"That's right, the existence of the Qin family can be traced back to the post-Qin era. At that time, our mission was to find the elixir of immortality for the first emperor."

Qin Nantian nodded, with reminiscence in his eyes, and said slowly: "Everyone in the world ridicules Shi Huang that he didn't want to die, but they don't know that everything Shi Huang did was due to a promise."

"The details at that time are already very vague after so long, but according to the family records, the first emperor was entrusted by the immortals at that time. If he wants to dominate the world, he should abolish his cultivation."

"Finally, the first emperor saw that the six kingdoms were fighting for hegemony all year round, and there was no victory or defeat for hundreds of years, but Huaxia Erlang was killed and injured countless times, and finally he abandoned his cultivation base and was willing to become a mortal."

"The so-called search for the elixir of immortality is just a rumor, it is to fulfill the entrustment of the immortal."

"Unfortunately, the first emperor failed to achieve his wish in his entire life. He could only separate my ancestors from the Qin family, and became a hidden family from then on. At the same time, he also has the responsibility of guarding the mausoleum."

In the living room, Qin Nantian's voice sounded from time to time, appearing lonely and closed.

Even Qin Yao had never heard of such secrets, but when he thought of the responsibility of the ancestors of the family, which had been passed down for thousands of years, he suddenly became solemn and admired in his heart.

Li Zhenwu smiled, his face was the same as usual, and he couldn't see the anger: "Master Qin, so secretive, I don't know what it has to do with me?"

Yes, although Honghuang's old friend was reincarnated as a member of the Qin family, in the final analysis, this has nothing to do with Li Zhenwu.

"Senior, I don't know anything. This matter really has nothing to do with senior. It's just that old man, I have something to ask for help from senior." Qin Nantian said with a face full of embarrassment.

"Oh, let's hear it."

Li Zhenwu came to be interested. Since Qin Nantian revealed the secret, the matter he requested must have something to do with the tomb of the First Emperor.

Sure enough, Qin Nantian's face froze, "I just want to ask the seniors to help start the emperor's mausoleum, because when the original emperor passed away, he said that if you can't find that person, you can open the mausoleum to get some tips. At that time, we Qin Even if the family is completely freed.”

You must know that the Mausoleum of the First Emperor is of great importance, and it is not an exaggeration to be the first tomb in China.

It is probably the credit of the Qin family that it has been preserved to this day.

However, this time Li Zhenwu was wrong.

"To be honest with the seniors, hundreds of years ago, when the cultivators began to wither, the family deliberately opened the tomb to find clues, but unfortunately..." Qin Nantian said with embarrassment: "It's a pity that the seemingly simple mausoleum relies on the existing science. The technology is still unable to be opened, and even some cultivators with advanced cultivation bases have also returned from disappointment."

Having said that, things are clear.

It is not that the Mausoleum of the First Emperor does not want to be opened, but that it cannot be opened. Even the immortals from hundreds of years ago could not do anything about it.

The mausoleum of a mortal emperor is so strange, it can be said that it caused a storm in the world of cultivators.

Many loose cultivators have tried secretly, but the results have not changed in the slightest.

In the end, the Qin family also gave up and let go of the secret protection directly, attracting more people to come, but it was still as stable as a mountain.

"According to records from hundreds of years ago, although the location of the First Emperor's Mausoleum has been determined, it seems that the entrance to the Immortal Realm cannot be found." Qin Nantian said in a condensed voice.

I can determine the location, but I can't find the entrance, and if I attack it, I can't help it.

The continuous hills have been turned over, but the strange thing is that as long as you start, even if you dig a thousand meters, it seems that you can't get to that position at all.

This matter can be said to be a secret of China, only a few high-level people know about it.

The terracotta warriors and horses unearthed are only the burial pits around the mausoleum. The real underground palace has never been found.

Qin Yao is solemn and can imagine the helplessness at the beginning, even the immortals can't help it, it is strange to the extreme.

"Let me think about it." Li Zhenwu closed his eyes and thought for a while, so he had an idea: "Who is the person you are looking for?"

As soon as these words came out, even Qin Yao was curious and couldn't help turning her head to look over.

However, Qin Nantian shook his head with a wry smile, "I don't know, the first emperor's mission for my Qin family was to arrange for people to go out to find them. As long as they are found, they will naturally know."

It is not difficult to see that he is also bitter in his heart, and his eyes are black, and countless ancestors have been searching for thousands of years.

As for being able to open the mausoleum to get a prompt, anyone who hears it feels illusory. After all, even immortals can't help it, let alone other people?

Li Zhenwu's eyes flashed, and he suddenly became interested, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "It's interesting, since it's here, then I'll go!"

I have to say that even the immortals can't do anything about a mortal's tomb. No matter what, I feel the strangeness revealed in it.

"Thank you, senior, I don't know when to leave?" Qin Nantian's eyes brightened, and he glanced at Qin Yao intentionally or unintentionally.

"Let's do it today, so as not to have too many dreams at night, the most important thing is that I am very interested."

Li Zhenwu laughed.

Yes, he was really interested. There is such a strange thing in the world, and he should not miss it.

"Okay, old man, I will arrange it immediately."

Qin Nantian nodded without being pretentious, but when he walked to the door, he suddenly turned around, "Can I take Yao'er to meet you, senior?"


After getting the answer, Qin Nantian turned around and left, making arrangements to go to the mausoleum.

Chapter [-] The Mausoleum of the First Emperor!

The Qin family's work efficiency was still fast, and within half an hour, Qin Nantian came back.

"This time, the old man will follow him, and he will also bring some staff, not many, only five people, so that we can make some connections."

Behind Qin Nantian, five youths followed, all of them wearing long robes, and their clothes would be automatic without wind.

Obviously, for the sake of safety, the Qin family dispatched cultivators.

Moreover, these people are in the innate realm, but they are the elites of the family.

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