However, compared with the West and the island countries, the dignified Chinese Qin family does not even have a single immortal. It is not difficult to imagine that the cultivating world in China has indeed withered away-.

You must know that in the island country, those ghost cultivators were powerful, and each of them could reach half-step human beings.

Even in Western countries, the powers of the last time Zijinshan have the strength of the innate realm, and those people are just a few nameless people in the temples.

Li Zhenwu couldn't help shaking his head and sighing. I am afraid that in another hundred years, without the support of spiritual energy, the cultivator will completely withdraw from the stage of history.

"Let's go! Say hello to my parents and me." He waved his hand and went straight out.

"Yes!" A servant who was waiting next to him led the way.

In this way, everyone left the Qin family manor, got on a few off-road vehicles, and headed to the nearest foot of the mountain.

There are lurking guards along the way, within a hundred miles of the Qin family manor, and even the whole of Xi'an, under the surveillance of this family.

After all, Qin Nantian's identity, if there is any accident, I am afraid that it will cause turmoil in various departments of Huaxia.

At the foot of the mountain, it does not have the grandeur of Wudang Mountain, but the environment is good.

After arriving here, a group of people got off the car, and then went up, the car was useless, it was all rolling hills.

"According to the detection, the location of the mausoleum is a continuous line of more than ten hills, but no matter what method is used, it is difficult to reach the edge."

On a hill, Qin Nantian pointed around and explained beside Li Zhenwu.

Fortunately, a group of people are all cultivators. It is not a problem to climb mountains and mountains. After half an hour, they completely came to the hilltops that were sparsely populated.

"and many more!"

Suddenly, Li Zhenwu waved his hand, and the group stopped.

I saw that his face was solemn, his brows were furrowed, and he seemed to feel something.

Suddenly, everyone present did not dare to come out, for fear of disturbing them.

Only Qin Yaodai frowned, her eyes showed a trace of confusion, she was silent the whole time, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Something's wrong. There is no energy fluctuation here, but according to the trend of the surrounding mountains and rivers, there is indeed something underground, and it is huge."

Li Zhenwu frowned and pointed to the connected mountain in front. The shape of the mountain appeared to be leaning against each other and tilted towards the east, undulating like a wave.

Originally, he thought the formation method, but at this time, it seemed that he was wrong.

There is no mana fluctuation at all, it seems that the possibility of formation protection is ruled out. After all, the First Emperor is a mortal, and where does he know how to arrange formations?

As soon as he thought of this, facing the surprised gazes of Qin Nantian, Qin Yao and the others, with a swoosh, he flew into the air and hovered several hundred meters in the air.

At this time, the sun hadn't set, and the people on the ground looked up. Rao's eyes were sharp, and he only saw a little shadow.

"Is this an immortal?" Although Qin Nantian had been prepared, he couldn't help but feel a toothache when he saw Li Zhenwu flying up.

In particular, the five elites of the Qin family who brought him were even more stunned and couldn't believe it.

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree!

What I saw with my own eyes at this time made people suddenly solemn and full of awe.

The sunset is infinitely good, approaching dusk, the sky is dyed red, and it is dazzling and dazzling, like a flame transpiring in the sky.

Li Zhenwu was silent, looking down at the ground below, his eyes became deep, he was fully clothed, and there was no wind.

The fiery red setting sun shone upon him, coating his body with a layer of gold, which was crystal clear and very dazzling.

"There is no mana fluctuation, it's strange." Li Zhenwu squinted, suddenly dodged and landed, flying back to Qin Nantian and the others.

Immediately, everyone was refreshed and wanted to ask questions.

Li Zhenwu waved his hand to stop them, then turned to Qin Nantian and instructed: "I'm a little confused, but I'm afraid that the noise will be too loud and embarrassing for you, so it's best to prepare."

Hearing this, Qin Nantian had no opinion. He had always believed Li Zhenwu's words unconditionally.

At the moment, the five elite youths of the Hehe family contacted the headquarters and informed the various departments in the area that the venue was to be cleared within ten miles.

"What's wrong? Did you find anything?"

Qin Yao trotted over, looking expectantly, asked Qiao Shengsheng.

"Yes, but I can't be sure. Anyway, there will be a lot of movement in the meeting. You'd better be mentally prepared." Li Zhenwu replied casually, his eyes were clear, and he was still staring at the void in front of him.

If it weren't for the embarrassment of the Qin family, he would have already taken action.

"Do you need me to fight?" Hearing Li Zhenwu say that, Qin Yao's face changed drastically.

"Yes, if I'm not wrong, the tomb of the First Emperor is indeed underground, but it's in a different space underground." As he spoke, Li Zhenwu thought of the place where Chiyou was trapped.

Chi You is a witch body constructed by the sea of ​​​​blood space, and it is not suitable to come here, so he still stays in the Qin family to protect his parents in secret.

"Senior, it's alright." Beside him, Qin Nantian put down the phone, his eyes full of anticipation.

Li Zhenwu nodded and took a step, a splendid golden light appeared on his body, like a golden glow, and the surroundings reflected like a dream.

"Immortal means!" Qin Nantian's face was full of excitement. The ability to fly in the sky and glow with light was a characteristic of an immortal for a cultivator.

The others were also stunned, looking at Li Zhenwu, who was striding in the void, with a solemn appearance, and a strong awe surged in his heart.

An abrupt, faint voice came from the golden glow of the sky.


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