
Athena and Gabriel couldn't help being overjoyed when they saw Li Zhenwu's arrival, and immediately flew into the sky from a star.

This space is the universe evolved by the Chaos Clock, not an illusion, but a real existence.

But also, as the master in charge of the Chaos Clock, Li Zhenwu can control it with a single thought. For example, the distance between the stars is not a problem.

"Well, has your strength increased?" Li Zhenwu couldn't help laughing as he looked at the respectful two women.

"Of course, after praying for a while, the increase in strength is more than the previous year." Athena smiled sweetly, and her white plain hands lifted a strand of hair to the back of her ears, her posture very provocative.

"Yes, I now feel that I have broken through to the hope of the twelve-winged angel." Gabriel's beautiful eyes flowed, staring at Li Zhenwu, his eyes seemed to be dripping with water.

"I promise, your strength will be turned upside down within half a year."

Li Zhenwu smiled faintly, very confident, with the hint of the mausoleum, he already knew what to do.

The lotus struts, twisting her waist, clinging to Li Zhenwu tightly, her white arms immediately wrapped around her, her red lips flaming, and a dragon roar sounded.

Chapter [-] I saw you!

A night of spring, infinitely long.

The next day, Li Zhenwu was disheveled, came out of the Chaos Clock, cleaned up, and immediately left the attic.

After having breakfast at his parents' place, Qin Nantian came to invite Li Zhenwu over.

Seeing the respect of the Qin family towards Li Zhenwu and his parents' admiration, Li Zhenwu could only helplessly explain that he had already begun to evolve.

Global evolution, news can no longer be blocked.

Even Li Guohao and Liu Shizhen felt that they were constantly changing, and they exceeded the limit that the outside world said.

Because of this, the Qin family, as one of the bigwigs in Yanjing, will naturally pay attention.

"Xiao Wu, do you think our evolution is good or bad? Will it be used as a research object?" Liu Shi was really nervous, so he didn't tell others for the time being.

Even Li Guohao had a solemn expression on his face.

"Mom and dad, don't worry, the world is evolving now, we can become immortals, this is the recovery of the ancient civilization, everyone is the same, so there is nothing strange."

Li Zhenwu let them relax, even if they stayed at ease.

As for the speed of evolution, he naturally has his credit. After all, the essence and blood of Emperor Zhenwu nourishes the mortal body. For all living beings, it is a supreme treasure.

After a few words, Li Zhenwu slowly left and followed the servant to find Qin Nantian.

At the same time, Qin Nantian was sitting in the hall, looking pale and in poor spirits, apparently not fully recovered.

"Dad, why did you transfer Qin Kuan and the others out of here, and it's still under house arrest, is there anything you can't tell?" King Qin sat opposite, not questioning, but puzzled.

After all, in his impression, Qin Nantian, one of the dignified Chinese bosses, would never be bored.

When Qin Nantian was in the Qin family, everything he did had a profound meaning and far-reaching impact, so people couldn't see it.

It's just that when he just came back from the mausoleum, the first thing he woke up was to put the five people who went with him under house arrest.

Of course, just before the house arrest, Qin Nantian, Qin Kuan and the others had a secret conversation for several hours, and in the end, several people were voluntarily placed under house arrest and under surveillance, which was shocking.

"You don't understand, it's useless to say it, as long as you know, I won't hurt the Qin family."

Qin Nantian smiled bitterly, looking very helpless, "We have already obtained the reminder of the First Emperor's Mausoleum. As for the secret, I don't know how to say it, because it is of great importance and subverts everything."

I didn't mention it, just clicked, after all, everyone is a smart person.

"Well, Dad, I believe that there is nothing wrong with what you do. Is there anything else you need to tell me?" In the end, King Qin did not ask any further questions and accepted the result calmly.

"No, the only thing I do, I hope you can talk to Yao'er more. That classmate Li Zhenwu is good and can be entrusted for life. Young people, if you have more contact, you will naturally have feelings."

There was a lot of chatter, Qin Nantian couldn't help but be overjoyed, his eyebrows flying.

Seeing this, King Qin couldn't help but sweat coldly on his forehead. What is this, is it because he is the first immortal in China, so this is the case?

"Don't worry, old man, I won't hurt you. As for what to do, I believe you can figure it out. I don't need to say anything more." Qin Nantian glanced over and snorted coldly.

Just then, someone came in and interrupted the conversation between father and son.

"Xiao Wang, please go and invite yourself in. I haven't recovered yet."

Qin Nantian raised his eyelids and stared at King Qin.

King Qin understood, without any hesitation, stood up and went out.

In front of the attic door, seeing Li Zhenwu couldn't help being polite, and after inviting Li Zhenwu in, King Qin turned around and left.

"Senior Li, thank you for your help."

In the hall, the two sat opposite each other, and Qin Nantian was the first to speak to express his gratitude.

"No, everyone understands, I want to know, what did the old man see when he went in?" Li Zhenwu raised his hand to stop and asked curiously.

It would be a lie to say that he is not curious. Since he can enter the burial place of the First Emperor, what about the people of the Qin family, do they have another mission?

Qin Nantian glanced at Li Zhenwu with cloudy eyes, and he couldn't help but groan in his heart.

so similar!

Or rather, the same person!

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