After leaving the villa, Li Zhenwu regained his indifference, and naturally let go of Qin Yao's hand, as if nothing had happened.

With such a change, Qin Yao's cheeks were flushed, and her teeth were itching with hatred. This fellow did pretend. In front of his parents and outsiders, he didn't seem to want to be alone. His mentality changed, and he could do whatever he wanted.

"By the way, my grandfather really has something to do with you, are you in the past now?" Qin Yao glanced at Li Zhenwu and said angrily.

"Well, it just so happened that I wanted to find him too, there are some things I need to ask clearly." Li Zhenwu nodded.

The manor occupies a large area, with the area of ​​several basketball courts. It is divided into five areas, and a layer of defense is built with thick walls. It can be called a small town.

The area where Li Zhenwu's parents were located was in the middle, the same area as Qin Nantian, not far away, only a few minutes away.

It was an elegant and quiet courtyard, with lush trees, grey eaves and grey tiles.

In the small courtyard, the people in front of the door were notified, and they let them go without blocking it.

Li Zhenwu and Qin Yao came to a living room, Qin Tiannan had been waiting long ago, and immediately got up when he saw this, and said with a smile, "Senior Li, I am not well entertained, please don't forgive me!"

While speaking, Qin Nantian glanced at Qin Yao, not knowing what he was thinking, and immediately reached out to greet him.

The three of them were seated, and the next person made tea. The fragrance of tea was filled with the fragrance, which made people feel relaxed.

"Senior Li, please use tea!" Qin Nantian stretched out his hand.

Li Zhenwu was not polite, so he took a good time, took a sip from the porcelain cup, put it down and praised: "Good tea!"

Beside him, Qin Yao looked at Li Zhenwu with an indifferent face, and suddenly felt speechless. When this classmate Li was facing his parents, he was completely different.

"As long as you like it, seniors like it, the mountain area is really inconvenient." Qin Nantian smiled, suddenly remembered something, and asked, "I don't know about those two Western gods, what does Senior Li plan to do?

Although there was no witness to the battle at Wudang Mountain, it was not difficult for the Qin family to know.

However, Li Zhenwu had no intention of hiding anything.

The arrival of the gods in the West means what it means to the whole world, everyone knows.

That is the revival of the ancient civilization, and the splendor of the age of mythology will continue. When everyone can cultivate and exert the power of nature, what kind of grand occasion will it be?

Li Zhenwu lowered his head and said nothing. In fact, in front of Qin Yao, he felt a little guilty. Let's not talk about the infinite spring that night. It was mainly because Qin Yao followed him in the prehistoric era.

However, his silence fell into Qin Nantian's eyes, but he mistakenly thought he didn't want to say more.

"That's right, after all, it's a secret about the revival of mythology. It's fine if you don't want to talk about it, but I hope you're in the Huaxia region and don't mess with the outside world." Qin Nantian smiled awkwardly. Li Zhenwu didn't say it, he really didn't. Method.

Not to mention that powerful strength, the magic weapon in Wudang Mountain, when Qin Yao mentioned it, was simply amazing.

"Don't worry, I have my reasons. If people don't offend me, then I won't offend them." Li Zhenwu waved his hand with a smile on his face.

Afterwards, the two started a heated discussion on the basis of global evolution.

Qin Nantian was not ashamed to ask questions. When he encountered something he didn't understand, he kept his attitude low, hoping to get Li Zhenwu's guidance.

For these, Li Zhenwu did not hide his secrets, and said nothing.

"The process of global evolution will not be too fast. Now it is just opening the shackles of cultivation. The thin spiritual energy of this planet is not enough for everyone to stand at the top of the pyramid."

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, his eyes flashing slightly: "Of course, this process will not take long. When the passages of those mythical worlds are opened, I think that the speed of evolution of the creatures on earth will leap up."

With the assurance of an immortal, Qin Yao and Qin Nantian were full of expressions, and their eyes flashed quickly.

For a moment, Qin Nantian seemed to muster up his courage, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "Senior is a cultivator in China, I don't know if you are interested in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor?"

The Mausoleum of the First Emperor?

Qin Yao couldn't believe it, she turned her head and stared at Qin Nantian with wide eyes, her eyes were full of doubts.

And Li Zhenwu also felt a little puzzled in his heart.

You must know that the Mausoleum of the First Emperor is an unsolved mystery in this world. It is not far from the Qin family manor and is full of various mysterious legends.

Immortality, shape the Terracotta Warriors, so that the army accompanies the first emperor to fight in the world after death.

Every legend is covered with a dreamy color, which makes people fascinated.

Silent, Li Zhenwu closed his eyes, his mind was spinning rapidly, he thought a lot, but more, it was Qin Nantian's meaning.

After an unknown amount of time, Li Zhenwu opened his eyes, glanced at Qin Nantian lightly, and said, "What do you want?"

Hearing this, Qin Nantian was stunned for a moment, then looked at Qin Yao meaningfully, and sighed: "Senior, I don't know, our Qin family is the guardian of the mausoleum. For thousands of years, we have been waiting for someone. Appear."

Chapter [-] Qin Family Secret Realm!

Waiting for someone?

Not only Li Zhenwu, but even Qin Yao was amazed and puzzled.

Mausoleum Guardian?

This is even more speechless. If ordinary people hear it, they will definitely laugh and look at the idiot in the eyes.

However, Li Zhenwu wouldn't, after all, even Qin Yao had appeared, and, looking at it, the so-called waiting person was definitely himself.

After all, it was not surprising that the Su family was like this at the time, and now the Qin family is like this.

It just made him wonder how these old people were reincarnated, and it was difficult for him to calculate.

No matter what, Li Zhenwu has made up his mind, and when his strength is restored, he must find someone to ask.

"Go on!" After recovering, Li Zhenwu frowned and motioned to Qin Nantian.

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