Everything I saw in the prehistoric time and space was shocking, shocking the soul, and could not be calmed down for a long time.

After a while, seeing Qin Nantian startled, Li Zhenwu did not urge and waited quietly.

I don't know how long it took, Qin Nantian woke up, laughed secretly to himself, and looked at Li Zhenwu again, still feeling shocked.

"Senior Li, do you believe in reincarnation?" Qin Nantian asked tentatively after a long silence.

Li Zhenwu was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect him to ask such a question, and said, "Six reincarnations are the rules of heaven and earth, not a matter of believing or not believing."

"After becoming an immortal, is it possible to restore the memory of the past life?"

"Of course there is, but it's not the immortals you mentioned, but the talents of the real immortal realm. The three thousand avenues have the same goal, and the human immortals are the immortals you mentioned. But it is nothing at all. Above the human immortals, there is also land Immortal, True Immortal, Taiyi True Immortal, Golden Immortal, Daluo Golden Immortal realm, heaven and earth have no limits, for all living beings, they are all the same."

I don't know why, Li Zhenwu felt it, which made Qin Nantian very emotional.

In fact, Qin Nantian had already understood something when he was in the prehistoric time and space, and now he was even more embarrassed when he got Li Zhenwu's answer.

"So that's the case, seniors talk about it!"

"Tell me, in the mausoleum, what did you see and did you find any hints? Of course, I have no other intentions, I'm just curious." Li Zhenwu said calmly.

I have to say, in addition to curiosity, it is really only curiosity.

After leaving the Jiugong Basin, he has a keen sense of consciousness and has long discovered that Qin Yao, including Qin Yao, their evolution speed is ten times faster than usual.

And, over time, it should be faster.

After a moment of silence, the hall fell silent.

After an unknown amount of time, Qin Nantian's face was pale, staring at Li Zhenwu with a strange light flashing in his eyes.

"We saw you."

It seemed that it took infinite courage to finally grit his teeth and say a terrifying word.

Chapter [-] Huaxia high-level!

As soon as this statement came out, Li Zhenwu was mentally prepared, and he was stunned for a moment.

It's not that he didn't think about it. After all, the Mausoleum of the First Emperor existed for him, and the mission of the Qin family was explained to him, and the person he was looking for was right in front of him.

However, after Qin Nantian's detailed explanation, Li Zhenwu groaned in his heart.

You know, that is Daozu. I didn't expect to travel through time and space, not the real world. Before everyone could see it clearly, Daozu was hit with a look, which is really shocking.

"Holy Father Zhenwu, please accept the old man's worship."

While speaking, Qin Nantian resisted the weakness of his body, leaned over and bowed.

Li Zhenwu would ask him to bow down. After all, he was Qin Yao's grandfather in this life. He immediately waved his hand and Void held it up.

"No, since you all know it, I have nothing to hide." Li Zhenwu smiled lightly.

After all, his identity is here, I know it, and I don't care.

However, the layout of the Nine Palaces, not everyone can arrange it, and it is a natural formation, which is definitely not trivial.

Li Zhenwu didn't think that the cultivators on Earth had this kind of strength. If they did, they wouldn't have to search for his whereabouts for thousands of years.

As soon as he thought about it, the doubts in it made him curious.

"Yes, I am the Holy Father Hong 547 Huang Zhenwu, but now it is different from before. The mythical world of the West will soon be opened up, and the movement between countries will definitely become more frequent."

Li Zhenwu sneered and said, "Earth is only the first battle. I don't want to repeat the fate of the Wu Dynasty. Since you have the identity of Huaxia, it is best to unify the countries as soon as possible to be needed."

In fact, the saints have already understood what they are thinking.

As for the mythical world in the West, if he guessed correctly, it was just a vanguard.

What will happen next is unknown.

Qin Nantian sat down again, cold sweat oozing from his forehead, and understood the seriousness of it.

"Holy Father, apart from the mythical world, is there any other unknown power?" I have to say, Qin Nantian is at a high level, and he has accumulated many years of experience, and he soon thought of the key.

"Yes, hehe, it's just the mythical world, I can kill it alone."

Li Zhenwu sneered and said lightly: "But if you only have these strengths, there is no need to send [-] soldiers and horses of the Wu Dynasty. You don't know, the lowest of [-] soldiers and horses is the cultivation level of true immortals, and the highest is even Daluo Jinxian. , which is intriguing.”

"It turns out that, since I already know, then it is not too late for me to return to Yanjing immediately and discuss it with everyone." Qin Nantian said.

"If you start a war, without the help of supernatural powers, can Huaxia have a chance of winning?"

"If the Holy Father is willing to show up, the odds of winning are [-]%."

"Why? Li Zhenwu was stunned for a moment, and immediately became happy.

"I'm not the only one who decides Hua Xia." Qin Nantian sighed and said helplessly: "Those old guys are all mature. If they are not sure, they will definitely not use their greatest strength."

Among the top executives of Huaxia, the Qin family is only one of several bigwigs, and it is true.

If Qin Nantian took it all down, Li Zhenwu would still feel puzzled. Anyway, his identity has been exposed, so there is nothing to hide.

"It doesn't matter, the world has gradually changed, and I will give you a great gift."

Li Zhenwu nodded and asked him to let him go and make arrangements, and just do it himself. As for the gift, it was natural to practice the exercises.

When he was in the prehistoric times in his previous life, he suppressed the heavens and cultivated as many exercises as he wanted.

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