"I also know that it's better to discuss how to lure countries to send troops. During this time, people are panicking. I feel that all countries are very quiet, and I'm afraid they won't take the bait."

"It's okay, say hello from the Jin family, and let him go to the neighbor's house to play if he is not happy. There is no conflict, then we can create conflicts ourselves."

"The North American side is also. The notice below, the generated things will be suppressed for half a year, and the trade surplus will be restricted. At that time, when the cheap goods are gone, North America will be in chaos first."

In the conference room, a few old foxes laughed slyly, as if they had already made an appearance.

Chapter [-] Yanjing Military Region!

"On the Siberian side, our oil reserves are sufficient, so we can wait a while and let them hurry."

"That's right, it's not easy for half a year anyway!"

"Fortunately, I didn't play the virtual set of finance. If there was no real value, it would be as easy as it is now!"

Qin Nantian and the others all sighed with emotion, as if the cause and effect were destined somewhere.

At the moment, no one has any opinions, and the general policy has been discussed. As long as it is distributed and the details are added by the people below, it can be carried out immediately.

"Three hundred soldiers are recruited from the army. This time, anyone who is involved in the relationship must be slowed down, and the Holy Father must not be disappointed." Zhu Ming looked solemn and changed the topic.

The voice fell, and everyone was shocked.

They turned their heads to look at Qin Nantian. Could it be that cultivating hundreds of immortals is a so-called gift?

If true, it is indeed a great gift.

After all, hundreds of immortals, as long as they reach the realm of immortals, can soar in the sky and possess magical means.

At that time, one person can reach an ordinary army.

In fact, even if it reaches the realm of immortals, it is not as powerful as he imagined.

After all, compared with Li Zhenwu, it is impossible, but the weight of one person can indeed equal the weight of a division's army.

Soon, they were busy with each other, and the orders were ordered in an orderly manner.

The next moment, the chiefs of the military regions in China, after receiving the above orders, did not delay, and directly submitted all the information of the most advantageous soldiers in their respective fields.

The review time that comes back and forth is not something that can be done in one day.

It was not until the sky was dawning that this meeting that decided the world ended quietly.

Qin Nantian did not rest. After all, he had practiced the exercises and was full of energy. After getting in the car, he went directly to the Yanjing Military Region.

In the morning, the sky is slightly bright.

The sound of neat footsteps came from the gates of the strict military district.

After Qin Nan got off the bus, Commander Lin, who had been waiting for another time, immediately greeted him respectfully.

"Elder Qin, why did you suddenly think of coming here?" Commander Lin was not tall, in his fifties, with dark skin, a soldier who had experienced wind and rain at first glance.

"The people who brought you last night, are you not embarrassed?" Qin Nantian asked in a deep voice.

"No, since several of you have ordered us, we have all been entertained and arranged for a headquarter." Commander Lin said.

"Well, that's good, you immediately divide a training ground out, and all the idle people will be cleared. I will be useful in a few days."

Qin Nantian stepped forward, suddenly thought of something, and continued: "Remember, the place must be large enough for ten thousand people to train at the same time."

In fact, he also thought of the cultivation of cultivators, so he would say this.

As for how Li Zhenwu was trained, outsiders do not know, if they knew, they would definitely be dumbfounded.

After a while, under the leadership of Commander Lin, they soon came to a detached courtyard.

Without knocking on the door, he stood respectfully outside the door, waiting for the people inside to come out by themselves.

In the room, Li Zhenwu came out of the Chaos Clock, put on his clothes, and then slowly walked out.

"Mr. Li." Qin Nantian said respectfully.

Hearing this, Commander Lin was stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted and said hello.

Seeing Li Zhenwu's youthful appearance, he felt familiar, and suddenly remembered the shock that had happened some time ago, and his scalp felt numb.

Unexpectedly, several people who were sent to the military region last night turned out to be this existence.

That is a god-like existence!

Immediately, Commander Lin's eyes were extremely fiery, and his attitude became more respectful.

"Well, everything is done?" Li Zhenwu nodded, and reached out to invite the two of them to go in and talk.

The three sat down, and the deputy who followed, immediately served tea, and then quietly exited.

"It turned out to be Senior Li, who is in Xialinhu, and is the commander of the Yanjing Military Region. Please give me more advice in the future." Commander Lin was indeed a soldier, and when he thought of Qin Nantian's exhortation, he immediately thought of something.

"It's okay, you're welcome!" Li Zhenwu waved his hand indifferently.

In the face of the Chinese boss, the commander of the Yanjing Military Region, he is still flattered. His calmness and calmness are enough to make people admire.

It's no wonder that in the face of the island nation's hundreds of thousands of troops, it is still a strong shot, which is the confidence of its own strength.

"Mr. Li, everything has been arranged. The selected soldiers will be reported from all over the country in three days. Do you have any other orders?" Qin Nantian did not dare to call the Holy Father in front of outsiders. It was too scary. .

"I need a few assistants, Jiangnan Chu Tianjun, as well as Ye Tian and Hu Ming, I don't know if I can?" Li Zhenwu said lightly.

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