilance, because in his opinion, the three ninjas of the ninja village were no trivial matter, and they were able to quietly approach them, making them unaware.

"I know the ninja village." Dazna just said something, and he said awkwardly: "The ninja village is a newly established ninja village in the country of red beans. It has a good reputation among small countries, and it is said that it is very powerful. Strong, the mission completion rate is high.”

Having said that, Dazna also did not want to offend the Ninja Village, and explained it out loud: "Actually, at the beginning, I had the idea to seek the help of the Ninja Village, but Cardo's reputation is too great. Now, and it is said that the ninjas under his hands are very powerful, I am a little worried about whether the Ninja Village can solve it."

Dazner said: "So, after hesitating for a long time, I finally went to Konoha for help."

"So it is, but Mr. Dazner doesn't have to doubt the strength of our body ninja village. If we are not careful, we will not accept the task."

Among the three ninjas in the body ninja village, the ninja who looked clean and beautiful opened his mouth.

"Beautiful and gentle big sister." At this moment, Naruto had such an idea in his heart, because the other party's voice was very soft and gentle, which was almost an extreme compared to Haruno Sakura.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Konoha, in the lower body Ninja Village White, they are Ranmaru, and Junma Lu."

Bai Lu smiled and introduced herself softly.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki! I'll be the ninja of Naruto Konoha in the future!" Seeing that the trio of Body Ninja Village had already introduced themselves, Naruto quickly introduced himself.

"This idiot!" Sasuke Uchiha secretly said in his heart, because at this moment, the enemy and I are not named, but Naruto exposed his information so simply.

However, because Naruto had already introduced himself first, Kakashi did not hold it, but introduced himself: "I am Konoha Ninja Hatake Kakashi, this is Naruto, this is Sakura , this is Sasuke."

After a brief introduction, Kakashi directly asked the questions he cared about.

"Since Mr. Dazner didn't find your body ninja village, how did you end up here?"

Kakashi was puzzled, because this matter is really strange, how can a ninja village help others without accepting the task?Not to mention it's just a small ninja village.

Bai Wei smiled and said: "When our body ninja village was founded, we already had a purpose, that is to give priority to protecting the small border countries that help us, so this time, even Mr. Dazner did not go to our body. Ninja Village released a mission, but we, who took the initiative to learn about the situation in the country of waves, will still come and contribute."

"Wow! It's so selfless!" Naruto couldn't help but said...

Hatake Kakashi was also surprised by the purpose of the ninja village.

"It's almost there."

At this moment, the boatman on the boat suddenly said, "Dazna, it seems that we have not been discovered by Cardo's people so far."

"Thank goodness." Dazna breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at the Konoha ninja he invited, and the ninja in the ninja village who took the initiative to help. He felt more about the crisis that the country of waves was going to overcome this time. some confidence.

"I'm sorry for doubting the strength of your body ninja village before." Dazna also apologized and said sincerely: "But I'm also very grateful to you for coming to help our country this time, if we get through this time. In the crisis, our country of waves will thank you all."

"Hey, come here, we will definitely help your country of waves to tide over the crisis!" Jun Malu said.

"We will also help the country of waves!" Naruto also said with a look of being outdone.

Two boats passed through a long bridge.

After a while, the original fog on the sea dissipated, and there was a beautiful view of the house, with birdsong and flowers, and the scenery was pleasant.

This is the territory of the Land of Waves.

"Next, escort me home, I'll ask you." Dazner said sincerely.

"Don't worry, just leave it to us." Junmalu spoke again, his tone was 0.0 indifferent, but he was full of self-confidence.

"Humph." Naruto showed his existence.

Then, the group continued on their way, preparing to escort Dazner back home.

Walking in a forest, Kakashi looked around, thinking in his heart: "If there is another attack, then it will definitely not be Chunin, but Jounin. Sigh."

They were on their way, but Naruto had an active nature, and he wanted to show off, but he threw a random handful of kunai and returned without success.

After a while of noise, Naruto suddenly threw a kunai, but it almost hit a snow-white rabbit.

"There is an enemy attack." At this moment, Ranmaru suddenly spoke.

Chapter [-] The peach land will not be cut again! (fifth more)

In order to show off, Naruto deliberately walked in front of him in a funny way. After making an oolong, he suddenly noticed a little movement, and immediately threw a kunai out.

"Bang!" With one click, Kuwu was nailed to the tree fiercely, and beneath Kuwu was a shivering snow-white rabbit.

When Haruno Sakura saw a cute rabbit, she was so angry that she was about to scold Naruto, but at this time, Ranmaru, the youngest of the three people in the body ninja village, suddenly spoke up.

"There is an enemy attack, a very powerful enemy!"

As soon as these words came out, the trio of Body Ninja Village immediately became alert.

Haruno Sakura wondered: "It's just a rabbit, do you need to be so exaggerated?"

At this moment, Hatake Kakashi looked at the white fur of the rabbit, but thoughtfully said: "White fur will only appear in the short winter."

Hatake Kaka looked in all directions: "That is to say, this 21 rabbit is a snow rabbit that was raised in the absence of sunlight and is specially used for avatars."

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