This is a manor hidden in the deep valley of the orchid, with a retro building and an elegant and peaceful environment. It is worthy of being a hidden family.

When the car door opened, Li Zhenwu hadn't recovered yet, and was almost taken aback by the sight in front of him.

In front of the manor, under the leadership of an old man, dozens of people waited quietly. When they saw Li Zhenwu getting off the car, they all bowed and saluted.

"Welcome Senior Li to the Humble House!"

The neat voice seems to have been rehearsed dozens of times, and no flaws can be found.

Next to him, Qin Yao was ashamed, stepped forward with a wry smile, and helped the old man to complain: "Grandpa, what are you doing? Li Zhenwu is just my classmate. Is this necessary?"

"Hee hee, good granddaughter, you don't know anything, ask questions in no order, the master is the teacher."

This old man is Qin Tiannan, one of the famous Chinese bigwigs. He grinned: "Mr. Li is a dragon and a phoenix in the world, and he is unparalleled in the world. How can it be compared to me and other mere mortals."

While speaking, he pushed Qin Yao away, strode to Li Zhenwu, and bowed again to salute.

"no need!'

Seeing Qin Yao's expression of wanting to cry, Li Zhenwu was also speechless, he waved his hand lightly, and let out the power of true martial arts, holding Qin Tiannan up.

However, looking at Qin Tiannan's appearance, he didn't seem to be happy.

Think about it too, since the beginning of dissatisfaction with Double Ten, there has been congenital madness, how long has it been since then?

Not to mention the first battle of the island country, and the subsequent fight with the Holy Knights, it was even more punched, and even unscathed, what a terrifying ability.

Moreover, on the way, Qin Yao had already informed him about the evolution of Wudang Mountain and the world.

In this way, Li Zhenwu's identity, in Qin Tiannan's heart, almost reached its peak, and he could be called a god.

You must know that having a god-like powerhouse is undoubtedly a kind of deterrent to China's nuclear weapons, and it is infinite.

"Senior Li should be tired, so let's take a rest first, and let's catch the wind for Senior Li tomorrow!" Qin Tiannan smiled and asked Li Zhenwu to go first.

At the end, when he saw Chi You behind him, he couldn't help being surprised.

"Senior Li, who is this master?"

"I am the master's slave."

Before Li Zhenwu could answer, Chi You had already spoken lightly.

Listening to the attitude and tone, it seemed very natural, and I didn't feel anything wrong.

This made Qin Tiannan and everyone in the Qin family stunned.

"Grandpa, you have been thought about so much. Li Zhenwu wanted to see his parents." Qin Yao felt embarrassed when she saw this and put her hand on her forehead.

"I know, but Senior Li's parents are already asleep, so don't disturb it so late," Qin Tiannan said.

A group of people entered the manor, with flowing water curves, gray tiles and cornices, an antique environment.

In the end, Li Zhenwu couldn't stand Qin Tiannan's enthusiasm and quickly returned to the arranged room.

And Chi You, a dull man, was pulled by Qin Tiannan and asked for warmth. He looked like an old friend whom he hadn't seen for many years.

It has to be said that as one of several big bosses in China, Qin Tiannan's vision of the future is definitely farther than everyone else.

Today's infinite enthusiasm is for the stability of China in the future.

In the room, Li Zhenwu crossed his knees on the couch.

"Well, now that you are free, let's see what the so-called gods are, and if they are tough, they must be trained well."

Speaking to himself, Li Zhenwu's forehead appeared blue light, and the mark of the Chaos Clock flickered a few times.


The space wave turbulent, enveloped him, and instantly disappeared from the room.

In the Zhoutian Xingdou space of the Chaos Clock, countless stars are running, bright and bright, illuminating the abyss-like darkness.

In this situation, when Athena and Gabriel came in, they were all shocked.

The stars in the sky radiated splendid rays of light. Every moment, the stars moved according to the mysterious trajectory, making this space seem like the real universe.

At this time, Athena and Gabriel were obsessed with the stars, and when they came in, their cultivation was also suppressed.

There is invisible coercion here, even if Daluo Jinxian comes in, he will be demoted to a mortal.


Li Zhenwu appeared in the depths of the starry sky with his hands on his back, his eyes were deep, and he looked at the two of them lightly.

"Li Zhenwu?"

Suddenly, Athena and Gabriel woke up, their pretty faces changed slightly, and a trace of fear flashed in their eyes.

You must know that the scene in front of you is not an illusion, but a real existence.

This shocked them, but also felt humbled.

The cultivators in the east are indeed mysterious and unpredictable, and the heaven-defying cultivators have always been the source of their god race's fear.

"Goddess of war, Archangel Gabriel, right?" Li Zhenwu stepped forward and stood in the air.

In front of the two [-]-meter giants, he was as tiny as an ant, but in their hearts, he was infinitely mighty, almost equal to God.

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