Moreover, Xuanyuan and others did not know what method they used to send hundreds of thousands of troops from the Wu Dynasty, just to guard against the backhands of the saints.

It has to be said that the strategic calculations in it have reached an outrageous level.

The saints can count all the worlds in one thought, not to mention the four saints who have been conferred the great achievements of saints, and even the Taishang Laojun has barely broken through the category of saints.

Although Li Zhenwu was strong and fearless, he couldn't stand the insidiousness of those guys.

After being silent for a long time in the sandstorm, Li Zhenwu looked around. One hundred thousand soldiers of the military dynasty were all sealed here, just waiting for his arrival.

The first emperor unified the six kingdoms with the body of mortals, achieved the breakthrough of Chinese civilization, and devoted the power of the dynasty to create this nine palaces of heaven and earth.

I have to say that even Li Zhenwu was filled with emotion by that courage.

"It's hard to get rid of my inner demons, otherwise why would I be here, All Saints Twilight, I don't know if it's right or wrong."

Li Zhenwu gradually calmed down, his face was expressionless, he squeezed the jade plate into powder with a little force in his hand, and floated in the air.

In fact, even he did not expect that the final result would be so tragic.

Not only were the saints tragic, but all sentient beings paid a tragic price.

"Forget it, the Earth is the first battle. When I kill all those who have failed me, I will go back and take a good look. Those conspirators will definitely pay the price."

Li Zhenwu snorted coldly, looked around the [-] soldiers and horses again, turned around resolutely, and rose into the air.

These [-] soldiers and horses are powerful, they are the elite soldiers of the Wu Dynasty, and they want to take them away, but the time has not come.


Under the anger, Li Zhenwu smashed the space with a punch, broke through the obstacles of this world, and disappeared completely in the desert world with a flash of figure.


In the primitive lush world, the background of the prehistoric era.

Inside the cyan bubble, everyone was stunned at this moment.

"This...this is..." The young man Qin Kuan, like a ghost, pointed at the blond boy, completely speechless.

Not to mention him, the rest of the people are not so good.

Even Qin Nantian, who has been in the top management of Huaxia for many years, can't hide the shock and horror in his heart.

The powerful lich came out together, and the blond boy was unparalleled in the world, shining with light all over his body, like a chaotic demon, strong and domineering, and his attack power was the best in the world.

The sight in front of you is really terrifying!

The power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, the damage caused is called a world-destroying war, and the world will change color.

"Li... Zhenwu..."

I don't know how long it took, when everything calmed down, Qin Nan only spoke with difficulty, with a bitter look on his face.

He came from the earth through time and space, witnessed the beginning of the rise of the human race, witnessed the unparalleled heroic appearance of the young man, and witnessed the transformation of all beings in the world.

I don't know how many years they stayed in the prehistoric world, they saw the battle of the saints, and finally the bubbles floated to the Zixiao Palace.


Seeing this scene, everyone sucked in a breath of cool air, their whole bodies trembled, and their faces flushed with excitement.

However, they didn't see anything clearly, they only felt that in the Zixiao Palace, a pair of empty eyes glanced over lightly.


Everyone in the bubble suddenly felt the world spinning, and the whole person lost consciousness.

Before losing consciousness, Qin Nantian and the others only had one thought, it was over.

Angered Daozu with a look, I am afraid even the saints can't escape, they are mere mortals, I am afraid they will die in this ghost place.

For a moment, in the cyan bubble, everyone's meaning fell into darkness, and there was no life in an instant.

After an unknown amount of time, when his consciousness gradually became clear, Qin Nantian faintly heard a familiar voice.

"Grandpa, are you all okay, wake up, don't scare me!" This was Qin Yao's voice, which contained tension and worry.

"Don't worry, you won't die, you just can't bear the pressure, and your mind is broken 2.8."

Immediately afterwards, a faint voice was heard, which seemed to comfort Qin Yao, and it could be heard that he didn't care.

Qin Nantian tried his best to open his eyes, the blurred face came into view, his eyes focused, and he could see the person coming clearly.

When his consciousness dissipated, he faintly heard a voice again.

"Li Zhenwu, think of a way, what happened to my grandfather and the others?" Qin Yao's voice was very anxious, and her voice increased.

"Student Qin Yao, I've answered it eighteen times, and they all said that they were broken-hearted. It's fine to rest for a few days. Let's go back first!"

While speaking, Qin Nantian felt that his body was being dragged by an invisible force, and he slowly flew up. Immediately, his consciousness fell into darkness again.

Chapter [-] Return!

The basin in the center of the nine mountains is lush and green.

Qin Nantian and the five young people of the Qin family were lying on the ground with their eyes closed, their faces showing pain, and their cheeks twitched occasionally.

Looking at it, it's very miserable.

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