The soldiers around were suddenly solemn, not knowing what was going on tonight, since the two bosses could be dispatched to meet.

What followed, however, shocked them.

Finally, the fifth vehicle arrived, and the soldiers patrolling around were immediately ordered by Shangfeng to pay attention to the safety of the courtyard.

However, although these soldiers were puzzled, they were all expressionless and could only cheer up.

In the yard, five people gathered together, nothing to be polite, they were all old acquaintances, and they only met at noon.

"Why hasn't that fellow Lao Qin come yet?" Xia Xiacheng's face was not angry and arrogant, and the aura of a superior was faintly exuded.

"Who knows, his whereabouts have been lost since he left Xi'an." Zhu Ming's eyes flickered, and he said lightly.

The rest of the people were all talking about it.

In fact, after arranging the meeting place, Qin Nantian couldn't get in touch, and no one followed.

According to the information received, Qin Nantian was brought here by that existence, which made the five old guys puzzled.

Others do not know, but they know very well.

That existence is the ruthless character who fought the island country alone and swept the modern army.

That is, the Holy Father mentioned by Qin Nantian, a living god who transcends heaven and earth and overlooks all living beings. It is said that it has existed since the prehistoric era.

Although it was unbelievable, they also knew that Qin Nantian would not talk nonsense.

"We all understand that guy's temperament, we'll just wait." One person said lightly, and everyone ended the discussion.

In this way, the five bosses representing China are waiting patiently in the courtyard.

Suddenly, Zhu Ming's eyes flashed, he looked up at the sky, pointed to the distance and exclaimed.

When everyone heard the words, they looked over and were stunned.

I saw an illusory cyan lotus flower in the dark night sky, holding Qin Nantian and quickly coming here.

Behind Qin Nantian, a young man walked in the air, as if there were invisible stairs in the air, walking towards this direction from a high altitude.


Li Zhenwu landed with Qin Nantian, silently, without disturbing any guards.

"Everyone, I don't need to introduce you, this is the Holy Father Zhenwu." Qin Nantian smiled, stepped aside, and introduced enthusiastically.

Li Zhenwu is not tall, wearing loose sports clothes, black hair shawls, fluttering in the wind, with a faint smile on his face.

Hearing this, everyone turned to look at them.

At the same time, Li Zhenwu was also looking at them, looking at each other, which instantly shocked the old guys.

I only feel that those eyes are bright and bright, without any earthly rendering, just like the stars in the night sky, shining with dazzling light.

At this moment, the five old guys were shocked and bowed in unison.

"Holy Father!" The voice was not loud, but it contained respect.

For nothing else, even if it is not the Holy Father of the Great Desolation, the demeanor of one person fighting a country alone is enough to make it difficult for people to look up to him.

"Well, Mr. Qin has told me enough about your affairs." Li Zhenwu nodded and replied lightly.

"Holy Father, this is not the place to talk, go ahead and talk about it." Qin Nantian said respectfully.

Immediately, the group entered the courtyard, and the guests and the host were seated.

Li Zhenwu sat at the top, and the six people were sitting on the left and right, and all their fiery eyes fell on Li Zhenwu.

It has to be said that being able to soar in the sky is already a mythical figure for them.

"Everyone, I made it clear when I was using the communicator. Now I will ask you what you mean. Within half a year, the entire earth must be unified." Qin Nantian pondered for a moment, and said with a firm expression.

The voice fell, and the field fell silent.

Although I already knew the purpose, but when I confirmed it, I still felt a pressure.

"Holy Father, I think everyone understands that it is not easy for Huaxia to get to where it is today, and our army will not be able to take advantage of other countries."

Zhu Mingchao and Li Zhenwu surrendered, and immediately said in a condensed voice: "After all, there are so many countries, the geographical area is too large, and it is difficult for millions of troops to divide so much combat power."

"Yes, as long as you hold the Southeast Asian side, attack from Inner Mongolia, take the Soviet Union first, enter Europe, and then enter North America from the Strait. On this road, the troops are too scattered, I am afraid it is difficult to maintain."

Xia Xiacheng frowned and said solemnly.

Obviously, they had already done their homework before coming.

Chapter [-] The conference that changes the world!

"It doesn't matter, as long as the countries surrender, we will take over. If the Holy Father is in charge, we are not afraid of them cheating."

Qin Nantian has blind confidence in Li Zhenwu.

Not to mention the strength of the first immortal in China, it is enough to prove that it can stir the evolution of the world.

It is even said that everything that was seen in the prehistoric era.

This is an invincible powerhouse, and none of the saints can shake it. If he goes mad, all living beings will tremble.

"That being said, it is possible to fight online, and the consequences of scattered troops can easily be counterattacked by the enemy." Some people frowned, still feeling uneasy.

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