Li Zhenwu sat on the head, silent, just quietly listening to their discussions.

In the end, no one can convince anyone.

The discussion gradually quieted down, and everyone's eyes fell on Li Zhenwu.

If anyone's words are the most convincing, it must be this one.

Li Zhenwu pondered for a moment, then glanced around the crowd lightly, and then said: "I have a method, I wonder if you would like to hear it?"

"Holy Father, but it doesn't matter!" Everyone stood up and cupped their hands in a very respectful manner.

"Since you flatter me as the Holy Father, then I will not harm you. Since the defense line is too large, and after the modern rules are formulated, it is indeed difficult to stabilize the occupied area."

Li Zhenwu said slowly, "Then it's better to think about it from another angle, why should we attack, it's better to let all countries attack, and there are too many soldiers killed and injured, I'm afraid it will not be good for me in the future."

You must know that since the earth is set as the first battle, it will definitely require the help of various countries.

If there are too many casualties, the impact will be impossible to clear in a short period of time.

Li Zhenwu's meaning is very simple. Since the war area is too large and there are too many countries, let the countries take the initiative and don't bother to look for them one by one.

"As long as you lure all countries to send troops, then their countries will not have too many troops stationed there, and then send soldiers directly to occupy it."

Li Zhenwu's face remained unchanged, he spoke lightly, and his voice echoed in the conference room.

The voice fell, and everyone's eyes flashed quickly.

"Does the Holy Father mean to let them take the initiative to attack and then eradicate them in one fell swoop?" Qin Nantian asked tentatively.

"Yes, at that time, I will naturally take action to suppress, not to eradicate, but also to trap the soldiers, and then you will send troops to attack. At that time, there will be no troops in the countries to resist."

Needless to say, all of you here are smart people, and you can get through.

"I have a doubt. All countries are attacking jointly, with at least ten million troops. Is the Holy Father confident?" Zhu Ming stood up and surrendered to Li Zhenwu.

Hearing this, everyone suddenly looked shocked, and their eyes were full of anticipation.

"Don't say ten million, ten times more, I can sleep." Li Zhenwu smiled lightly.

Just kidding, as soon as the Chaos Clock comes out, the Chaos Starry Sky inside, with his current mana control, can trap a billion people.

"Is that so..." Qin Nantian took a deep breath and could already imagine the scene at that time.

"However, if you are alone, you may be worried, but if I can create hundreds of immortals within half a year, I wonder how confident you are?" Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, and then threw out another temptation.

The voice fell, and there was a gasp of breath in the field.


Or hundreds of fairies?

This is beyond imagination. If there are hundreds of immortals, they are comparable to hundreds of millions of troops, and they can definitely sweep the earth.

However, it can also be seen that Li Zhenwu has created too many murders not far away.

Just think about it, if there is a global war, if the Huaxia army is pushed all the way, it will take time and number of people that everyone does not want to face.

If you use the method Li Zhenwu said, it is simply the best.

The most important thing is that there are hundreds of immortals among them. Can they refuse this temptation?

The answer is no!

"I don't know what kind of people do the immortals cultivated by the Holy Father need?" Zhu Ming said respectfully, and his attitude was much lower again.

That's a fairy!

Huaxia has not had one for hundreds of years, but in Li Zhenwu's eyes, hundreds of them can be cultivated in half a year. This temptation is too great, and no one can resist it.

Li Zhenwu pondered for a moment, then spit out two words: "Be obedient!"

The six big men who mastered the secrets of China looked at each other, and an organization emerged in their hearts, and that was the military...

"Yes, as for how to lure countries to send troops, I want to discuss in detail and see what methods can be used." Xia Xiacheng said.

In the end, everyone agreed and accepted the plan.

When they looked at Li Zhenwu's eyes, they couldn't help but feel their hearts surging, and the cooling blood heat boiled again.

"As for the candidates, I think you know better than me. Apart from being obedient, the other requirements are not high." Li Zhenwu warned again.

"Holy Father, don't worry, for the sake of China, we will not be selfish." Qin Nantian's tone was firm.

Others have expressed their opinions. After all, global evolution and ancient civilization are once again generals. If they want to be strong, they are not in a hurry.

Everyone has been talking about late at night, and the six Chinese bosses are in high spirits and are not tired at all.

"Find a place for me to retreat, you can arrange everything, I only set a general direction." Li Zhenwu stood up and wanted to leave first.

This request is naturally no problem, Xia Xiacheng immediately found someone to come in, and sent Li Zhenwu to the Yanjing Military Region overnight.

Of course, as for the identity of the Holy Father, they want to keep it secret. For Huaxia, it is a trump card that subverts the world.

Li Zhenwu naturally had no opinion on this, and was too lazy to pay attention to it.

After watching Li Zhenwu leave, everyone in the room looked at each other and could see the emotion of the other party.

"3.4 I didn't lie to you, it's just a small trick of the Holy Father. In the future, you will definitely be glad for today's decision." Qin Nantian glanced at everyone and laughed.

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