Soon, a black shadow appeared in front of him. From a distance, it seemed as if a large army had assembled, standing at the end of the horizon, filled with the aura of slaughter.

Seeing this, Li Zhenwu frowned and frowned.

"Terracotta Warriors?"

Yes, when I walked in, I found that countless terracotta warriors and horses stood on the desert, let the wind and sand raged, motionless.

Seen from a distance, as far as the eye can see, it is densely packed. When there are [-] soldiers and horses, Xiao Xiao is pervading.

Li Zhenwu's brows furrowed deeper, his heart pounded, thinking of some possibility, his face gradually became indifferent, and endless murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Walking among thousands of soldiers and horses, without stopping, he went straight to the center of the largest army.

There are eight divine horses, lifelike, neighing in the sky, and their front hooves are raised high, as if they are going to step on the sky.

Reins pulled the chariot behind it. This chariot was made of bronze and was about the size of a house. On the top was an ancient bronze coffin with rust spots.

Suddenly, when Li Zhenwu came to the front, a sudden change occurred.


The endless killing energy swept in from all directions, and the whole world trembled.

The sound of the sword was bleak, and the momentum of thousands of troops and horses radiated from each terracotta warrior, as if to smash the sky, causing the desert to once again set off an endless storm.


At this moment, Li Zhenwu suddenly shouted loudly, the sound was like thunder, and the boom was raging in the eight wastelands.

The next moment, the whole world suddenly became silent in an eerie instant.

A mournful aura emanated from the thousands of troops and horses, and there were even some terracotta warriors and horses, their eyes were weeping with blood, leaving blood and tears.

"What a saint. It seems that I was too kind back then. I didn't kill all the little thieves. It's just damn."

Li Zhenwu was expressionless, gritted his teeth, his eyes were full of anger, and the anger in his body had almost reached its peak.


With his body in the air, he stepped up and came to the bronze chariot step by step, his eyes fixed on the ancient coffin.

On the rusted coffin lid, there was a jade butterfly, flowing with a pale shimmer.

"Shhh!" Li Zhenwu raised his hand and sucked, taking the object in the void, sucking the jade butterfly into his hand, injecting mana, and immediately observed.

The jade plate is Honghuang's information recording item, and it was placed here, apparently someone was waiting for him to pick it up.

After just one glance, Li Zhenwu's complexion changed drastically, his sword eyebrows twitched, and Teng Teng's killing intent seemed to explode.

"The Kyushu era came to an end, the Taoist ancestors divided the three realms, and the three realms of heaven, earth and human were established.

"There is no saint in the world, the three realms are stable and do not invade each other."

"But one day, the remnants of the original Mahayana Buddhism, with the help of the heavenly court, occupied half of the hell, and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva made a grand vow. The hell is not empty, and he vows not to become a Buddha."

"The three emperors and five emperors of the human world led hundreds of millions of soldiers and horses to help the underworld, but they were headed by the Chang-Ear Dingguang Buddha, and the Tathagata Buddha was supplemented.

"Heavenly world is overjoyed, the emperor of heaven is driving his own expedition, leading him to sit down with the emperors of the four great emperors, and attack the martial arts of the human world."

"Guangchengzi returned to Heaven, under the old hatred and new hatred, he killed seven in and seven out. The Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors ignored him for a while, and was attacked by the Heavenly Court Haotian.

"At the time of the crisis, the clones of the saints, who had been hiding for countless years, were suddenly born and attacked from both the hell and the heavens, and the foundation of the human world was crumbling."

And this is the reason why Li Zhenwu was so angry.

Chapter [-] Conspiracy for the world! (Second update)

One gas and three clears, it is the ultimate supernatural power of Taishang Laojun. At the end of the Conferred God War, for the sake of luck, he did not hesitate to pass it on to Yuanshi Tianzun, in order to fight against Tongtian Cult Master's Immortal Execution Sword Formation.

"Hehe, Laojun Taishang is really generous, even the two Western saints have taught it."

Li Zhenwu squeezed the jade plate tightly, his fingertips turned white, his face became more indifferent, he closed his eyes, and said fiercely.

Even he didn't expect that the saints were so jealous of himself, he was willing to pay any price. I am afraid that he would have left behind in the battle of Chaos Starry Sky.

I have to say that under the union of the saints, they were also given merit by the Taoist ancestors.

Before the war, he had already done everything in order to wait for the Daozu to separate the three realms, hiding for countless years, and finally made a thunderous strike after he had completely disappeared.

Now it seems that the Lingshan battle at the beginning was probably also a test of strength.

Otherwise, with the great wisdom of the Tathagata, how could he have made a move rashly, and the cause and effect of the calculation was also obscured before Li Zhenwu solved it.

I have to say, after the whole thing was straightened out, it was admirable.

The only omission, even if I didn't expect it, Li Zhen was reborn from the military solution, so he was not fully prepared.

"It's hard work for this emperor."

After a long time, Li Zhenwu opened his eyes, looked at the vast desert, and let out a long sigh.

Later, all sentient beings worked together to calculate the whereabouts of the Chaos Clock and finally found a breakthrough, which is why the deceased was reincarnated on Earth.

Likewise, the cycle of reincarnation is cut off, and the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors cannot be reincarnated.

Fortunately, the two saints Nuwa and Houtu were not vegetarians either. Although they could not break through the seal, they sent Daji, Yaochi, Xiaohuaxiaocao and the others with their supreme holy prestige.

The search for the traces of the Holy Father has been going on since the ancient civilizations.

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