When the creatures in the dark cloud wanted to make another move, the hundreds of thousands of people below, led by the dark man, had long since pulled away.

High in the sky, everyone was in the blue bubble, hanging down.

"I'm afraid we are in the time and space of ancient myths, because we are not creatures in this time and space, so the other party can't see us coming out." Qin Nantian said lightly.

At this time, he calmed down and quickly thought about the reason for coming to this space-time.

"Could it be the first emperor?" Someone exclaimed.

"Yes, since there is no danger, everyone will take a closer look later. Since it is looking for people, it must be among human beings." Qin Nantian pointed at the hundreds of thousands of people who fled below, and said solemnly.

"Yes!" Everyone answered in unison.

After all, what the First Emperor was looking for was people, not other creatures, so the existence of the dark cloud was directly ruled out.

Soon, after chasing and fleeing, they leaped over the mountains in front of them.

I don't know how many thousands of miles later, at the end of the sky, a quaint Taoist temple appeared.


The bubbles landed naturally and hovered in front of the Taoist temple, allowing Qin Nantian and others to observe the Taoist temple up close.

"The immortal mansion of immortality is the same as Heaven!" Qin Nantian's eyes fell on the couplet in front of the door, and he immediately saw the plaque of Wuzhuangguan, and suddenly exclaimed: "I know, Zhen Yuanzi, Earth Immortal Zuzhen Yuanzi."

Speaking of this, everyone took a deep breath. This ghost place is the ancient world, but the legendary prehistoric world.


At this time, the human race had already come to the front of the view, begging the great immortal to save his life, and in the end, the two lich races fought and killed and injured countless lives again.

Zhen Yuanzi couldn't bear it, and the book of the earth swept out from the Taoist temple, isolating the battle between the two lich clans, and guarding the last trace of the human race.

It's a pity that the Lich is strong, and the two forces are ready to fight.


Suddenly, a meteorite fell from the sky, and the whistling golden light turned into a beam of light linking the heavens and the earth, shocking countless creatures present.

When the golden light dissipated, an angry shout resounded through the sky, causing the world to shake.

"No...no, how is it possible, what did we see, this is not real, an illusion, it must be an illusion..."

Qin Nantian muttered to himself, his expression sluggish, and his whole body turned petrified.

Not only him, except for Qin Yao who closed his eyes, the other five people opened their mouths wide and could not make a sound, their throats seemed to be pinched by an invisible big hand.

In the endless golden light, a blond boy with indifferent eyes, one person indifferently faced the powerhouses of the two Lich clans.

Chapter [-] The truth of the mausoleum!

The yellow sand in the sky is like a desolate desert. There is no difference between day and night, and the sky is gray.

On the edge of the deep pit that was smashed out, Li Zhenwu sat cross-legged in the void, with a solemn appearance, his skin glowed, and a splendid radiance radiated, making him look sacred and solemn.

Athena and Gabriel, who were guarding next to them, had their beautiful eyes widened and their pretty faces flashed with a hint of surprise.

The rich white mist aura that filled the sky and the earth seemed to be pulled by an invisible force, turned into nine snow-white giants, and flew into Li Zhenwu's Tianling Gai with a rumbling sound.

Gradually, the fog became thinner and thinner, and a vast aura slowly emanated.

"Earth Immortal Realm, the spiritual energy here can actually allow me to break through to the Earth Immortal Realm, it's really interesting."

Suddenly, Li Zhenwu opened his eyes, and the corner of his mouth raised a meaningful smile.

"Master!" Upon seeing this, the two women on the left and right immediately saluted respectfully.

The two women are tall and tall, one wears moon-white armor, and has a holy and radiant temperament, while the other wears golden armor and holds a giant sword.

But after seeing Li Zhenwu, he was extremely respectful and sincere.

"Well, thank you for your hard work!" Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, a green lotus pattern on the center of his eyebrows, and disappeared in a flash.

"It's our mission to protect the master, it's not hard work." Gabriel smiled sweetly, her beautiful eyes rippling with autumn water, and her posture was sultry.

"That's right, Athena won't regret it until she dies!" Athena Chi Guoguo stared at Li Zhenwu, pursing her red lips and her big watery eyes, without any concealment.

The gestures of the two are extremely straightforward and heart-warming.

"Cough, I just broke through the realm, for you, the strength will also increase, let's talk to the clock first, and then go out."

Feeling the gazes of the two women, Li Zhenwu waved his hand, and the Chaos Bell spun, and took the two women with resentful faces inside.

It's too sultry, the charm of holy angels and Western gods has a different flavor.

But then again, Li Zhenwu didn't expect such a result when he didn't take action to kill him.

After a moment of silence, he shook his head bitterly, waving the distracting thoughts in his mind, and then looked at the world again, and suddenly felt more and more funny.

"It's just too coincidental that I just broke through to the realm of Earth Immortals. It seems that after I left Honghuang, they didn't leave behind."

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, and immediately walked towards the desolate desert.

The yellow sand swept through the sky and danced in the sky, indescribably desolate and lonely.

This world is real, not an illusion. Li Zhenwu walked all the way, leaving footprints in the yellow sand.

I don't know how far I've walked, when the wind and sand stopped, and the desert became quiet, only the sound of rustling footsteps.

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