As for the way of true martial arts, this place is not a prehistoric place, and there is insufficient spiritual energy, so naturally it will not be easily taught.

"Yes, I will definitely not live up to the expectations of the Holy Father." Qin Nantian saluted respectfully, and was immediately beaten into a true martial power by Li Zhenwu, and soon recovered his spirits.

Immediately, he did not dare to delay, and immediately retire to inform several other families.

Diaoyutai, in a living room.

At this time, there were nameless old men sitting in the living room, everyone was in high spirits, and their eyes were all looking at the screen in front of them.

"Let me tell you a few people, that's the way it is. Think about it carefully. If it is confirmed, I will immediately set off for Yanjing with the Holy Father."

On the screen, Qin Nantian's eyes were deep, staring at a few old buddies, and said in a deep voice.

The living room fell silent, dead silent.

The five old men looked at each other in dismay. You all looked at me and I looked at you.

What Qin Nantian just said was truly shocking and subverting everyone's perception.

What is the prehistoric era, what is the Lich War, what is the Battle of the Saints, what is the Zixiao Palace, etc.

These legends, they have only heard of them in books, handed down from ancient times, and have always been myths and legends in people's cognition.

Unexpectedly, the legend of the past has become true.

The effect of this contrast was unacceptable for a while.

Even, they can't believe it at all, it is really important, let alone, there are any saints' calculations in it.

These mysterious things, Rao is aware of the cultivator alliance, and feels uneasy in the bottom of my heart.

"I said Lao Qin, you have to know that this is not a trivial matter!"

An old man pondered for a moment and shouted in dissatisfaction.

He was wearing a Chinese tunic suit, and when he sat upright, his waist was straight and his bearing was calm. He had obviously been in the top position for a long time, and he did not immediately believe it.

This person is Zhu Ming, the head of the Zhu family, one of the Chinese bosses.

"Yes, this matter is very important. If you are not careful, it will push Huaxia to the end of the world." Xia Xiacheng, one of the bosses, said lightly.

"It's too mysterious, I'm not sure, you have the final say."

"After all, it's not a trivial matter related to the fortune of the country. You should understand, Lao Qin. It's not clear to talk about it like this. Otherwise, you can bring Li...Eh Holy Father over to have a look."

The rest of the people waited, and they also opened their mouths, not daring to agree.

No one dares to take it lightly when it comes to the fortune of the country. This is a burden on the lives of hundreds of millions of people, and it cannot be played with.

"This, I'll talk to the Holy Father first, you wait."

Qin Nantian showed hesitation. In fact, he didn't dare to embarrass Li Zhenwu, so he could only embarrass himself.

Chapter [-] Guiding Jiangshan!

China's national fortunes are very sensitive. For hundreds of years in modern times, it has been suppressed by Western powers, so things seem to be forward-looking.

Especially when the situation is unclear, it is even more cautious to the extreme.

There is no way to miss the first industrial revolution in terms of technology, and the same is true for monks. Modern monks can be said to have withered too much.

Because of this, when the high-level officials are dealing with various countries, their momentum is obviously weaker.

In this regard, Li Zhenwu never thought that he would be able to reverse it immediately, but he can only say take it slow.

As for Qin Nantian's attitude, he also saw it clearly, thinking that it would be at least half a year before the world of Western mythology was fully opened, so he calmed down.

"Let's go!"

Li Zhenwu bid farewell to his parents, and immediately stood in front of the manor, standing side by side with Qin Nantian, ready to leave here.

The cautious attitude of the senior management of Huaxia is nothing.

If the other party agrees immediately, it will make people feel strange!

"Senior, it's work."

Qin Nantian and the senior members of the family urged, especially repeatedly told Qin Yao to be optimistic, with a stern look, making people agree.


When the blue light transpired and turned into a green lotus in the void, everyone present was shocked again.

Qin Nantian sat on the lotus, and under the control of Li Zhenwu, he soared into the sky.

The two left Xi'an and flew all the way to Yanjing.

This contact, both of them are conducted in secret, without fanfare, very cautious.

Late at night, a historic courtyard house is brightly lit.

Indistinct, surrounded by soldiers with guns patrolling, three steps and one post, heavily guarded.

Suddenly, there was a vehicle coming from a distance, and the guard was shocked, and he was full of energy.

The car door opened, and the old man from the Xia family came out.

Not long after, another car came slowly from a distance.

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