I saw a strong golden light sprayed out from it, turned into a finger, swooped down from the air, and stabbed the ground hard.

A finger, rich golden light flowing, emitting a dazzling light.


There was no earth-shattering as imagined, only a sharp whistling erupted, like the sound of metal rubbing, making people's eardrums hurt.

The next moment, in the horror of everyone, in the center of the continuous mountain, a spatial ripple, like a ripple, gradually spread out in all directions, under the golden light, like a lake sparkling under the moonlight.

Chapter [-] The pattern of the nine palaces!

This scene is dazzling and beautiful to the extreme.

In the distance, Qin Nantian and the others were dumbfounded. They didn't expect such a result after seeing the divine powers of immortals with their own eyes.

The ripples in the space come and go quickly.

Three seconds later, when the golden fingers dissipated, the surrounding space completely calmed down.

The mountains and forests are quiet and beautiful, and the gorgeous sunset finally landed on the horizon.

The sky was shrouded in darkness, only the stars in the sky, twinkling with a little starlight, sprinkled faint rays of light.


Li Zhenwu fell from the sky and landed beside Qin Yao, the golden light in his body subsided, and his temperament returned to ordinary.

"Senior, do you have any eyes?" Qin Nantian came over, his tone couldn't hide the joy.

You don't need to ask, you must know the mystery of such a big movement, but I just don't understand what Li Zhenwu means when he comes back now.

The other five Qin family youths also walked quickly and stood by respectfully.

Fang Cai's splendid picture and the fluctuations in that space are beyond everyone's imagination, and they all think that it is the means of immortals.

"Yes, is there something wrong?" Qin Yao asked.

Li Zhenwu pondered for a moment, turned to look at the mountains and rivers surrounding the central basin, pointed to the basin and said, "Where is the location of the tomb you are looking for?"

The mountain, with several people standing, leaned on each other and poured out, forming a circle, leaving a large area in the central basin.

"Yes, with modern science and technology, the location detected is indeed here."

Qin Nantian nodded and paused for a while, but his face was full of doubts: "But when we were excavating, we once got through [-] meters or even a thousand meters underground, and there was no obstacle or reaction, so I am suspicious now."

You must know that hundreds of years ago, when there were still immortals, it was not that they did not take action.

But just like now, the location is detected, but if you want to dig in, there will be nothing.

That feeling, as if the mausoleum seemed to be transparent.

This is very strange!

"That seems right." Li Zhenwu nodded, a meaningful smile raised on the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly, everyone turned to look at him, their eyes full of anticipation.

"What's wrong?" Qin Nantian asked.

"Look at the trends of the mountains and rivers around the basin, what's the difference?" Li Zhenwu said.

"It's really different. According to the family's records, the pattern here is a chain of nine stars." Qin Nantian agreed that this was the family's original record.

Nine-star chain, each mountain represents a formation, nine stars are linked around, and the central basin is indeed the trend of the nine-star chain.

However, Li Zhenwu shook his head and said with a smile: "It's wrong, it's not the nine stars, but the power of the nine palaces. Nine is the ultimate. This is the lore of the nine palaces of heaven and earth. The basin is like a funnel.

As soon as these words came out, Qin Yao, Qin Nantian, and the five young people of the Qin family couldn't help but change their expressions.

Although Li Zhenwu said they didn't understand, anyone could hear that the situation here was not as simple as what they saw.

I have to say that when Li Zhenwu saw it, he was also quite emotional.

This is similar to the nine-curved Yellow River Array, and it is also formed by heaven and earth.

In fact, this natural formation is comparable to the nine-bend Yellow River formation, the basin is born with a funnel, and even formation eyes are formed.

In the prehistoric era, Yunxiao's Nine-Bend Yellow River Array, although it had nine-bend lore, still needed the innate spiritual treasure Hunyuan Jindou as its true eye in order to exert its maximum power.

And the mountains and rivers in front of the terrain, even Lingbao has been saved.

As long as you have a little understanding of the patterns of heaven and earth, you can set up a big formation that makes people dread.

I don't know who set up the Mausoleum of the First Emperor behind the scenes. If there was no one behind the scenes, Li Zhenwu would not believe it.

After all, the Qin family has not been a vegetarian for thousands of years.

I am afraid that the strange people who can be found will not be worse than the original First Emperor, but there is literally no way to do it, and the reason is worth pondering.

However, facing Qin Yao's family, Li Zhenwu obviously didn't want to say more.

"The layout of the nine palaces, that is to say, the Mausoleum of the First Emperor is isolated by at least nine shackles. It is even more difficult to enter."

Li Zhenwu sighed: "The basin is the eye of life and death. It can be detected and entered. It is also a door of death. It is difficult to break through with brute force, unless the secrets can be unlocked."

At this moment, everyone was solemn and their eyes were extremely solemn.

However, they breathed a sigh of relief at the next moment, and Li Zhenwu continued: "But I can enter, I didn't know it before, but in this world, only I can crack it."

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