"We are now the captives of Your Excellency, what do we want to do?" Athena said.

"The divine body is similar to the god of the witch clan. Before talking to me, put away your deity." Li Zhenwu said lightly.

When the voice fell, Athena and Gabriel were stunned for a moment, and then they shrank into a two-meter-high body.

The goddess of war is tall and sensual, with a hot and spicy temperament. Archangel Gabriel looks quiet and peaceful, with a cold and warm temperament. It has to be said that the temperament of the two is completely opposite, which can be described as two extremes.

At this moment, their expressions were bleak, and they did not dare to resist Li Zhenwu at all.

The body of the gods is the arrogance of the gods, and the body of the holy light of the angels is also the sincerity of faith.

Now that he has turned into a human body, it is obvious that his mind has almost collapsed, and everything he faces is mysterious and unpredictable.

"Very well, now I give you two choices, either die or surrender."

Li Zhenwu nodded in satisfaction, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Chapter [-] Tune the gods and angels!

The voice fell, and the sky was quiet.


Archangel Gabriel shook his head decisively, his long golden hair fluttering, and every strand of hair was full of charm.

"As the body of the Holy Light, all my sources of strength come from my sincerity to God. Betrayal will degenerate and lose myself. What's the difference between killing me?" She was firm and did not give in.

Li Zhenwu still smiled and turned to look at Athena with a bit of playfulness in his eyes.

"The same is true for me. As the goddess of war, my power comes from the god of creation. If I betray, I will become a mortal." Athena gritted her teeth.

You must know that whether it is the twelve main gods or the angels of the Vatican, their power comes from the outside world, not from themselves.

Even the ability user, who wants to evolve stronger, just controls more elements of heaven and earth.

The advantage of the cultivator is to absorb the energy of heaven and earth, so that he can change himself and use his body as a source of strength.

Comparing the two, the merits and demerits are decided.

Of course, the other way of the three thousand Shimen can achieve this level, and the two Western sages are already considered to be strange among the saints.

This was the case in Elysium at the beginning, and the same is true in Heaven now.

"In the end, I didn't want to know, I just asked, would you like to surrender?" Li Zhenwu took a few steps forward, less than one meter in front of the two, and spoke lightly again.

"No, it's not that we don't want to, it's that we can't!"

Seeing Li Zhenwu's tough attitude, Athena said with despair in her heart.

"Very well, since you are unwilling to surrender, then don't blame me for taking action."

Li Zhenwu slowly shook his head, flicked his fingers, and the blue light burst out, an invisible force that instantly enveloped the two women.

The next moment, the invisible blade revolved around the two women, and the armor on his body was instantly torn apart, and even the weapon was instantly turned into dust.

The body of Bai Huahua was exposed to the starlight.

Li Zhenwu did not look sideways, took another step forward, his eyes were cold, and said: "Betraying heaven and the realm of the gods, surrender to me, are you willing?"

The sight of the blood spurting made the two women in a hurry, and they were about to burst into tears.

Since their birth, they have never suffered such humiliation, and they still have no resistance, and their minds suddenly collapsed.

"We are willing to surrender." Athena and Gabriel gritted their teeth and nodded loudly.

"Then you have betrayed the West, right?"

"Yes Master!"

"If you betray the West, your power will disappear, and you will become mortal, or you will fall forever, right?"

"Yes..." Athena and Gabriel answered with difficulty, their eyes filled with crystal tears.

"Then your power is gone now?"

However, with just one word from Li Zhenwu, the two women were awakened from a trance.

The divine light and holy light transpired, and the delicate and fair skin surface appeared. When the source of power was running, it was not affected at all.

"This... what's going on?" The two women were shocked, and even forgot to cover up the fragrant pictures that were exposed.

You must know that in the world of Greek mythology, there was a god who betrayed Zeus, and finally fell from the altar, became a mortal, and was eternally reincarnated in pain.

And the same is true in heaven, when Lucifer betrayed God, became a fallen angel, and finally lost himself.

"In my world, the so-called gods must bow their heads and serve as ministers."

Li Zhenwu spoke proudly and said with disdain: "This space, with my blessing, your source of strength can be transferred here."

"Similarly, how far you can grow depends on your loyalty."

Hearing this, Athena and Gabriel looked at each other, carefully felt their bodies, and found that it was true.

That majestic energy source is endless, and it is closely related to Li Zhenwu. Whenever they run the power, they can sense the existence of Li Zhenwu.

As for loyalty?

The two looked at each other again, and both saw that there was a blazing flame rising in each other's eyes.

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