Hatake Kakashi was startled and suspicious, secretly vigilant, but he has not found any trace of the enemy.

But Naruto was still holding the rabbit and apologized, and Haruno Sakura was also caring about the cute rabbit.

At this moment, Ranmaru looked at the top of a tree and said, "The enemy is there."

"Well?" Hatake Kakashi was surprised when he heard the words, and the first family looked in the direction of Ranmaru's gaze, and as expected, he noticed something abnormal.

A masked ninja has thrown a broadsword.

"Everyone, get down!" Hatake Kakashi quickly reminded.

"Huh!" The abnormally large knife swirled and danced in the air, coming directly towards Dazna.

Danaz was terrified and didn't have time to get down.

Suddenly at this moment, a figure flashed to his side without a shadow, and with a gray coat and white hair, it was Jun Malu!

Junmarou reached Danaz's side, put his hand on Danaz's shoulder, and squatted on the ground.

"Bang!" The big knife slashed through the air, drew an arc, and then chopped down on a big tree.

pedal!The ninja masked with a white cloth has already jumped on top of his sword.

"This guy is..." Hatake Kakashi was serious, but Naruto took the lead and looked back at Naruto: "This guy is finally here, it's time for my performance!"

Naruto is excited, but Kakashi has already taken two steps forward: "This is not the defected ninja of Kiriyin, won't Taodi be cut again?"

"Fugitive ninja?" Naruto muttered, full of hyperactive momentum, but prepared to step forward and attack first: "What about him! It doesn't matter who it is."

Having said that, Naruto is going to step forward.


A big hand suddenly stopped in front of Naruto, and Hatake Kakashi said in a serious voice, "Don't get in the way!"

Then, Hatake Kakashi gave a solemn and earnest order: "You all retreat."

"Why?" Naruto wasn't convinced. When he encountered an attack before, he and Sasuke Sakura worked together and solved the two attacking Chunin, so he was very eager to take action at this moment.

"This guy is too different from the previous two." Hatake Kakashi said slowly, raising his hand and taking off his forehead guard: "If you want to fight him, only use one The eyes seem a little tired!"

"There's actually a chance to meet Kakashi Sharingyan." Zaibuzhan, who was standing on his big sword, turned his head and said slowly, "Excuse me, can you give me that old man?"

"Writing round eye? What was it then?" Naruto was curious.

But Kakashi has already said seriously behind him: "You guys, quickly set up the swastika! Protect Mr. Dazna, don't join the battle yet!"

As Kakashi said that, he was about to pull off his forehead guard.

At this moment, a voice came from behind him.

"Hehe, it's the Kirigakushi ninja."

Naruto turned his head and found that it was in the body ninja village team, the opening named Junmalu was smiling lowly.

"Yes, although it is a defected ninja from the Kirikin Ninja Village, there is no doubt that he was born in the Kirikin Ninja Village."

In Naruto's eyes, he found that the 'gentle and kind big sister' Bai in his heart was also speaking at the moment.

Because of the sudden conversation between the two, Kakashi's movements were interrupted.

Kakashi said in a deep voice: "Don't rush in, don't cut the peach land... It's definitely not something that ordinary ninjas under the Shinobi can deal with."

At the moment, Kakashi also advised Bai and the other three not to shoot at will.

"Hey, these three little devils don't seem to belong to Konoha."

Taodi Zaibuzhan suddenly found something wrong. Looking at the ninja guards who waited for the three of them, he recognized it: "You are... the little ghosts of the body ninja village?"

Taodi Zaibuzhan has never seen the ninjas in the ninja village, but he has heard rumors about 410, a ninja village established in a small country.

"If you don't cut it, your opponent is me!" Kakashi looked at the trio of Body Ninja Village, and he was a little worried that he would be attacked by the trio of Body Ninja Village, so he started the battle first.

"Really?" Zaibuzhan's eyes were attracted by Kakashi. As for the body ninja village, according to his information, it was just a small ninja village, so his attention was easily taken away from the three white people, and he re-entered the village. Focus on Kakashi.

"Then I want to see the legendary Sharinyan? It's an honor!"

Seeing the tension between the two, Kakashi was about to take off his forehead again, but a soft voice interrupted the atmosphere.


Shiro opened his mouth and suddenly destroyed the atmosphere that was about to start in the next second, but he didn't realize it at all, but looked at Hatake Kakashi.

Then I heard Bai continue to say a word, but in Kakashi's ears, it was undoubtedly shocking.

"Kakashi-sama of Konoha."

"The betrayal of this Kirigakushi Ninja Village, why don't you leave it to us to solve it."

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Chapter [-] The ability of the trio! (first update)



Kakashi opened his mouth in surprise, but Naruto Sakura reacted the same way.

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